中国和东纳亚的一种藜芦。 pokeweed of southeastern Asia and China.
产于欧洲和亚洲东部的啄木鸟。 woodpecker of Europe and western Asia.
东南亚经济的殖民地化 colonization of the economy of Southeast Asia
北亚东北亚旧石器时代考古 North and Northeast Asia in the Palaeolithic
产于东南亚象雪貂的獾。 small ferret-like badger of southeast Asia.
东南亚集体防务条约组织 South-East Asia Collective Defence Treaty Organization
东南亚旧石器时代文化 Southeast Asian Palaeolithic Cultures
东南亚运动会 South East Asian Games
一个主要产于东亚的灌木属。 chiefly east Asian shrubs.
一个东亚开花灌木属。 east Asian flowering shrubs.
中国东南亚研究会 China Southeast Asian Research Association
东南亚多年生植物,根辛辣。 southeastern Asian perennial with aromatic roots.
东亚多年生草本植物的一个属;几种产于亚洲的博落回属的植物。 East Asian perennial herbs: plume poppy.
一种东亚的草本植物(韭菜葱属),叶扁平、开有白色小花、细长球茎上裹有纤维状表皮;比细香葱大。 Eastern Asian plant; larger than Allium_schoenoprasum.
位于地中海东端的一个亚洲共和国。 an Asian republic at east end of Mediterranean.
东亚一个草本植物属;有时放入铃兰科。 genus of eastern Asiatic herbs; sometimes placed in the family Convallariaceae.
我把没有用的东西全部放在一旁。 I put aside all those useless.
那妇人显出疑心很重的样子,对于店主劝她买的每一样东西,她都投以怀疑的目光。 The woman showed great suspicion and looked askance at everything the shopman offered for sale.
汤姆:你不知道名字,就用手指一下。那东西是芦笋。 Just point to it if you don't know the name. That one just happens to be asparagus.
北美洲东部森林地带橄榄色的小霸鹟。 small olive-colored woodland flycatchers of eastern North America.
非洲东部白色多或少和橄榄绿色的侯子,脸部周围有丛生的白色长毛。 white and olive green east African monkey with long white tufts of hair beside the face.
北美东部紫罗兰,花从淡紫色到白色。 violet of eastern North America having pale violet to white flowers.
北美东部短茎紫罗兰,开带有紫色脉络的芳香白花。 short-stemmed violet of eastern North America having fragrant purple-veined white flowers.
北美东部紫罗兰,花丁香紫色有细长的距。 violet of eastern North America having lilac-purple flowers with a long slender spur.
北美东部的一种百合,开橙色至桔红色的花,带紫色斑点。 lily of eastern North America having orange to orange-red purple-spotted flowers.
没有什么东西能确保永久的幸福。 Nothing can assure permanent happiness.
保证物保证某一特定结果或条件的东西 A guarantee serving to assure a particular outcome or condition.
美国东南部的多年生金菊。 perennial golden aster of southeastern United States.
北美东部生长的多年生林紫菀。 perennial wood aster of eastern North America.
红升麻属,落新妇属植物一种主要产于东亚的多年生草本植物,虎耳草科,有大的复合基叶和由艳丽的圆锥花序组成的小而鲜艳的花 Any of various chiefly eastern Asian perennial herbs of the genus Astilbe, having compound basal leaves and showy panicles of tiny colorful flowers.
“恐怕是主人从不乱堆乱放东西。”米歇尔·佩里这样解释。这位洛杉矶的压力调整顾问最近有一惊人的发现。 "It's probably never cluttered'," says Michelle Perry, a Los Angeles stress-management consultant who recently made an astonishing discovery.
直到二零零四年的十年内,在基础设施方面的投资额,单就东亚计算,已非常庞大,达1.5万亿美元之多。 In East Asia, an astounding US$1.5 trillion will be needed for investment in infrastructure in the decade up to year 2004.