  • 他和股东均分利润。
    He divided the profits with the stockholders.
  • 股东们同意让公司一部利润作为公积金。
    The stockholders agreed to let their company keep back a part of its profits for reserve funds.
  • 足部长筒袜或长筒靴包住脚的那部
    The part of a stocking or high-topped boot that encloses the foot.
  • 鞋后跟,袜掌用作鞋或袜的后跟或掌部组成部的东西
    A piece made for or serving as the heel of a shoe or stocking.
  • 土拨鼠任一种土拨鼠属的粗胖的、皮毛粗糙的穴居啮齿动物,生有短腿短耳,尾短而多毛,广泛布于北半球
    Any of various stocky, coarse-furred, burrowing rodents of the genus Marmota, having short legs and ears and short bushy tails and found throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
  • 医生告诉布什内尔,年轻人中风后恢复起来可能特别困难——常常只是部恢复。
    The doctors told Bushnell that stoke recovery for young people can be particularly difficult-- often only partial.
  • 面对苛求的顾客和艰难的竞争,大学只是给予学生越来越多的“a”,从而引起数膨胀,学位贬值。
    Faced with demanding consumers and stiff competition, colleges have simply issued more and more A's, stoking grade inflation and devaluing degrees.
  • 聪明的学生;你是一个聪明的人……你的理由很充并且有勇敢的才智--亚伯拉罕·斯托克。
    an apt pupil; you are a clever man...you reason well and your wit is bold-Bram Stoker.
  • 警方只追回了部赃款。
    Of the stolen money.
  • 叛乱子当场打伤西藏地方政府卸任噶伦、时任西藏军区副司令员的桑颇·才旺仁增,用石头将爱国进步人士、自治区筹委会委员堪穷帕巴拉·索朗降措活活打死,并拴在马尾上拖尸到市中心示众。
    The rebels hit and wounded Sampo Cewang Rinzin, a former Galoin of the Tibetan local government and then a deputy commander of the Tibet Military Area Command. They stoned to death Kainqoin Pagbalha Soinam Gyamco, a progressive patriot and member of the Preparatory Committee for the Tibet Autonomous Region. His body was tied to the tail of a horse and dragged through downtown as a warning.
  • 向来,日本帝国主义总是在中国培植可以供它利用的力量,以便裂中国内部而达到它的侵略目的。
    To create divisions within the country, they cultivated various Chinese elements to serve as their stooges.
  • 做或说卑鄙无耻的事;降低身或人格做某事
    Do or say sth that is mean and unworthy of one; stoop to sth
  • 滴定管一种统一口径的玻璃试管,有精确的刻度和下端有一个停止旋塞,特别用于实验室中对精确液流的配和测量程序
    A uniform-bore glass tube with fine gradations and a stopcock at the bottom, used especially in laboratory procedures for accurate fluid dispensing and measurement.
  • 制动装置用于停止运动的装置,尤指正在运动的部
    A device for stopping motion, especially of a moving part.
  • 在野生动物之间存有某些工合作关系;鹳鸟与狼通常会为同一邻居工作。
    There are some cooperations between wild creatures; the stork and the wolf usually work the same neighbourhood.
  • 在野生动物之间存有某些工合作关系;鹳鸟与狼通常会为同一邻居工作。
    There is some co-operation between wild creatures; the stork and the wolf usually work the same neighbourhood.
  • 枝向外疯狂地蔓生。
    Branches straggling out quite far.
  • 矮的脱离的常青灌木,布在欧洲西部,表现为几个品种,有从白到玫瑰紫色的花。
    low straggling evergreen shrub of western Europe represented by several varieties with flowers from white to rose-purple.
  • 他们决定坐下来谈判,解决彼此之间的歧。
    They decided to sit down and straighten out their differences.
  • 见客人之前他花了好几钟整理自己的仪容。
    He took a few moments to straighten himself up before meeting the guests.
  • 总值约60亿元的新界西北及新界北渠务工程现正别处于规划、设计和施工阶段,其中大部为扩阔、挖探和拉直现有河流的河道整治工程。
    Drainage improvement projects in NWNT and NNT valued at some $6 billion are at various stages of planning, design and construction. Most of the projects are river training works which include the widening, deepening and straightening of the existing watercourses.
  • 连接地中海和黑海的一个海峡;离欧洲和土耳其的亚洲部;一个重要的海运通道。
    a strait connecting the Mediterranean and the Black Sea; separates the European and Asian parts of Turkey; an important shipping route.
  • 因为父亲失业,我们现在处境十困难。
    Now that father's lost his job, we're in serious straits.
  • 帮助那些处于十困难境地中的人。
    Help those who are in great straits.
  • 台湾裂势力是对台海地区和平与稳定的最大威胁。
    The Taiwan separatist force is the biggest threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits.
  • 台湾海峡两岸目前的离状态,是中华民族的不幸。
    The present division between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits is a misfortune for the Chinese nation.
  • 不可思议地莅临于水边的这个人物充表现了千百年来人们的企盼。
    The presence that rose thus so strangely beside the waters, is expressive of what in the ways of a thousand years men had come to desire.
  • 总体成阶层后由各阶层抽选出来的随机样本。
    the population is divided into strata and a random sample is taken from each stratum.
  • 全体被成几类然后对每一层进行随机取样。
    the population is divided into subpopulations (strata) and random samples are taken of each stratum.
  • 把这些社会成为两类还有什么意义呢?
    What is the point, then, of classifying these social strata into two different categories?
  • 这个小资产阶级内的各阶层虽然同处在小资产阶级经济地位,但有三个不同的部
    Although all strata of this class have the same petty-bourgeois economic status, they fall into three different sections.
  • 我们有些同志往往采取激进的办法,以为不通过上层子能搞得更好。
    Some of our comrades are wont to take radical measures, thinking they can do better without the help of people from the upper strata.