  • 将扎进某物的钉子拔来后在此物体上留下的孔。
    a hole left after a nail is removed.
  • 通过移动物体制造一条道路。
    make a way or path by removing objects.
  • 然而分析家说,双职工父母的现、子女数目减少并“被宠坏”、人员流动性的增加、物质主义,以及家庭的团体权威的丧失致使违法行为有增无减。
    Instead, say analysts, the advent of two working parents, fewer and "spoiled" children, increased mobility, materialism and the loss of family and community authority have led to higher lawlessness.
  • 把杂质从液体中过滤去。
    the act of removing solid particles from a liquid.
  • 使rcs退服务会使所有呼叫掉线并阻塞之后的呼叫企图。
    Removing the RCSs drops all calls and blocks subsequent call attempts.
  • 汽车的现可能已经改变了城市的增长模型。
    The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city; The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue.
  • 超过维持生命和健康实际需要的那部分(就熟练劳动者来说,通常会超很多),不是用于养活劳动者,而是用于酬劳劳动者,劳动者可以等到生产完成后再得到这种酬劳,因而不必作为资本而预先存在。
    As much of it as exceeds the actual necessaries of life and health (an excess which in the case of skilled labourers is usually considerable) is not expended in supporting labour, but in remunerating it, and the labourers could wait for this part of their remuneration until the production is completed;
  • 为所有这些劳动者生产食物的劳动,虽然同其他劳动一样对于最终产品(即本次收获季节作的面包)来说是必不可少的,但它却不象别的劳动那样从最终产品取得报酬。
    The labour that produced the food which fed all these labourers, is as necessary to the ultimate result, the bread of the present harvest, as any of those other portions of labour; but is not, like them, remunerated from it.
  • 但是工具和原料,除了用于获取产品外,是毫无用处的,或者至少不可作他用,制造它们所耗费的劳动只能从生产的产品得到补偿。
    But the tools and materials are of no use except for obtaining the product, or at least are to be applied to no other use, and the labour of their construction can be remunerated only from the product when obtained.
  • 以上各式各样的人,就组成了分配阶级,其作用是对生产阶级的活动给以补充。这样分配的产品或其价格,便是分配者的劳动和节欲获得报酬的来源,正是通过节欲,他们才预先拿得分配业务所需的资金。
    Of these various elements is composed the Distributing Class, whose agency is supplementary to that of the Producing Class: and the produce so distributed, or its price, is the source from which the distributors are remunerated for their exertions, and for the abstinence which enabled them to advance the funds needful for the business of distribution.
  • 但当(在政治经济学中,应该经常准备这样做)我们改变观点,考虑的不是个人行动和决定个人行动的动机,而是对整个国家和整个世界的影响时,就必须把思想看作是社会生产劳动最重要的组成部分,必须把从事这种劳动和酬报这种劳动的社会资源看作是社会支中具有重大生产意义的部分。
    But when (as in political economy one should always be prepared to do) we shift our point of view, and consider not individual acts, and the motives by which they are determined, hut national and universal results, intellectual speculation must be looked upon as a most influential part of the productive labour of society, and the portion of its resources employed in carrying on and in remunerating such labour, as a highly productive part of its expenditure.
  • 游牧民融合在定居者之中了;定居地;我没有完全定居在此的感觉;定居文明的现。
    nomads...absorbed among the settled people; settled areas; I don't feel entirely settled here; the advent of settled civilization.
  • 这并非偶然,而是大家为了应付新经济时代的来临所做的大变革。
    All countries and regions must make such changes in preparation for the advent of a knowledge-based economy.
  • 超级市场一现,大批小食品杂货店就被迫停业了。
    A lot of small grocers have been put out of business since the advent of the supermarkets.
  • 类似的野人经常现在中世纪的森林和文艺复兴时期的传说中。他们丧失理性、食肉、危险和野性十足。
    Such wild men haunted the forests of medieval and renaissance romance: irrational, carnivorous, dangerous, untamed.
  • 迄今为止,史学家作过这样的假定:日历是伴随着农业的现而产生的。
    Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture.
  • 自从超级市场现后,许多小副食店已关闭。
    A lot of small grocers have gone out of business since the advent of the supermarkets.
  • 迄今为止,史学家作过这样的假定:日历是伴随着农业的现而产生的。
    Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent.
  • 布拉曼特,多纳托1444-1514意大利建筑设计师,他发展了文艺复兴时期的建筑风格。并提了新圣彼得教堂(始建于1506年)的最初核心计划
    Italian architect who evolved the style known as High Renaissance. He provided the original central plan for the new Saint Peter's Basilica(begun in1506).
  • 在收音机现之前,当一名隐士尚有不少好处。
    Before the advent of the radio, there is advantage in is a shut in.
  • 再次是时髦风尚,越来越怪诞,越来越丑陋,从文艺复兴时期种种杂乱无章和富丽堂皇的偏向开始,层不穷,必然导致建筑艺术的衰落。
    lastly, fashions, even more grotesque and foolish, which, since the anarchical and splendid deviations of the Renaissance,have followed each other in the necessary decadence of architecture.
  • 虚拟专用网和开放网的现给各单位带来的主要是安全方面的顾虑。
    The advent of VPNs and open networks present organizations with major security concerns.
  • 在收音机现之前,当一名隐士尚有不少好处。
    Before the advent of the radio, there were advantages in being shutin.
  • 基督教信徒中期望救世主的即将来临的突然现发生的成员。
    a member of Christian denomination that expects the imminent advent of Christ.
  • 随着火箭的现,太空时代开始了
    With the advent of the rockets, the Space Age began.
  • 伴随着极大的、刺耳的声音,这棵树被劈开了;听到了一种人群向前涌进时发的撕心裂肺的吼叫。
    the tree split with a great ripping sound; heard a rending roar as the crowd surged forward.
  • 计算机的出现
    The advent of the computer.
  • 自从喷气式飞机现以来,旅行的速度大为提高。
    Since the advent of jet aircraft, travel has been speeded up.
  • 出租权
    right to lease or rent
  • 在收音机现之前,当一名隐士尚有不少好处。
    Before the advent of the radio, there is advantage in being a shut in.
  • 计算机的现极大地改变了人们的生活。
    The advent of the computer changed people's life greatly.
  • 此房出租。
    This house is for rent.