  • 没有持身分证明文件而拟/入境,或在入境管制站被发现或被遣返香港的人入境的管制程序;
    the procedures for immigration control of persons who are found at, or returned to, immigration check points without proof of identity;
  • 请上楼做安全检查并办理境手续。
    Please go upstairs and proceed through security check and immigration.
  • 年内,该处在各入境管制站及其他办事处,共截获121501人。
    In 1997, 121501 wanted persons were intercepted at immigration control points and other offices.
  • 中国客运码头在一九八八年启用,共设有13个泊位和58个入境检查柜台。
    There are 13 berths and 58 immigration counters in the China Ferry Terminal, which commenced operation in 1988.
  • 忧虑感因危险的现或迫近而产生的不安或焦虑的情绪
    A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger.
  • 没有人对即将发生的危险发警告。
    No one has given out a warning of the imminent danger.
  • 在死亡逼近的时候,双胞胎人意料地获救了:一只母狼给婴儿喂奶,一只啄木鸟给他们找来食物。
    Death seemed imminent, but help came from an unexpected quarter: a she-wolf suckled the young infants, and a woodpecker fetched food for them.
  • (猎狗)指示猎物所在站立不动并以嘴来指(猎物的)存在和位置,用于一只猎狗
    To indicate the presence and position of(game) by standing immobile and directing the muzzle toward it. Used of a hunting dog.
  • 恕我言无状, 请姑且容我谈谈新近的拙著.
    If I may be immodest for a moment, let me tell you about the latest book that I've written.
  • 新贵,暴发户一个身低贱的人突然获得财富,权力或重要的位置,尤指此种变化后变得不谦虚或放纵无礼的;暴发户
    A person of humble origin who attains sudden wealth, power, or importance, especially one made immodest or presumptuous by the change; a parvenu.
  • 在东方人看来是不谦虚的作法,从现实结果看,西方的作风是占优势,不突自己的成就,就不能生存,也不能发挥本身的才华。
    What is immodesty in the Eastern ethics has thus become an advantage in reality. So there is some merit in the Western way — one can hardly survive, let alone thrive, without highlighting one's own achievements and potentials.
  • 上尉因行为不检点而被赶了军队。
    The captain was kicked out of the army for immoral behaviour.
  • 直至有人指“该作品是不道德的”之时为止,英国大众对一件艺术作品是不会感到兴趣的。
    The english public take no interest in a work of art until it is tell that the work in question is immoral.
  • 直至有人指“该作品是不道德的”之时为止,英国大众对一件艺术作品是不会感到兴趣的。
    The English public takes no interest in a work of art until it is told that the work in question is immoral.
  • 人类是永恒的。这并非因为他是所有生物中惟一能发不知疲倦声音的,而是因为他有灵魂,有一种能够同情、牺牲和忍耐的精神、诗人、作家的职责就是要描写这些东西。
    He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. The poet's, the writer's, duty is to write about these things.
  • 狄更斯的父亲作为米考伯先生现在《大卫·科波菲尔》中而永垂于世。
    Dickens' father was immortalized for ever as Mr Micawber in 'David Copperfield'.
  • 税务局:尽我所能吧!一般地说,提供应税业务、转让无形资产和卖不动产都要交纳营业税。
    Tax official: I will try my best. Generally speaking, the business tax is levied on the taxable service, the transfer of intangible asset and sale of the immovable property within china.
  • 球撞击着球棒发很大的响声。
    The ball impacted against the bat with a loud noise.
  • 在通信链路上现的噪音或无用的信号,它损害语音、数据的接收或正确的解释。
    On a communications link, noise or unwanted signals that impair the receipt or correct interpretation of speech or data.
  • 但是,老板和同事仍密切注视着恋爱的双方,毫无疑问,部分是于满足窥视心理,但同时也想确保此类风流事不影响任何人的正常工作。
    However,bosses and co workers do watch romantic liaisons with an eagle eye,no doubt partly out of voyeurism,but also to make sure the romance doesn't impair anyone's ability to function at work.
  • 用于修饰或说明计算机运行中现的一种错误,它不破坏计算机的基本操作。非致命错误可以用操作系统或运行时系统的一部分进行检测和研究,结果可以显示来,也可以用于进行程序判断。
    Pertaining to an error that does not impair the basic operation of the computer. A nonfatal error can be detected and investigated by a part of the operating system or run-time system and the results can be displayed or used to make a programmed decision.
  • 老朽的;用旧的由于年老、疾病或使用而过度以至衰弱的、疲乏的、损害了的或毛病了的
    Weakened, worn out, impaired, or broken down by old age, illness, or hard use.
  • 意志缺失,丧志症做决断或独自行动的能力遭到损害或丧失
    Loss or impairment of the ability to make decisions or act independently.
  • 衰弱的表现精力或力量受到削弱的;虚弱无力的
    Showing impairment of energy or strength; enfeebled.
  • 教师们所付的远比传授知识要多。
    Teachers do much more than impart knowledge.
  • 情报在汇报执行任务的情况过程中透露来的信息
    The information imparted during the process of being debriefed.
  • 摩门教一位古代先知在约瑟夫·史密斯面前现并告知他关于美洲的圣史,史密斯将其翻译过来并在1830年发表摩门教义
    An ancient prophet who appeared to Joseph Smith and imparted to him a sacred history of the Americas, which Smith translated and published as the Book of Mormon in1830.
  • 我只信奉一个原则:没有受到过“善”的教育的女子,天主几乎总是向她们指两条道路,让她们能殊途同归地走到他的跟前:一条是痛苦,一条是爱情。
    I am quite simply persuaded of a principle which states that: To any woman whose education has not imparted knowledge of goodness, God almost invariably opens up two paths which will lead her back to it;
  • 2000年,全国各级政协委员席公安机关严格公正文明执法的法制教育等“三项教育”座谈会13万余人次,到公安机关视察1.1万人次,对公正执法起到了有力的督促作用。
    In 2000, members of CPPCC committees throughout the country attended the symposiums on strict, fair and civilized law enforcement held by the public security organs, more than 130,000 person-times, and inspected public security organs 11,000 person-times, thus playing a powerful supervision role in impartial law enforcement.
  • 如果中国大陆能够充分体会,那麽两岸关系应能走当前阴霾,找一个双赢之道。
    And if China could keep its finger on the pulse of changes in Taiwanese public opinion, a win-win solution may be found for the current impasse in cross-strait relations.
  • 抗战以来,全国人民有一种欣欣向荣的气象,大家以为有了路,愁眉锁眼的姿态为之一扫。
    A lively atmosphere has prevailed throughout the country ever since the War of Resistance began, there is a general feeling that a way out of the impasse has been found, and people no longer knit their brows in despair.
  • 他甚至可以想象得她的焦躁不安。
    He could even picture her impatience.