  • 第二节在由交替诗节组成的对比韵律诗中的第二节及类似部
    The second stanza, and those like it, in a poem consisting of alternating stanzas in contrasting metric form.
  • 让我们成小组。这首诗得不好
    Let's split up into teams. This poem doesn't split up into stanzas very well.
  • 端口号是tcp/ip通信的组成部,由于几个应用程序可能在一台机器上运行并利用一个网络接口,所以tcp需要跟踪什么数据进到哪个程序中。
    Port numbers are a staple of TCP/IP communications.Because several application programs may be running on one machine and using a single network interface, TCP needs to keep track of what data goes to which program.
  • 糖和淀粉在胃中被解。
    Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.
  • 虽然洛佩兹似乎一夜成名,但事实上这位女演员是凭借坚持不懈地挖掘自己杰出的天,才挣得到了顶尖位置。
    Although Lopez's rise to stardom seemed to happen overnight,in truth,the actress had earned her place at the top by consistently plying her exceptional talent.
  • 她把他看得感到十难为情。
    She stared him out.
  • 铃响了,再过几钟演出就要开始了。
    There goes the bell; the show will be staring in a few minutes.
  • 唯一的一种玫瑰色八哥;在一些类中被认为是单独的一个属。
    only the rose-colored starlings; in some classifications considered a separate genus.
  • 他第一次以主角身出现时就被没有共鸣的观众嘘下了台。
    At this first appearance in a starring role, he was hissed off by an unsympathetic audience.
  • 结果非常令人吃惊——六个月增长百之七十七。
    The result is quite startling-- a 77% increase in six months.
  • 下一节目五钟後开始, 现在先播放些音乐.
    The next programme starts in five minutes: in the meantime, here's some music.
  • 电影十钟后就要开映了,快一点!
    The film starts in ten minutes; hurry up!
  • 为抢救那些即将饿死的人而秒必争。
    It is a race against time to stop people die from starvation.
  • 为抢救那些即将饿死的人而秒必争。
    It is a race against time to stop people dying from starvation.
  • 你会和我享食物还是会让我饿死?
    Would you share your good fortune with me , or would you let me starve?
  • 一些新闻界人士私下争论说支持他的浪潮表明大部公众对自由派舆论缺乏强有力的反对。
    Some journalists argue privately that the wave of support for him indicated that large sections of the public were starved of the good red meat of opposition to the liberal consensus.
  • 与其励精图治地改善老百姓的生活,不如尽情搜刮民脂民膏,一部归己自肥,一部用于储备枪炮导弹以备“不时之需”。
    Instead of making the country prosperous and improving the people's lot, they would rather squeeze the people dry to fill up their private coffers, and to stash sufficient supplies of guns, ammunitions and missiles for any "eventualities".
  • 县美国一州的行政
    An administrative subdivision of a state in the United States.
  • (这是邓小平同志会见美国国务卿舒尔茨时谈话的一部。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with United States Secretary of State George Shultz.)
  • 如无有关各州之州议会及国会之同意,不得於任何州之管辖区域内建立新州;亦不得合并两州或数州、或数州之一部而成立新州。
    but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
  • 第四,既然三三制的实质是民主问题,党要教育与责成政权中的党团和共产党员,首先自己具有充的民主精神,高度的革命热情,和蔼的态度,积极的工作,刻苦的作风,和政治家的风度。
    Fourth, since democracy constitutes the essence of the three-thirds system, the Party should urge and instruct leading Party members' groups and Party members working in government to have a full democratic spirit, high revolutionary enthusiasm, a friendly attitude, a positive and dedicated work style, and statesmanship.
  • 通过刷固定的接触来提供持续电线路的机器的旋转部上的金属环。
    metal ring on a rotating part of a machine to provide a continuous electrical connection through brushes on stationary contacts.
  • 贵方当地文具店和印刷店已向我纽约公司购货,如需要,可直接从当地购买。
    Your stationer or printer can give you quick supplies of these, as they are stock at our branch in new york.
  • 贵方当地文具店和印刷店已向我纽约公司购货,如需要,可直接从当地购买。
    Your stationer or printer can give you quick supplies of these, as they have stocked at our branch in New York.
  • 假设数据来自一个特定布的程序计算出来的统计数。
    any statistic computed by procedures that assume the data were drawn from a particular distribution.
  • 不利用获得观察结果的布系数知识计算出的统计量。
    a statistic computed without knowledge of the parameters of the distribution from which observations are drawn.
  • 用来指布状态,例如统计人口或者自然人口。
    used of distributions, as of statistical or natural populations.
  • 他还附上了一份详细的市场析和一些统计数字与图表。
    He has included a thorough market analysis and several statistical graphs and charts.
  • 我们准备统计析不同类型人群笑的微妙变化,以使研究这些差异。
    We're going to study these differences by statistically analysing the minute variations in laughter between different types of people.
  • 现今,各个层次的学校都允许学生向系主任或常设的调查委员会就低提出申诉。
    Today, colleges of every stature permit them to appeal low grades through deans or permanent boards of inquiry.
  • 小黑人居住在马来西亚、菲律宾和东南亚部地区各民族中身材矮小的人
    A member of any of various peoples of short stature inhabiting parts of Malaysia, the Philippines, and southeast Asia.
  • 他买游艇只是为了显示身--其实他根本不喜欢玩游艇.
    He only bought the yacht as a status symbol he hates sailing.