  • 为民权事业而斗争
    Championed the cause of civil rights.
  • 平民战时期的平民,尤指在战区的平民
    A civilian in wartime, especially one in a war zone.
  • 如果以任何国家的情况来说,在工业各部门都获得了发展的一个工业力量,是在文化上、物质繁荣上、政治力量上进一步发展的基本条件(这一点我们认为在历史上已组获得了证明);如果就目前世界形势来说,世界上已经有了一个国家处于强有力地位,并且早已在它自己领域以内有着周密的保护,处于这样的形势,在自由竞下一个一无保护的国家要想成为一个新兴的工业国已经没有可能;如果这一点是确实的话(我们认为这一点的确切无疑是可以证明的),那么上述的流行学派的论点又怎能站得住脚呢?
    If, therefore, a manufacturing power developed in all its branches forms a fundamental condition of all higher advances in civilisation, material prosperity, and political power in every nation (a fact which, we think, we have proved from history); if it be true (as we believe we can prove) that in the present conditions of the world a new unprotected manufacturing power cannot possibly be raised up under free competition with a power which has long since grown in strength and is protected on its own territory;
  • 2007年北京市文明社区建设达到全国一流水平。
    By 2007, the civility of the Beijing residents should be raised to a point where the city can rank among the very best in the country in terms of civility.
  • 有礼貌不能制止核战,也不能为无家可归者提供栖身之所,但它的确能改变一个社会群体的面貌,犹如举重定能改变一个人的体形一样。
    Civility doesn't stop nuclear holocaust and doesn't put a roof over the head of the homeless. But it makes a difference in the shape of a community, as surely as lifting weights can make a difference in the shape of a human torso.
  • 这个手势相当於文明战中的停战旗
    The gesture is equivalent to a flag of truce in civilized warfare
  • 今天,当我们会聚一堂的时候,我们的国家正在战之中,我们的经济陷入了危机,整个文明世界面临着前所未有的危险。
    As we gather tonight, our Nation is at war, our economy is in recession, and the civilized world faces unprecedented dangers.
  • 政府声称战是必然的,这说法显然是错误的。
    The government's claim that war was necessary was clearly mistaken.
  • 这些阴谋家,在西班牙问题上,在中国问题上,在奥地利和捷克的问题上,不但并无丝毫制止侵略的意思,而且相反,纵容侵略,挑拨战,使人为鹬蚌,己为渔人,美其名曰“不干涉”,实则是“坐山观虎斗”。
    These crafty politicians were not the least bit interested in checking aggression against Spain, against China, or against Austria and Czechoslovakia; on the contrary, they connived at aggression and instigated war, playing the proverbial role of the fisherman who set the snipe and clam at each other and then took advantage of both. They euphemistically described their actions as "non-intervention", but what they actually did was to "sit on top of the mountain to watch the tigers fight".
  • 我们内部,因大城市的丧失和战的困难,动摇分子将大倡其妥协论,悲观情绪将严重地增长。
    Owing to the loss of big cities and the hardships of war, vacillating elements within our ranks will clamour for compromise, and pessimism will grow to a serious extent.
  • 统一战线虽然建立了并坚持了三年之久,可是资产阶级特别是大资产阶级却时时刻刻在企图破坏我们的党,大资产阶级投降派和顽固派所指挥的严重的磨擦斗在全国进行着,反共之声喧嚣不已。
    Although the united front was formed and has been maintained for three years now, the bourgeoisie, and especially the big bourgeoisie, has constantly been trying to destroy our Party, the big bourgeois capitulators and die-hards have been instigating serious friction throughout the country, and the anti-Communist clamour is incessant.
  • 其领导人民对敌斗的策略,必须是利用一切可以利用的公开合法的法律、命令和社会习惯所许可的范围,从有理、有利、有节的观点出发,一步一步地和稳扎稳打地去进行,决不是大唤大叫和横冲直撞的办法所能成功的。
    In leading the people in struggle against the enemy, the Party must adopt the tactics of advancing step by step slowly and surely, keeping to the principle of waging struggles on just grounds, to our advantage, and with restraint, and making use of such open forms of activity as are permitted by law, decree and social custom; empty clamour and reckless action can never lead to success.
  • 事实证明,即使在同一族群内,信奉同一宗教、属于同一宗教机构、同姓同宗、一家之内,都可能由于意见分歧而导致言语冲突、权夺位乃至大打出手。
    It is a reality that differences in opinions have led to quarrels, leadership struggles and even fights within a race, a religion, a religious institution, a clan or a family.
  • 有些人批评克林顿的做法是“对所有黑人的污辱。”另一些人说布什总统在支持托马斯取最高法院提名时,表现了更大的魄力。
    Some criticized Clinton's move as"a slap in the face of the black community."Others said President Bush showed more guts when he stuck with Clarence Thomas during his Supreme Court nomination fight.
  • 有些人批评克林顿的做法是“对所有黑人的污辱。”另一些人说布什总统在支持托马斯取最高法院提名时,表现了更大的魄力。
    Some criticized Clinton's move as "a slap in the face of the black community."Others said President Bush showed more guts when he stuck with Clarence Thomas during his Supreme Court nomination fight.
  • 克拉克没取给人以好印象,也没提到他有良好的资格承担这项工作,反而坐在那儿一言不发。
    Instead of putting his best foot forward and mentioning his excellent qualifications for the job, Clark sat there without opening his mouth.
  • 双方军队在边境的冲突引发了战
    A border clash between the two armies started the war.
  • 这场论确实可归结为左派与右派之间的冲突
    The issue really boils down to a clash between left and right
  • 阶级斗争;班级野餐
    Class warfare; a class picnic.
  • 阶级斗争形式
    forms of class struggle
  • 他早年读过并喜爱古典文学作品,但是直到1822年去巴黎之前,这个后来成为无可辩的器乐曲大师的人还只会吹吹竖笛、弹弹吉他(弹得并不好),只会唱几首乡村牧羊人的歌曲。
    He knew and loved the classics of literature from an early age, but until he went to Paris in 1822 this man who was to be the absolute master of Instrumentation could only play the flageolet and the guitar (rather badly), and knew only the shepherds songs of the country.
  • 联合国官员希望将攻击联合国人员及人道主义人员的行为归为战罪行,可由国际刑事法庭起诉。
    UN officials hope to classify attacks on UN and humanitarian personnel as war crimes prosecutable by the International Criminal Court.
  • 论激烈时,克劳德也参加进来了。
    When the argument got hot, Claud chimed in.
  • 克劳德知道总有一天他会和所有的朋友一样,被卷入战的漩涡里去。
    Claud knew that one day he would be caught up in the war, like his friends.
  • 克劳德或许不过是个骗子,他的虚荣、野心和才智使他在世上恶人中得魁首之名:有残忍癖,总能爬上顶端。
    Claude was probably a humbug, whose vanity, ambition, and intelligence led him to carve out a niche as the wickedest man in the world; there is always room for a sadist at the top.
  • 这条约中有一条有议的条款。
    There is a contentious clause in the treaty.
  • 而最高法院是制度设计上用来对宪法议进行听证、解释宪法条款的机构。
    It is the Supreme Court that is institutionally designed to hear constitutional arguments and to interpret constitutional clauses.
  • 把客户从竞者那里拉过来只需按一下鼠标。想在因特网上提高一点叫卖的嗓门就很花钱。
    Customers are a click away from competitors, and simply rising above the noise on the Internet can be expensive.
  • 渐变论者认为恐龙死亡的原因是哺乳动物的过度竞和板块构造运动引起的气候渐变。
    Gradualists believe that the cause of the demise of the dinosaurs was over competition by mammals and gradual climatic changes caused by plate tectonics.
  • 把关注点放在外在因素,如竞对手和商业气候,这在亚洲经济危机下变得越来越重要和急迫。
    The need to focus on the external factors like the competitors and climatic issues has become even more important and urgent in light of the Asian economic crisis.
  • 大西洋城价值十亿元的泰姬玛哈的命运吉凶未卜。昨天深夜特朗普分秒必地与债权人达成协议,以解除他规模庞大的赌博酒店被迫破产的厄运。
    The fate of the billion-dollar Taj Mahal in Atlantic City hung in the balance late last night as Donald Trump raced to clinch a deal with bondholders aimed at staving off an involuntary bankruptcy for his giant casino hotel.
  • 笼罩在pci-x未来的阴云是pci-x联盟与以intel为首的厂商集团之间的标准化端,后者正在开发叫做"下一代i/o"的并行输入/输出技术。
    Clouding PCI-X's future is a standards dispute between the PCI-X faction and a group of vendors led by Intel that is developing a parallel I/O technology called Next Generation I/O.