  • 唉,可别出声!
    Oh , do hush up!
  • 嘘,别声!有人来了。”
    But, hush, here comes somebody."
  • 从谷穗或麦杆中把颗粒分离来的机器。
    a machine for separating seeds or grain from the husks and straw.
  • 一盏灯引导他们进山上的小木屋。
    A light guideed them on to a mountain hut.
  • 我们一打开兔箱,兔子就突然跑来了。
    The rabbits popped out as soon as we opened the hutch.
  • 我们一打开兔箱,兔子就突然跑来了。
    The rabbit pop out as soon as we open the hutch.
  • 刚让我们住进了临时营房就又发了。
    No sooner were we hutted than we were on the march again.
  • 亲本的,亲代的属于或指产生杂交后代的第一代生物体的
    Of or designating the generation of organisms from which hybrid offspring are produced.
  • 杂交种动物(植物)杂交不育的品种,如在金丝鸟和其他鸟类之间杂交的不育品种,也可指在植物之间
    A sterile hybrid, as between a canary and other birds or between certain plants.
  • 花商售的报春花(月见草);被认为是高报春、黄花九轮草和普通报春花的杂交品种。
    florists' primroses; considered a complex hybrid derived from oxlip, cowslip, and common primrose.
  • 从损坏的消防栓里喷水来
    A fountain of water gushes from the broken fire hydrant
  • 为了减低大型填海工程对海港水流、泥沙输移及波浪状况的不良影响,土木工程署利用先进的水力模型,评估各项工程计划可能引起的变化,确保变化不超可接受的限度。
    Large reclamation projects may affect the flow of water, sediment transport and wave activity in the harbour. To minimise any adverse effects, the CED employs sophisticated hydraulic models to analyse the likely effects of proposed schemes and check that they are within acceptable limits.
  • 煤气箱可以贮装金属氢化物,需要时可加热使氢气放
    The gas tank could be idled with this metallic hydride and the hydrogen driven off by heat as needed.
  • 甲基单价碳氢基,ch3-,由甲烷中衍生,在许多重要有机化合物中
    The univalent hydrocarbon radical, CH3-, derived from methane and occurring in many important organic compounds.
  • 与脑积水有关、具有或明显表现脑积水特征。
    relating to or characterized by or evidencing hydrocephalus.
  • 水电站出力
    output of hydroelectric power station
  • 氢离子供体一种可放氢离子的物质
    A substance capable of yielding hydrogen ions.
  • 日后香港会以中国代表团成员的身分,席国际海道测量组织的会议。
    Hong Kong will attend the International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) conferences as part of the Chinese delegation.
  • 26.作为世界气象组织(气象组织)对国际年和论坛的投入,该组织正计划就各国水文服务处的作用和业务提新的倡议,包括召开有关在论坛交换水文资料的特别会议。
    26. As part of its inputs to the Year and the Forum,the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is planning to launch a new initiative on the role and operations of national hydrological services, including the convening of a special meeting on the exchange of hydrological data at the Forum.
  • 今年,长江中下游干流、洞庭湖、鄱阳湖现了1954年后仅次于1998年的历史第二高水位,其中监利水文站最高水位仅比1998年洪峰水位低0.01米。
    This year, the main stream of the Yangtze River, Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake witnessed the second highest water level after that of 1998 since 1954. At Jianli Hydrological Station, the highest water level was only 0.01m lower than in 1998.
  • 我们将从水电厂输电来。
    We are going to pipe electricity in from a hydropower plant.
  • 我们将从水电厂输电来。
    We is go to pipe electricity in from a hydropower plant.
  • 他们已作计划,准备在山里建造一座水电站。
    They have got out a scheme to build a hydropower station in the hills.
  • (指水)在内部的水压下喷地面。
    (of water) rising to the surface under internal hydrostatic pressure.
  • 中国基督教协会自1983年起编辑版的《赞美诗》累计发行达800多万册。
    In addition, more than eight million copies of a hymn book published by the China Christian Council in 1983 have been distributed.
  • 在美国,1872年在茱丽亚·沃德·豪(她将这些建议写信给共和国战事赞美诗)建议下设立了母亲节。这一节日是为在战争中失去了亲人的母亲们而设的,纪念她们为和平所付的牺牲。
    In the United States Mother's Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe (who wrote the words to the Battle hymn of the Republic) as a day dedicated to peace.
  • 那部新推电影有很大的媒体宣传。
    There is a big media hype for that new movie.
  • 虽然分析师们对隐蔽的成本和管理负担提了警告,但对一个大肆广告宣传和言过其实的做法而名的行业来说,用户们在短短时间内接受了内部网是惊人的。
    And although analysts warn of hidden costs and management burdens, the acceptance of intranets in a short time among users is remarkable in an industry notorious for hype and exaggeration.
  • 如果你认为创造个人品牌的宣传有点过分,那就想想有那么多的熟人、同事、合伙人塞满了每个人的大脑,大多数人可能只认你一两个特征。
    If you've thought that the hype around creating Brand seems a little much, consider this: With so many contacts, co? workers, and colleagues jamming everyone's mind, most people likely assign you only one or two attributes.
  • 眼球突的甲状腺功能亢进。
    hyperthyroidism with protrusion of the eyeballs.
  • 字(词)处理技术中的一种软件功能,能够保证一行末尾用连字符连接的字,在此后正文的别处现且不再需要连字符号时,丢掉它的连字符号。参阅hyphenation。
    In word processing, a software facility which ensures that a hyphenated word at the end of a line loses its hyphen if it subsequently appears elsewhere in the text and no longer requires hyphenation.
  • 她给他施催眠术让他做违反本意的事。
    She hypnotize him into do thing against his own will.