Chinese English Sentence:
  • 迄今为止,英国还没有上演过像这部三部曲那样情节丰富、曲折、对舞台表现分理解的戏剧。它们的结构完全是古风的,引人之处主要在于枝节的纷繁。
    Nothing hitherto performed had had so much movement or diversity or shown so much understanding of the stage as this dense trilogy of plays, entirely archaic in structure and attractive mainly because of the rnultiplicity of its incidents.
  • 他们俩互相瞧了一阵子,然后那老流浪汉的脸上满笑意。
    For several moments they looked at one another.Then a huge smile came across the old hobo's face.
  • 政府致力建立促进公众健康的医护制度,让巿民终身享有全面的医护服务,以提升生活质素,令个人潜能得以分发挥。
    The vision is to create a health care system that promotes health, provides lifelong holistic care, enhances quality of life and enables full human development.
  • 多孔的满孔穴或空洞区的;多孔的
    Filled with cavities or hollow areas; porous.
  • 她对那些无家可归的孩子满了同情。
    Her heart ached for me homeless children.
  • 她对那些无家可归的孩子满了同情。
    Her heart ached for the homeless children.
  • 朴素的真理;在给儿子的信中满了朴实的忠告;简易(或家常)食物。
    homely truths; letters to his son full of homely advice; simple (or homely) fare.
  • 他的演说娓娓动听,分反映他的语言能力。
    language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals.
  • 多蜜液的含有蜜的,满了蜜或因蜜变甜的
    Containing, full of, or sweetened with honey.
  • 革命者满整个组织。
    the revolutionaries honeycombed the organization.
  • 感觉满希望的一个具体事例。
    a specific instance of feeling hopeful.
  • 他对前途感到满希望。
    He is hopeful about his future.
  • 书在满希望的结尾中结束了
    The book closes on a hopeful note.
  • 辽阔的国土使我们能用积极的眼光去看待一切事物,使我们满希望。
    It made us see the possibilities in everything. It made us hopeful.
  • 北爱尔兰的和平进程,是现今世界最令人满希望的重大事件之一,显示出历史的创伤是可以治愈的。
    That process is one of the most hopeful things that is happening in the world today, showing that the hurts of history can be healed.
  • 勇新向玛丽·安妮·威兰打了一个电话。当听到那个只在电子邮件上来往过几个月的女人的声音的时候,这位满希望的父亲感激得说不出话来。
    Yongxin called Mary Anne Wehland, and upon hearing the voice of the person who’d existed only in emails for months, the hopeful father choked up with gratitude.
  • 满希望的跋涉比到达目的地更能给人乐趣。
    It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.
  • 在亚洲的城市和乡村,满温情和缠绵悱恻的日本电视剧到处都受欢迎。
    Heart-warming and hopelessly romantic Japanese drama serials are all the rage now in Asian cities and even villages.
  • 听到这个坏消息,他心里满恐怖。
    He was filled with horror at the bad news.
  • 听到那个坏消息,我们心里满了恐怖。
    We were filled with horror at the bad news.
  • 我读完它之後,心里满了恐怖
    When I have read it I was filled with horror
  • 王平:泰国也先后承办了三届亚运会,其中第5届准备较分,修建了亚运村......第6届和第8届因临时改地点,准备工作不足,不很成功,但泰国的群众很热情,也弥补了不少缺憾。
    Wang Ping: Thailand held three games respectively, too. One of them, the 5th Asian Games was well prepared and rather successful. They built an "Asian Games Village". However, the 6th and the 8th games were not very well prepared comparatively because of the changing of the locations. Nevertheless, the Thais were very hospitable which made up the difference.
  • 敌对国家;满敌意的评论;敌对的行为。
    a hostile nation; a hostile remark; hostile actions.
  • 我相信她一定是有分的理由才迟到的。
    She'll have some good reason for being late, I'll be hound!
  • 化装室一直满兴奋的叫声和类似马嘶的笑声。
    dressing-room was filled with the hum of enthusiasm and laughter like the neighing of horses.
  • 新中国成立以后,人民政府建立了新型的社会主义监狱,把犯人当人看待,尊重他们的人格,保证罪犯的人身安全,给予分的人道主义待遇。
    After the founding of the People's Republic, the people's government established a new type of socialist prison, where the prisoners are regarded as human beings, and where their dignity is respected, their personal safety is ensured and where they receive fully humane treatment.
  • 圣人,圣哲在印度和西藏,因为有广博的知识和对人类满仁爱而受到尊敬的人
    In India and Tibet, one of a class of persons venerated for great knowledge and love of humanity.
  • 加上反动政府在政治上腐败无能,丧权辱国,当帝国主义的统治工具,大小军阀割据,长期战乱不已,使人民灾骏深重,生存维艰。
    The people's miseries were exacerbated and their lives made all the harsher by the reactionary governments who, politically corrupt and impotent, surrendered China's sovereign rights under humiliating terms and served as tools of foreign imperialist rule, and by the separatist regime of warlords who were embroiled in endless wars.
  • 为他效劳令人快乐,虽有几分悲哀,却最分最细心——因为他要我帮忙时毫无痛苦的羞愧,抑或沮丧的屈辱。
    And there was a pleasure in my services, most full, most exquisite, even though sad because he claimed these services without painful shame or damping humiliation.
  • 没有学到谦虚的人,就没有准备好分掌握世界的真理。
    A soul that has not attained humility is not prepared to grasp the truth of the world in its fullness.
  • 他的说法有点过谦,未必分反映事实,这是受过传统教育的人的特点,这种教育强调尊敬、谦虚和强烈的职业道德。
    That is a bit of an understatement, characteristic of a guy who had an old-school upbringing with an emphasis on respect, humility, and a strong work ethic.
  • 大厅里满了低沉的令人伤感的乐声。
    The hall was humming with the sad music.