  • 步带海星和类似棘皮动物底部五个辐射状排列部位中的个,触手从这里进行伸缩
    One of the five radial areas on the undersurface of the starfish and similar echinoderms, from which the tube feet are protruded and withdrawn.
  • 珊瑚虫种(珊瑚纲)海洋生物,如珊瑚和海葵,有辐射状体节,单独或在群落中生长
    Any of a class(Anthozoa) of marine organisms, such as the corals and sea anemones, that have radial segments and grow singly or in colonies.
  • 体辐,对称部左右或中心对称的动物身体中与相反或相似部分对应的侧或部分
    A part or division in the body of a bilaterally or radially symmetric animal that corresponds to an opposite or similar part.
  • 放射状对称的动物,囊状身体覆有刺样结构的触须,只有个开口;它们以珊瑚和水母的形式出现。
    radially symmetrical animals having saclike bodies with only one opening and tentacles with stinging structures; they occur in polyp and medusa forms.
  • 口侧的呈放射状对称动物之触角向外伸展的部位的,与这部位有关的,位于这部位的或口腔所在部位的
    Of, relating to, or located on the part of a radially symmetric animal from which the tentacles radiate or the side where the oral area is found.
  • 腔肠动物种腔肠动物门的无脊椎动物,特征是有囊状腔的辐射对称体,包括水母、水螅、海葵和珊瑚
    Any of various invertebrate animals of the phylum Coelenterata, characterized by a radially symmetrical body with a saclike internal cavity, and including the jellyfishes, hydras, sea anemones, and corals.
  • 棘皮动物任种属于棘皮动物门的许多呈辐射对称状的海生无脊椎动物,包括海盘车、海胆和海参,内部骨架含钙,常覆盖有棘针
    Any of numerous radially symmetrical marine invertebrates of the phylum Echinodermata, which includes the starfishes, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers, having an internal calcareous skeleton and often covered with spines.
  • 十字转门种用来控制从个公共区域到另个公共区域的通道的机械装置,典型的样子是从中心根垂直的柱子上放射状地伸出几根水平的旋转臂,只允许个人走路通过
    A mechanical device used to control passage from one public area to another, typically consisting of several horizontal arms supported by and radially projecting from a central vertical post and allowing only the passage of individuals on foot.
  • 轮叶,机叶种通常相对薄、硬、平或有时呈曲线状的平面,沿着轴呈辅射状旋转,如汽轮机中的叶片或风车上的翼板,这是用来由液体推动或推动液体的
    Any of several usually relatively thin, rigid, flat, or sometimes curved surfaces radially mounted along an axis, as a blade in a turbine or a sail on a windmill, that is turned by or used to turn a fluid.
  • 辐射计检测辐射能强度的种装置,装有个部分抽干的玻璃管,管内有若干轻质的垂直翼,每个翼的边为黑色,在个垂直的周围辐射悬垂,在受到投射辐射时它们可以绕轴旋转
    A device that measures the intensity of radiant energy, consisting of a partially evacuated glass bulb containing lightweight vertical vanes, each blackened on one side, suspended radially about a central vertical axis to permit their revolution about the axis as a result of incident radiation.
  • 两个相交的线或平面之间的空间;个线对另个线的倾斜;用角度或弧度衡量。
    the space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radians.
  • 夜里,珍珠般的电灯把这些街道映照得片辉煌。
    At night these streets are brilliant with a pearly radiance of electricity.
  • 煤、炭和木材混合在起燃起的熊熊炉火,使这屋子放着光彩。
    It glowed delightfully in the radiance of an immense fire, compounded of coal, peat, and wood;
  • 她那世人的肉身禁不住炽烈的神光,顿时焚成堆灰烬。
    Her mortal frame could not endure the splendors of the immortal radiance. She was consumed to ashes.
  • 数据显示在过去的五年中,每年的产量都有提高,这表明发达的农业技术的引入对农业发展起到了很大的作用。
    The introduction of adcance agronomic techniques has contributed greatly to the development of agriculture , as indicated by statistics showing increased output in each of the past five years.
  • 但是,如果这个世界不是场恶作剧的话,如果生命不只是惨淡的星光里的平凡的闪的话,
    But if this world is not merely a bad joke, life a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance
  • 太阳是一个发光体。
    The sun is a radiant body.
  • 整个地球可以容纳的人口,照野蛮时代渔猎者们的计算恐怕不到百万人,照畜牧时代牧羊人的计算恐怕不到千万人,照原始农业时代农民的计算也恐怕不会到亿人;
    The savage, the hunter, and the fisherman, according to his own calculation, would not find room enough for one million persons, the shepherd not for ten millions, the raw agriculturist not for one hundred millions on the whole globe; and yet two hundred millions are living at present in Europe alone.
  • 我们知道光是种辐射能。
    We know that light is a variety of radiant energy.
  • 光线,放射线极细的条或极窄的束亮光或其它辐射能
    A thin line or narrow beam of light or other radiant energy.
  • 农民的劳动虽然不定在整个时期都持续进行,但肯定会占用相当长段时间。
    and though the labours of the agriculturist are not necessarily continuous during the whole period, they must occupy a considerable part of it.
  • 发光效率定波长的光量对同样波长的辐射光量的比例
    The ratio of luminous flux at a specific wavelength to the radiant flux at the same wavelength.
  • 辐射能单位辐射平面在单位时间内向某方向发出辐射能
    The radiant energy emitted per unit time in a specified direction by a unit area of an emitting surface.
  • 这对解释某位被分配到另国家去工作的美国农业学家的不幸遭遇是有帮助的。
    This helps to explain the unfortunate experience of a certain agriculturist from the U.S. assigned to duty in another country.
  • 光像其他辐射能样辐射,就是说它从光源以直线的方式向外传播。
    Like other varieties of radiant energy, light radiates, that is, it spreads out from its source in straight lines.
  • 男孩心想成为农学家。
    The boy aims at becoming an agriculturist.
  • 辐射热测定器种使涂黑金属箔电阻辐射的变化与其接受辐射数量相互关联以测定辐射热量的仪器
    An instrument that measures radiant heat by correlating the radiation-induced change in electrical resistance of a blackened metal foil with the amount of radiation absorbed.
  • 时说不出话来,脸上洋溢着喜色,笑着把儿子揽入杯中。
    Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms.
  • 海星的足海星或其它多枝条动物的肢体之
    One of the arms of a starfish or other radiate animal.
  • 产自得克萨斯州的年生草本植物,叶子呈羽状半裂;栽培以供观赏其艳丽的、呈辐射状的黄色头状花序。
    Texas annual with coarsely pinnatifid leaves; cultivated for its showy radiate yellow flower heads.
  • (用于放射状生物体的)位于口腔所在部位的表面或端向前的。
    (of radiate organisms) located on the surface or end on which the mouth is situated.
  • 热带美洲年生杂草,有辐射状边花的白色头状花序;暂生于美国南部。
    tropical American annual weed with small radiate heads of white flowers; adventive in southern United States.