  • 因为在没有“仁爱”的地方,一群的人众并不能算做一个团体,许多的面目也仅仅是一列图画;而交谈不过是铙钹丁令作声尔。
    For a crowd is not company; And faces are but a gallery of pictures; And talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.
  • 世间并没有一本可以创造“幽默的技巧”,或“愤世嫉俗的恳挚态度的三小时课程”,或“实用常识规十五条”和“感觉灵敏规十一条”的手册。这是显而易见的。
    It is clear that there can be no handbook for developing a "humorous technique" or a "three-hour course in cynical kindliness, " or "fifteen rules for practical common sense" and "eleven rules for delicacy of feeling."
  • 然后就是她最喜欢的制片厂厂长柯恩——哥伦比亚电影公司作风粗野的大老板。柯恩从来没有挑逗过她,至于其他大亨不乏其人。
    Then there was her favorite studio head, Harry Cohn, the crude czar of Columbia Pictures. Cohn never made a pass at her, although she says many other moguls did.
  • 从中国得利最大的,是两个国家,一个是日本,一个是沙俄,在一定时期一定问题上也包括苏联。
    The countries that took greatest advantage of China were Japan and czarist Russia -- and at certain times and concerning certain questions, the Soviet Union.
  • 而你爸爸不同,迈克。
    Your dad is different Mike.
  • 爸爸的朋友转过身去爆发出一阵大笑,爸爸微笑着摇着头。
    My dad's friend turned and burst into laughter. My dad smiled and shook his head.
  • 他在生活上过于奉行清教徒式的原,所以不能领略跳舞的乐趣。
    He is too much of a puritan to enjoy dancing.
  • 不要买那么多华而不实的东西,那些我们并不是真的需要,否你在毕业时就要麻烦自已把这些东西卖掉
    Do not buy so many dandy things which we do not really need, otherwise you will have to take the bother to sell them when you graduate
  • 西班牙门将佩德罗·孔特拉斯认为,这个球实在是太"奇怪"了。丹麦守门员索伦森很沮丧地表示,在"飞火流星"的"帮助"下,这届世界杯会产生更多的进球。
    Spain goalkeeper Pedro Contreras said the ball acts "strangely", while Danish keeper Thomas Sorensen admitted glumly that it would probably result in more spectacular goals.
  • 朗格夫人还不知道她的爱女正跟一个留长发的诗人姘居,否准要气得发抖。
    Mrs. Long would certainly have a fit if she knew that her darling daughter was shacking up with a long-haired poet.
  • 现代的新闻工作,以“最庸俗者生存”这伟大的达尔文式的原来为自己的存在辩护。
    Modern journalism justify its own existence by the great Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgar.
  • 现代的新闻工作,以“最庸俗者生存”这伟大的达尔文式原原来为自己的存在辩护。
    Modern journalism justifies its own existence by the great Darwinian principle of the survival of the uvlgarest.
  • 弗尔南多把酒杯掉在了地上,杯子碎了。
    Fernand dashed his on the ground.
  • 以下是专家建议的网上约会规
    The following rules are recommended by experts when dating on-line:
  • 俗话中的“物以类聚,人以群分”是一个永不过时的约会规
    the old adage" birds of a feather flock together" is one dating rule that will never go out of style.
  • 最深的地方位于蒲台岛以北的螺洲门,低于海拔66米。
    The deepest point is 66metres below Principal Datum in Lo Chau Mun (Beaufort Channel) north of Po Toi Island.
  • 凯斯·戴维斯拨了一分类广告上提供的免费电话号码,应聘客户业务经理的职位。
    Answering a classified for an account executive, Keith Davis dialed the toll free number listed.
  • 至于撞击式打桩工程,禁止在限制时间内施工;即使在日间进行,也须领有许可证。
    Percussive piling work is prohibited during the restricted hours and requires a permit even during daytime.
  • 2月21日是他们的最后期限。
    And February 21 is the deadline for the report.
  • 我必须就此开始工作,否我将超过最后期限
    I have to get working on this or I'll miss my deadline.
  • 亚洲特别不幸:日本不但无法成为一股推动复苏的力量,反而加重了亚洲负荷。
    And Asia has been unexpectedly unlucky by having Japan as a deadweight instead of a locomotive.
  • 亚洲特别不幸:日本不但无法成为一股推动复苏的力量,反而加重了亚洲负荷。
    And Asia has been unexpectedly unlucky by having Japan being a deadweight instead of a locomotive.
  • 系主任因学生不守规而责备了他们。
    The dean censured the students for breaking rules.
  • 如果认清了中国是一个许多帝国主义国家互相争夺的半殖民地,一,就会明白全世界何以只有中国有这种统治阶级内部互相长期混战的怪事,而且何以混战一天激烈一天,一天扩大一天,何以始终不能有一个统一的政权。
    If one dearly understands this, one will understand first why the unusual phenomenon of prolonged and tangled warfare within the ruling classes is only to be found in China, why this warfare is steadily growing fiercer and spreading, and why there has never been a unified regime.
  • 如果共产党员忘记了这个原性,他们就不能正确地指导抗日战争,他们就将无力克服国民党的片面性,就把共产主义者降低到无原的地位,把共产党降低到国民党。
    If Communists forget this difference in principle, they will be unable to guide the War of Resistance correctly, they will be powerless to overcome the Kuomintang's one-sidedness, and they will debase themselves to the point of abandoning their principles and reduce their Party to the level of the Kuomintang.
  • 如果戴比在场在话,你一定不能被她抓住,否她就会很快抓住这一有利机会的。
    You mustn’t be caught bending when Debbie’s around or she’ll quickly seize the advantage.
  • 一切可能只是我的一场梦,但我发誓,我听说了那新闻。特怀克罗斯动物园的那只名叫黛比的貘日渐憔悴。直到有一天,一位好心的管理员为它带来了一台电视机和录相带。
    I may have dreamt the whole thing, but I could swear I heard on the news that Debbie, a tapir at Twycross Zoo, was pining away until a kindly keeper provided a TV and video.
  • 合气道日本的一种自卫拳术,运用搂抱和不抵抗的原来削弱对方的力量
    A Japanese art of self-defense that employs holds and locks and that uses the principles of nonresistance in order to debilitate the strength of the opponent.
  • 懒则衰。
    Laziness leads to debility.
  • 起初只是探讨如何才能最有效地纠正电脑程序错误的技术之争,而现在演变为知识所有权和使用方式的政治大战,交战的一方是那些相信观念自由传播的人,另一方是那些更愿意将其称为“知识产权”的人。
    What started as a technical debate over the best way to debug computer programs is developing into a political battle over the ownership of knowledge and how it is used, between those who put their faith in the free circulation of ideas and those who prefer to designate them "intellectual property".
  • 但是自由主义取消思想斗争,主张无原的和平,结果是腐朽庸俗的作风发生,使党和革命团体的某些组织和某些个人在政治上腐化起来。
    But liberalism rejects ideological struggle and stands for unprincipled peace, thus giving rise to a decadent, philistine attitude and bringing about political degeneration in certain units and individuals in the Party and the revolutionary organizations.
  • 随着美国人的富裕程度日益提高,消费也变得越来越复杂,人们开始把更多的钱花在服务方面——看电影、旅游、抵押买房、为房屋保险、偶尔到豪华饭店度个奢侈周末。经济学家称这种现象为需求变化;《财富》杂志认为这是本年度评出的100家最大公司中有64个是服务业公司的主要原因。在未来几年,10种发展最快的职业中只有3种(软件工程、护士和电脑支持)能够提供中等收入,其余的都可称作沃尔玛式的职业——收银员、售货员、食品服务,以及诸如此类的职业。总之,同过去相比,服务业正在提供更多相当不错的就业机会。
    As America got richer consumption got more complicated.With more income to throw around,people started spending more on services -- movies and travel,mortgages to buy houses,insurance to protect those houses,the occasional decadent weekend at a luxury hotel.Economists call this a shift in the demand pattern;Fortune calls it the main reason that 64 of this year’s top 100 are service companies.Over the next few years,only three of the ten fastest-growing occupations(software engineers,nurses,and computer support)pay middle-class salaries.The rest could be called,well,Wal-Mart kinds of jobs -- cashiers,retail assistants,food service,and so on.In short,the service economy is delivering more good jobs than ever before.