  • 其中datafeeder从容源检索警示容,警示引擎(alertengine)管理警示订阅和触发条件,而传输层则作为将警示信息发送到任意设备的传送机制。
    The Datafeeder retrieves alert content from a content source, the Alert Engine manages the alert subscriptions and trigger conditions, and a transport layer is used as the delivery mechanism to send the alert to any device.
  • 在1988年汉城奥运会上,亚历克斯·沃森尿样检查不过关,发现他的体有过量的咖啡碱。
    At the Seoul Games of 1988, Alex Watson failed a urine test which showed he had excessive levels of caffeine in his system.
  • 玛丽亚3岁时双亲离异,部分原因是人们对他俩有种族偏见(父亲是委瑞拉出生的美国黑人,母亲是爱尔兰人)。
    When she was around three years old, her parents divorced due in part to racial prejudice against them (Alfred is Venezuelan and African American, Paricia is Irish).
  • 藻红蛋白尤指红藻细胞所含的红色藻青素
    A red phycobilin occurring especially in the cells of red algae.
  • 代数运算的在代数运算中指定或限制在一个有限数的运算之
    Indicating or restricted to a finite number of operations involving algebra.
  • 解析的使用,属于,或可能属于包括代数和积分在的方法学
    Using, subjected to, or capable of being subjected to a methodology involving algebra and calculus.
  • 一个从前住在哈德逊河流域和哈斯托克东部的属于阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。
    a member of the Algonquian people formerly living the Hudson valley and eastward to the Housatonic.
  • 用于数据集的记录的一种算法,可以使记录分组均匀。
    The application of an algorithm to the records in a data set to obtain a symmetric grouping of the records.
  • aes评价委员会也要看算法占据芯片上多少空间和需要多少存。
    The AES review committee is also looking at how much space the algorithm takes up on a chip and how much memory it requires.
  • apxaliascellnumber5)(aliascsno)该字段表示另一个系统某个小区的autoplex系统别名小区号。
    APX Alias Cell Number 5) (aliascsno) This field represents the AUTOPLEX system alias cell number for a cell in another system.
  • 近来委员会主席缪里斯正频频与媒体巨头会面,希望他们能做到行业的自我规范。缪里斯认为市场上虚假的减肥广告数量有增无减,相比之下,法律法规的贯彻不足以与之抗衡。因为有许多广告是美国境外人士推出的,有些则采用匿名或中间人的方式发行。
    FTC Chairman Timothy J. Muris has been meeting with media industry leaders to encourage self-regulation, saying that law enforcement can't keep up with the growing number of phony weight-loss schemes - many run by people outside the United States or hiding behind aliases or middlemen.
  • 将一个对象传递到方法部时,也会产生别名现象。
    Aliasing will also occur when you pass an object into a method:
  • 艾丽斯生病期间,一直呆在室
    During her illness, alice stay indoors.
  • 城市里的许多人,包括知识分子和青年,在很长一段时间脱离我们。
    Many people in the cities, including the intellectuals and youth, were alienated from us for a long time.
  • (六)对于国各阶级相互关系的基本政策,是发展进步势力,争取中间势力,孤立反共顽固势力。
    With regard to the alignment of the various classes within the country, our basic policy is to develop the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the anti-Communist die-hard forces.
  • 各国的情况千差万别,人民的觉悟有高有低,国阶级关系的状况、阶级力量的对比又很不一样,用固定的公式去硬套怎么行呢?
    Conditions vary greatly from country to country, the level of political awareness varies from people to people, and the class relations and the alignment of class forces in one country are vastly different from those in another. How can a fixed formula be applied mechanically despite all these differences?
  • (医学)不经过消化道而用静脉注射或肌注射的方式进入体或服用的。
    (medicine) administered by means other than through the alimentary tract (as by intramuscular or intravenous injection).
  • 肠从胃部延伸到肛门的那部分消化道,在人体或其他哺乳动物体,由小肠和大肠两部分组成,常用作复数
    The portion of the alimentary canal extending from the stomach to the anus and, in human beings and other mammals, consisting of two segments, the small intestine and the large intestine. Often used in the plural.
  • ,国际机构举行的大型会议包括∶第九届亚洲儿科医科会议,一九九七太平洋区经济会议、世界信义宗联会第九届大会、第四届亚太区寿险大会、一九九七世界银行及国际货币基金组织理事会年会、世界贸易中心协会会员大会、第十四届亚太肿瘤会议、第四届香港国际肿瘤会议、第六届世界经济发展会议,以及一九九七香港消化疾病周。
    Major international association meetings in 1997 included the 9th Asian Congress of Paediatrics, the 1997 Pacific Rim Forum, the 9th Assembly of Lutheran World Federation, the 4th Asia Pacific Life Insurance Congress '97, the 1997 Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank Group/International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Centers Association General Assembly, the 14th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference and 4th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, the 6thWorld Economic Development Congress and Alimentary Disease Week Hong Kong 1997.
  • 在人体酸碱平衡状态下血液微微呈碱性。
    with a normal acid-base balance in the body the blood is slightly alkaline.
  • 第十一条 在草原上割灌木、挖药材、挖野生植物、刮碱土、拉肥土等,必须经草原使用者同意,报乡级或者县级人民政府批准,在指定的范围进行,并做到随挖随填,保留一部分植物的母株。
    Article 11. Persons who wish to cut shrubs, dig medicinal herbs or wild plants on the grasslands, scrape alkaline earth off the grasslands or move away fertile soil must secure the agreement of the users of the grasslands and the approval of the people's governments at the township or county level; they must operate within the designated areas, fill the holes in the ground immediately after digging and keep part of the mother plants intact.
  • 总的来说将一切事情考虑在;包括一切地
    Taking everything into consideration; all in all.
  • 说在中国有的人未经审判就被送往劳改营,搞某种形式的国流放,这完全是对中国监狱、劳改场所收押犯罪制度的歪曲,是毫无根据的编造。
    The allegation that in China some citizens are sent to labor camps without trial or sent away in some form of exile within the country is a distortion of the system whereby prisons and reform-through-labor institutions in China take criminals into custody; it is a groundless fabrication.
  • 一家报纸宣称阁即将辞职。
    A newspaper article alleged that the Cabinet was going to resign.
  • 公诉人(公诉方)声称,当犯罪发生时,被告在住宅
    The prosecution alleged that the accused was in the house when the crime was committing.
  • 专供六角螺丝的扳手。
    a wrench for Allen screws.
  • 艾伦进入屋拿他的大衣。
    Allen went in the house and got his coat.
  • 将残疾人扶贫作为一项重要容列入国家扶贫计划,统筹安排,统一组织,同步实施。
    Making poverty alleviation for the disabled an important part of the state's poverty alleviation program. The state makes unified arrangements to implement poverty alleviation work for the disabled.
  • 体育你是行,那个足球问题该是你的拿手好戏了。
    With your knowledge of sports, that football question should be right up your alley.
  • 在特殊联盟的一群国家。
    a group of countries in special alliance.
  • 包括许多不同国家在的国际联盟。
    an international alliance involving many different countries.
  • 许多企业网在向用户提供internet访问时遇到了t-1速度的障碍,其部分原因是不能在机构分配、制定优先等级和管理带宽。
    Many enterprise networks hit the T-1 speed barrier when delivering Internet access to users, partly because of the inability to allocate, prioritize and administer bandwidth within the organization.