Chinese English Sentence:
  • 当他2月在沙特阿拉伯吉达发表演讲时,他与沙特王储阿卜杜拉会谈了3个多小时,讨论现在已开的重新启动中东和谈的沙特计划。
    While in Jidda, Saudi Arabia, for a February speech, he met for more than three hours with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah to discuss what is now known as the Saudi plan to restart the peace process.
  • 要先掌握实据才可开指责。
    One must be sure of one's facts before making a public accusation.
  • 正的处罚;不正的判决;不正的指控。
    unjust punishment; an unjust judge; an unjust accusation.
  • 看来,做到从同行中脱颖而出才savagebeast司是面临的真正考验。
    And breaking out from the rest of the pack may be the real test for Savage Beast.
  • 位于加尼福尼亚州奥克兰名为savagebeast(野人-野兽)司正在制作一个功能更加强大的搜索引擎。
    But Savage Beast in Oakland, Calif., is one of the latest companies to try and build a better music search engine.
  • savagebeast司的创建者之一兼司的首席音乐官timwestergren介绍说,"通过将音乐分解成400种非主观的特质,我们的引擎旨在避免用主观标准对歌曲分类。
    Chief Music Officer and company co-founder Tim Westergren says by breaking down music into 400 non-subjective traits, Savage Beast's engine avoid subjective song evaluations.
  • 他说人们的指控是不正的。
    He said that the people's accusation was unjust.
  • 这项有关贿赂的指控是对一个正直民的无耻诽谤。
    This accusation of bribery is a vile smear on an honorable citizen.
  • 而此了解帮助该司节省了250万美元。
    That understanding saved the company $2.5 million.
  • 他买了500镑的储蓄债。
    He placed £ 5 0 0 in Saving Bonds.
  • 英国马尔伯勒爵和奥地利王子尤金在1704年西班牙连续战争期间打败了法国。
    the British Duke of Marlborough and the Austrian Prince Eugene of Savoy defeated the French in 1704 during the War of the Spanish Succession.
  • 皮埃蒙特区意大利西北一历史地区,与法国和瑞士接壤。元前1世纪时,被罗马人占领,11世纪被萨伏伊王室统治,1814年后成为意大利复兴运动的中心
    A historical region of northwest Italy bordering on France and Switzerland. Occupied by Rome in the1st century b.c., it passed to Savoy in the11th century and was the center of the Italian Risorgimento after1814.
  • 警察局说该局反对非执法人员私自执法,可是辖区警员及当地居民对该[警卫]司的策略颇感兴趣。
    The Police Department says it opposes vigilante justice, but officers on the beat and neighborhood residents say they are enthusiastic about the company's tactics.
  • 她在办室里绘制建筑图。
    She scaled the building in her office.
  • 经理让办室职员认识到做精确记录的重要性.
    The manager impressed on his office staff the importance of keeping accurate records.
  • 巧得很,我的箱了称起来恰好20斤,这样它可随机走而无须额外付费。
    Luckily, my suitcase tipped the scaled at exactly 20 kilos, so it could travel on the plane without additional charge.
  • 至于腐败问题,跟贵国最近发生的欺诈和腐败相比,我们的司企业、私营和共部门的领导人以及政府成员(包括我本人在内)恐怕只算得上外行,还是新手。
    On the corruption front, I am afraid that our companies and corporations, as well as our leaders in both the private and public sectors as well as our government (myself included) are pure amateurs, mere beginners, when compared to scams and levels of corruption that have been taking place in your country recently.
  • 人们对该司草率的经营感到愤慨。
    People were scandalized at the slovenly management of the company.
  • 地方长官来到主教馆门口迎接他,瞧见他从驴背上下来,觉得有失体统。
    The mayor of the town came to receive him at the gate of the town, and watched him dismount from his ass, with scandalized eyes.
  • 元700年前的斯堪的那维亚人说的西德语。
    the Germanic language of Scandinavia up until about 700.
  • 森特纳使用于德国和斯堪的纳维亚与英担相当的一种重量单位,等于50斤(110。23磅)
    A unit of weight in Germany and Scandinavia corresponding to the hundredweight and equal to50 kilograms(110.23 pounds).
  • 贵族中古时代斯堪的纳维亚地区的领袖或贵族
    A great medieval Scandinavian chieftain or nobleman.
  • 巡视官专门调查民对政府或其务员的不满的一位政府官员,尤指斯堪的纳维亚国家的一官员
    A government official, especially in Scandinavian countries, who investigates citizens' complaints against the government or its functionaries.
  • 杜卡基斯先生有一次曾坦白地说他喜欢一本关于瑞典土地使用计划的书。像这样一位候选人,在到处皆是德国及斯堪的那维亚人的州里,是容易被接受的。这些人很多仍崇信社会民主政治中的一个观念-理是有计划、有秩序的。
    A candidate like Mr. Dukakis, who once confessed to enjoying a book on Swedish land use planning, went down well in a state full of Germans and Scandinavians, many of whom still adhere to the notion of planned, orderly justice that is embodied in social democracy.
  • 如果接通了,发送机就对文件扫描,然后通过共交换电话网(pstn)向接收机传送文件图像。
    If it connects, the sending machine scans the document and transmits the image over the public switched telephone network (PSTN) to the receiving machine.
  • 当工作难找的时候,正要参加劳动大军的年轻人常常被有经验的工人排挤掉,这些工人能向司提供更多的服务。
    When jobs are scarce, young people entering the work force tend to be elbowed aside in favour of experienced workers with more to offer companies.
  • 工作紧俏时,加入劳动大军的年轻人往往就得给那些能给司带来更多效益的有经验的工人腾位置。
    When jobs are scarce, young people entering the work force tend to get shouldered aside in favour of experienced workers with more to offer the firm.
  • 工作机会稀少时,想进入劳动大军的年轻人往往被有经验、对司会有更大贡献的人挤掉。
    When jobs are scarce, young people entering the work force tend to get thrust aside in favour of experienced workers with more to offer the firm.
  • 书籍、光盘、食品、办桌装饰品、记事台历、雨伞,和一般性的服饰物件如围巾、手套等都是不错的选择。
    Books,compact discs,food,desk accessories,datebooks,umbrellas,and impersonal items of clothing such as scarves and gloves are all acceptable.
  • 我办室里堆积如山的信件。
    the accumulated letters in my office.
  • 暑期时刻表已经布了。
    The summer schedule has been published.
  • 司让雇员陆续购买本司股票以致最后可以拥有司控制权的计划。
    a program under which employees regularly accumulate shares and may ultimately assume control of the company.