  • 患上“邻居冷感症”的,多数是上班一族,退休人士、家庭主妇大部时间都在组屋周围活动,所以还较有可能跟邻居打交道。
    Those who feel frigid towards their neighbours are mostly the working people. By comparison, retirees and housewives are more sociable, as they spend more time about the housing estates.
  • 经过十几年的努力,目前,社会保险制度的基本政策已经制定并陆续颁布和实施,覆盖了大多数城镇职工和离退休人员,部地区还把流动到城市就业的农民工也纳入进来;
    Through more than a decade's efforts, basic social insurance policies have been formulated, and successively promulgated and implemented, covering the vast majority of urban staff and retirees, and in some regions even rural people working in cities are included.
  • 未经整理类的处于未析状况的;不能用于相关情形或数据的
    In an unanalyzed form; not adjusted to allow for related circumstances or data.
  • 你不必担心表现的过机智”他的对手反驳道
    You don't need to worry about appearing too intelligent, retorted his opponent.
  • 身体不节的海生小虫,当受扰时其前部缩进身体里看起来象颗花生。
    small unsegmented marine worm that when disturbed retracts its anterior portion into the body giving the appearance of a peanut.
  • 对於那些可以帮助自己的人,我们必须向他们提供在职训练或再培训,使他们能够对香港的成就出一力,并享这些成果。
    For those who can help themselves, we must provide them with on-the-job training or retraining so they can participate in, and benefit from, the fruits of our success.
  • 美国版权法110节第5段经1998年10月27日颁布的《音乐许可公平法案》修正,规定了,在一定条件下,传播或传送含有公众可以在一种在私人家庭中经常使用的单一接收装置上接收到的一件作品的表演或展示(a小段称为"家庭免除);以及在一定条件下,一个设施传送或二次传送旨在让公众接收的含有非戏剧音乐作品的表演或展示,可以不必获得别的版权持有人的授权。
    Section 110(5) of the United States Copyright Act, as amended by the "Fairness in Music Licensing Act" enacted on 27 October 1998, exempts, under certain conditions, the communication or transmission embodying a performance or display of a work by the public reception of the transmission on a single receiving apparatus of a kind commonly used in private homes (sub-paragraph A, referred to as "homestyle exemption") and, also under certain conditions, communication by an establishment of a transmission or retransmission embodying a performance or display of a non-dramatic musical work intended to be received by the general public (subparagraph B, often referred to as "business exemption") from obtaining an authorization to do so by the respective right holder.
  • 谢泼德大夫在监狱里服刑10年后,联邦最高法院决定重新审理此案,认为该案曾由于新闻界的过注意而受到了不良的影响。
    Dr.Sheppard served 10 years in prison before the United States Supreme Court, ruling that his trial was tainted by excessive press attention, ordered a retrial.
  • 夹,钳一种有一个可调整部的能把东西夹在一起的架子;钳子
    A frame with an adjustable part to hold pieces together; a clamp.
  • 情报检索系统分析
    analysis of information retrieval system
  • 书目情报时联机检索系统
    Online Retrieval of Bibliographic Information Timeshared
  • 医学文献析与检索系统
    Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System, MEDLARS
  • 联机医学文献析和检索系统
    Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System on-line, MEDLINE
  • 在情报检索中,将相关联的检索词区归类的一种方法。
    In information retrieval, a method of sorting the associated key terms.
  • 情报[信息]检索中用于对信息类或索引的词。同keyword。
    In information retrieval, a word used to categorize or index information.
  • 这一离允许通过将mdn或min做为一个键检索用户数据库信息。
    This separation allows the retrieval of subscriber-database information by using either the MDN or MIN as a key.
  • 为了便于查找类列举的项目而提供索引的行动。
    the act of classifying and providing an index in order to make items easier to retrieve.
  • “通过精心的策划,他已经挽回了……一个十严重的损失”(塞缪尔·巴特勒)
    By a brilliant coup he has retrieved... a rather serious loss?Samuel Butler).
  • 对登录的信息进行聚集,处理,储藏,提取和类的科学。
    the sciences concerned with gathering and manipulating and storing and retrieving and classifying recorded information.
  • 动摇了中国就要倒退到裂和混乱,就不可能实现现代化。
    In its absence China would retrogress into division and chaos, and modernization would become impossible.
  • 反共顽固派有一套统一论,要我们统一于裂,统一于倒退。
    the anti-Communist die-hards have their idea of unification, they want to unify us into splitting and retrogression.
  • 非统一于投降而统一于抗战,非统一于裂而统一于团结,非统一于倒退而统一于进步。
    They advocate unification for resistance and not for capitulation, for unity and not for division, for progress and not for retrogression.
  • 为达此目的,就要巩固党的组织,巩固党的武装力量,并动员全国人民,进行反投降、反裂、反倒退的坚决的斗争。
    To this end, we must strengthen the Party's organization and its armed forces, and mobilize the whole people for resolute struggle against capitulation, a split and retrogression.
  • “坚持抗战、反对投降”,“坚持团结、反对裂”,“坚持进步、反对倒退”,这是我们党在今年的《七七宣言》里提出来的三大政治口号。
    "Persist in resistance and oppose capitulation", "Persist in unity and oppose a split" and "Persist in progress and oppose retrogression" -- these are the three great political slogans our Party put forward in its Manifesto of July 7 this year.
  • 那样,我们同林彪、“四人帮”的十年斗争就等于白费,中国就将重新陷于混乱、裂、倒退和黑暗,中国人民就将失去一切希望。
    If this happens, the decade of struggle against Lin Biao and the Gang of Four will have been in vain, China will once again be plunged into chaos, division, retrogression and darkness, and the Chinese people will be deprived of all hope.
  • (三)抗日统一战线中的投降危险、裂危险和倒退危险仍然是当前时局中的最大危险,目前的反共现象和倒退现象仍然是大地主大资产阶级准备投降的步骤。
    3. The danger of capitulation, a split and retrogression within the anti-Japanese united front is still the greatest current danger, and the present anti-Communist and retrogressive actions of the big landlords and the big bourgeoisie continue to be preparatory steps to their capitulation.
  • 而党的任务是动员群众克服投降危险、裂危险和倒退危险,并准备对付可能的突然事变,使党和革命不在可能的突然事变中,遭受出乎意料的损失。
    The duty of the Party is to mobilize the masses to overcome the dangers of capitulation, a split and retrogression and prepare against all possible eventualities so that in case they occur, the Party and the revolution will not suffer unexpected losses.
  • 今天如果没有共产党、八路军、新四军、陕甘宁边区和各抗日民主根据地真心实意地出来维持抗日的大局,反对投降、裂、倒退的危险倾向,那就会弄得一团糟。
    And if today the Communist Party, the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies, the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and the anti-Japanese democratic base areas did not step forth and sincerely sustain the resistance to Japan and combat the dangerous tendencies towards capitulation, a split and retrogression, the situation would indeed be in a terrible mess.
  • 在当前的时机中,这种必要性更加明显。当前时机中的特点,一方面,是抗日民族统一战线中的投降危险、裂危险和倒退危险日益发展着;又一方面,是我们党已经走出了狭隘的圈子,变成了全国性的大党。
    This necessity is all the more obvious in the present situation, which has special features: on the one hand, the danger of capitulation, of a split and of retrogression within the Anti-Japanese National United Front is increasing daily, while on the other, our Party has stepped out of its narrow confines and become a major national party.
  • 我们的任务,仍然是协同全国一切爱国子,动员群众,切实执行我党《七七宣言》中“坚持抗战、反对投降”,“坚持团结、反对裂”,“坚持进步、反对倒退”三大政治口号,以准备反攻力量。
    In order to build up strength for the counter-offensive, it is still our task, in co-operation with all Chinese patriots, to mobilize the masses for the effective application of the three great political slogans put forward in our Party's Manifesto of July 7: "Persist in resistance and oppose capitulation", "Persist in unity and oppose a split", and "Persist in progress and oppose retrogression".
  • 在这种情况之下,我们的任务,无疑是克服这种投降、裂和倒退的危险,尽可能地保持民族统一战线,保持国共合作,而争取继续抗日、继续团结和继续进步;同时,准备对付可能的突然事变,使党和革命不在可能的突然事变中遭受意外的损失。
    In these circumstances it is undoubtedly our task to overcome the dangers of capitulation, a split and retrogression, to maintain the national united front and Kuomintang-Communist co-operation as far as possible, to work for continued resistance to Japan and continued unity and progress, and at the same time to prepare against all possible eventualities so that in case they occur, the Party and the revolution will not suffer unexpected losses.
  • 他穿的衣服有点大;回想起来精心的准备似乎是不必要的;这简直是太过了。
    the clothes she wears are a bit much; in retrospect the elaborate preparations seemed de trop; this is entirely too much!