  • jǐng fāng gēn cóng chē zhǎo dào de pǐn rèn chū liǎo shī de shēnfèn
    The articles found in the car helped the police identify the body.
  • jǐng chá yìn chū xíng xiōng qiǎng jié zhě de xíng xiàng pīn
    The police issued an identikit picture of the mugger.
  • jǐng chá yìn chū xíng xiōng qiǎng jié zhě de xíng xiàng pīn
    The police issue an identikit picture of the murderer
  • jǐng chá ràng chū shì shēn fèn zhèng
    The police asked him to show his identity card.
  • chū liǎo jiàn dìng zhèng míng
    She submitted proofs of identity.
  • shòu piào yuán : qǐng chū shì men de shēn fèn zhèng míng
    Show me your identity cards, please.
  • dài liǎo miàn zhào miǎn bèi rèn chū
    She concealed her identity by wearing a mask.
  • jǐng chá yào chū shì shēn fèn zhèng míng
    The police asked her for proof of identity.
  • men néng fǒu zài jiā qiáng qún rèn tóng shí yòu huì xuē ruò guó jiā rèn tóngchuàng zào chū shuāng yíng miàn
    Can we create a win-win situation whereby a gain in ethnic identity would strengthen and not weaken the national identity?
  • men néng fǒu zài jiā qiáng qún rèn tóng shí yòu huì xuē ruò guó jiā rèn tóngchuàng zào chū shuāng yíng miàn
    Can we create a win-win situation where by a gain in ethnic identity would strengthen and not weaken the national identity?
  • shuō zhe chū liǎo de shēn fèn zhèng [ zhào ]。
    With the words, he produced his identity card [passport].
  • cóng cuì xíng tài zhōng jiě fàng chū lái
    free from Nazi ideology.
  • shì měi dōunéng zhè yàng róng chū lái
    Not every idiom translates with such ease.
  • guó chéng chū xiàn zài lìng zhǒng yán zhōng de huò
    A French phrase or idiom appearing in another language.
  • chū xiàn zài lìng zhǒng yán zhōng de huò duǎn
    A German idiom or phrasing that appears in another language.
  • dīng yán xiàn xiàng cóng dīng pài shēng chū lái huò jìn dīng de chéng jié gòu huò dān
    An idiom, a structure, or a word derived from or suggestive of Latin.
  • zuì zhēn 'ài de dōng zhè chéng chū shèng jīng》。
    The idiom one s ewe lamb’ fell from the Bible. One’ s ewe lamb.
  • fān shì tóng dān chún zhí jiǎn dān qiǎn báiér cóng huá wén shòu zhòng de guàn jiǎo chū de zuì néng huī huá wén níng liànjīng zhī cháng
    The same goes for translation. While a simple and straightforward translation is easy to understand, an idiomatic paraphrasing is more able to bring out the beauty and essence of the Chinese language.
  • shǒu xiān yóu zhōng fāng jiào shòu xiě chū jiào cái de gāngrán hòu yóu jiā fāng jiào shòu xuǎn zhǔn què deliú xíng de yán guàn de nèi róngbìng jiāng fēn chéng dān yuán rán hòu men tōng guò diàn yóu jiàn jiāng nèi róng huí gěi zhōng fāng jiào shòu
    Chinese professors have provided guidelines to the textbook writing. And Canadian professors would collect appropriate, current and idiomatic English materials and put them in unit form. After that they E-mailed them to Chinese professors.
  • guǒ hái shì zhěng tiān zuò zài diàn shì qián miàn shénme shì zuò de huà huì diàn shì làn rán hòu diū chū chuāng wài
    If you keep sitting in front of the idiot box all day doing nothing, I'll smash it and throw it out the window.
  • shì guǒ shén chuán qíng de huàlián shǎ cāi chū zài méi mìng 'ài hòu lái dǒng de liǎojiù huí sòng qiū héng héng qiē xiǎng xiàng dào de pàn zhōng zuì tián de qiū
    still, if looks have language, the merest idiot might have guessed I was over head and ears: she understood me at last, and looked a return--the sweetest of all imaginable looks.
  • hái xián hùn liǎo hǎo yuè liǎo gōng zuò chū zhì lái
    My boy, you've mooned away months in idleness. Get to work and be a man.
  • zhōng guó de jīng cháng hái zuò chū rèn jué dìngzhè huì zhùzhǎng hái de duò xìng
    Parents in China often decide everything for their children, which would encourage them in idleness.
  • měi dāng jiān gōng cháo zhe zhè xiē gōng rén men kàn de shí hòu men jiù zuò chū gōng zuò de yàng lái yǎn shì men de dài duò
    The workers disguised their idleness with a show of hard work whenever the supervisor looded their way.
  • jiǎ shè zhè hòu bàn láo dòng rén kǒu tíng zhǐ gōng zuòzhèng huò jiào ràng men xián bìng gòngyǎng men zhěng nián biàn zài zhè zhǒng qíng kuàng xiàqián bàn láo dòng rén kǒu néng xiàng qián yàng shēng chǎn chū men de pǐn hòu bàn láo dòng rén kǒu de pǐnbìng néng bǎo chí yuán liào gōng de cún liàng jiǎn shǎodíquèfēi shēng chǎn xìng jiē yào me huì 'ái’èyào me jiāng bèi shēng chǎn de kǒu liángzhěng shè huì zài nián zhōngjiàng zhǐ yòu gāng gòu wéi chí shēng huó de pǐn
    Suppose that this second half of the labouring population ceased to work, and that the government or their parishes maintained them in idleness for a whole year: the first half would suffice to produce, as they had done before, their own necessaries and the necessaries of the second half, and to keep the stock of materials and implements undiminished : the unproductive classes, indeed, would be either stared or obliged to produce their own subsistence, and the whole community would be reduced during a year to bare necessaries;
  • chē de yǐn qíng chū kōng zhuǎn de shēng xiǎng
    The car engine hummed idling.
  • shān miàn děng dài chū chē de dào lái miàn lǎn yáng yáng fān yuè jiù zhì
    Susan leafed idly through some old magazines as she waited for her taxi to arrive.
  • miàn děng dài chū chē kāi lái miàn lǎn yáng yáng fān yuè jiù zhì
    Mary leafed idly through some old magazines as she waited for her taxi to arrive.
  • de xīn shū chū bǎn liǎo
    Her new book is out, ie published.
  • zhǒng yòu de xié cháng shíduō chū xiàn huǒ chéng yán zhōng
    rare plagioclastic feldspar occurring in many igneous rocks.
  • gài cháng shí zhǒng yǎng huà gài hán liàng hěn gāo yòu xié cháng shíduō chū xiàn huǒ chéng yán zhōng
    A rare plagioclase feldspar with high calcium oxide content occurring in igneous rocks.
  • bēi jiàn dehuò wēi de chū shēnbēi wēi de píng mín
    of ignoble (or ungentle) birth; untitled civilians.