Chinese English Sentence:
  • 当然,李尔所说的句句真实:考狄莉亚不会像姐姐们那样玩弄甜言蜜语的虚伪一套,因而激怒了李尔王,暴怒之下,他剥夺了考狄莉亚的继承权,将之驱逐国。
    Of course what Lear speaks is the truth: Cordelia was disinherited and banished by Lear in a fit of petulance all because she could not bring herself to duplicate the honey-tongued hypocrisy of her sisters.
  • 几个结论都自他的假设
    Several conclusions flow from this hypothesis.
  • 假设,假定作为一个假设提
    To assert as a hypothesis.
  • 阿伏加德罗,阿梅代1776-1856意大利化学家及物理学家,他发展了后来被称为阿伏加德罗定律的假说。以这个假说发,其他物理学家计算了阿伏加德罗常数
    Italian chemist and physicist who advanced the hypothesis that has come to be called Avogadro's law. From this hypothesis other physicists were able to calculate Avogadro's number.
  • 光亮的蜡烛;对我的人格进行排谤;对我们的假说产生疑问的发现
    Candles casting light; cast aspersions on my character; findings that cast doubt on our hypothesis.
  • 由jameslovelock提的盖亚假说认为地球应被视作一个生物体。
    Gaia hypothesis, introduce by james lovelock, say that the globe shall is take as an organism.
  • 要做到这一点,就必须分离这种假想的元素。
    To do that the hypothetical elements had to be isolated.
  • 印-欧语言或由他推导的假想语言的印-欧语言或由他推导的假想语言的与印-欧语言或由他推导的假想语言有关的
    Of or relating to the Indo-European languages or the hypothetical language from which they are derived.
  • 疾病模仿现某些实际并不患有的某种疾病的症状,通常由歇斯底里而引起
    The appearance, often caused by hysteria, of symptoms of a disease not actually present.
  • 夏皮罗说,当时对克隆的歇斯底里是被误导了,因为人们竟错误地认为不久就会克隆弗兰肯斯泰因"怪物部队"。
    Shapiro says the hysteria over cloning at that time was misguided because it was wrong to think that there would soon be cloned armies of Frankenstein monsters.
  • 特区政府代表亦以中国代表团成员身分,席超过150个限以国家为单位参加的国际会议,包括国际电讯联盟、世界知识产权组织、国际民用航空组织、国际货币基金组织、万国邮政联盟及国际劳工组织举办的会议。
    HKSARG representatives also participated as members of the PRC delegation in more than 150 international conferences limited to states, including those organised by international organisations such as the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Universal Postal Union (UPU) and International Labour Organisation (ILO).
  • 泰坦尼克号发四天以后,一座巨大的冰山向它漂来。
    Four days after the Titanic set out, a very big iceberg floated towards her.
  • 冰山从雾中隐约地现。
    The iceberg loomed out of the fog.
  • 只有冰山的尖端突于水面。
    Only the tip of an iceberg pokes up above water.
  • 最近,乔尔也频繁外--一会儿去冰岛采访比约克,一会儿又到好莱坞参加奥斯卡颁奖--但他对详细经过守口如瓶。
    Joel had been traveling a lot lately too -- to Iceland to interview Bjork; to Hollywood for the Oscars -- but he was stingy with details.
  • 结冰的道岔、用作导电体的铁轨上现的冰冻、雾等都会使火车停驶,于是气象员及时提供警报以供人们采取预防的措施。
    Trains can be held up by frozen points, the icing of electice conductor rails, and fog, so warnings are provided by weathermen in time for precautionary measures to be taken.
  • “找工作找了这么多年,一直都遭到拒绝,现在能到真正需要自己的行业中工作很不错。”她一边说,一边用冰块冰着她在平行泊车练习中几小时踩离合器而汗的膝盖。
    “After years of being met with rejection, it's nice to be in an industry where they really want you,” she says, icing her knee after hours of clutching during parallel?parking practice.
  • 当对麦克风进行消音时,会在屏幕的上部现一个图标。
    An icon appears in the upper portion of the screen to indicate when the microphone is muted.
  • 当您正控制远端摄像机时,屏幕上会现一个图标。
    An icon appears on the screen to indicate when you are controlling the far end camera.
  • 只要有远端摄像机控制器,在屏幕上就会现一个带有单词“far”的摄像机图标
    Whenever you have controlled the far end camera an icon of a camera with the word FAR will appear on the screen
  • 只要有远端摄像机控制器,在屏幕上就会现一个带有单词“far”的摄像机图标。
    Whenever you have control of the far end camera an icon of a camera with the word FAR will appear on the screen.
  • 在以后的几天里,勇新的精神一直在希望与绝望之间交替徘徊。一方面他为儿子的病情忧心忡忡,一方面又为有这么多素不相识的人在电脑屏幕上用邮箱之神献爱心而犹豫不决。
    In the next few days Yongxin’s spirits alternated between hope and despair, As bad as he felt about his son's condition, he was staggered by the love of strangers whose only connection to him as a mailbox icon on a computer screen.
  • 这座于1956年设计并于1973年宣布最后完工的建筑一直是全世界最著名的建筑,直到另一座同样杰的建筑在1997年落成:这就是弗兰克·格里设计的毕尔巴鄂的古根海姆博物馆。但是,作为国际建筑的偶像,悉尼歌剧院将名垂青史,因为它是开路先锋。
    First designed in l956 and finally declared complete in 1973, the opera house was the single best-known modern building in the world until the arrival of Frank Gehry's equally extraordinary Bilbao Guggenheim in l997. But it will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon because it did all the difficult work first.
  • 示你的身份证好吗?好,给你。
    Can you show me your ID card? —All right. Here you are.
  • 在窃贼从银行中跑来时,艾达蓦地看见了他。
    Ida caught sight of the robber as he ran out of the bank.
  • 锅柄状的突地带从比较广阔的地域突去的狭窄的一个条带,如阿拉斯加州、爱达荷州、俄克拉荷马州、得克萨斯州和西维尔日尼亚
    A narrow strip of territory projecting from a larger, broader area, as in Alaska, Idaho, Oklahoma, Texas, and West Virginia.
  • 你想像不来我有多么担心。
    You have no idea how worried I was.
  • 我猜都猜不出来。
    I have no idea.
  • 提出一个想法
    Put forth an idea.
  • 这是一个外野餐的理想日子。
    It is an ideal day for a picnic.
  • 空想的方案提不切实际的理想的方案的
    Proposing impracticably ideal schemes.
  • 做出理想的决定
    Pitched on the ideal solution.