  • 神对于那大帝国会感到厌恶,却决不会厌恶那小小的花朵。
    God grows weary of great kingdoms, but never of little flowers.
  • 一个精力很差的人也许会说自己讨厌工作,宁愿少拿一
    Weary Willie may say that he hates work, and is quite willing to take less.
  • 岩石已过风兴水所风化。
    The rocks have been weathered by wind and water.
  • 骨干,是经过风浪的,是很可宝贵的。
    As they have all weathered the storms, they are highly valuable.
  • 货船因天气恶劣而不能进入某基地达数月之久。
    Some cargo vessels were weathered out of some base for several months.
  • 你们度过了像那样的一困难之后,已很坚强,足以应付任何事情。
    After weathering through troubles like that, you're strong enough for anything.
  • 摩托车可以在一汽车间曲折穿行。
    A motorcycle can weave its way through the cars.
  • 过了一时候,皇帝心想:“我想知道两个织工把我的布织得怎么样了。”
    After some time had passed, the Emperor said to himself,"I wonder how the weavers are getting along with my cloth."
  • 过了一时候,皇帝心想:"我想知道两个织工把我的布织得怎么样了."
    After some time had passed, the Emperor said to himself, "I wonder how the weavers are getting along with my cloth.
  • 那位纺织工人在她所织的白布里加上一绿色。
    The textile worker worked some green into the white cloth she was weaving.
  • 它能用来使web服务器告诉用户,自上次他们看过页面之后,对这页面又增加了什么内容。
    This could be used to have Web servers tell users what has been added to Web pages since the last time they've been viewed.
  • (一动物的脚)没有蹼的。
    (of the feet of some animals) not webbed.
  • 北半球有原生的食鱼大型潜水鸟,蹼足长得很靠后;与??有亲缘关系。
    large somewhat primitive fish-eating diving bird of the northern hemisphere having webbed feet placed far back; related to the grebes.
  • 星期三对我更好些。
    Wednesday would be better for me.
  • 星期三对我更好些。
    Wednesday is better for me.
  • 星期三对我更好些。
    Wednesday will be better for me.
  • 星期三对我更好些。
    Wednesday will is better for me.
  • 我对他有些担心.
    I'm a wee bit worried about him.
  • 我打算从建筑工地上拿砖头,但是良心的呼声阻止了我这样做。
    I was going to take some bricks from the building site but a wee small voice stopped me from doing it.
  • 请帮助我们拔除这杂草。
    You might help us pull out these weeds.
  • 我上周做了一些。
    I made some last week.
  • 店铺周末营业到很晚吗?
    Do the shops stop open late on weekends?
  • 先生,这周刊就是。
    Here are some weekly magazines, sir.
  • 有一杂志是周刊,而另一是月刊。
    Some magazines are published weekly; others are put out monthly.
  • 这艘船每周的进度都定期地往返这岛屿之间
    The boat plies between the islands on a weekly schedule.
  • 把这事实组织起来,写成一篇可以在周刊上发表的文章。
    Work those facts up into an article for a weekly journal.
  • 这本周刊经常刊登一有趣的文章,所以很畅销。
    The weekly always contains interesting articles and, therefore, goes off like hot cakes.
  • 我想这东西能让我再支撑好几个星期了。
    I could go a couple more weeks."
  • 你痛痛快快哭上阵也许就好受了。
    A good weep would probably make you feel better.
  • 我一想到我们丢失的那钱就会掉眼泪。
    I could weep when I think of all the money we've lost.
  • 看见那钱都浪费了,真叫人伤心。
    It’s enough to make you weep, seeing all that money go to waste.
  • 使人流泪的老电影总是使我感到悲伤。
    Those old weepy movies always make me feel blue.