  • 在你衣橱门的里面钉一块钉板。旋上一钩子—小的挂皮带,大的挂手提包—就是这样!问题就很好地解决了。
    Nail a piece of peg board on the inside of your wardrobe door. Screw in some hooks—small ones for belts, large ones for handbags—and there you are! Problem neatly solved.
  • 她规律性地把房子里的衣物、床单和其他日用品清理掉,把这收集品收在纸箱里,放到前厅壁橱里。
    She regularly scoured the house for clothes, bedding and house wares to give away, and the collection was always stored in paper bags on the floor of the front hall closet.
  • 他们毁坏那来竞争的外国商品,捣毁机器,烧毁工厂,力图恢复已经失去的中世纪工人的地位。
    they destroy imported wares that compete with their labour, they smash to pieces machinery, they set factories ablaze, they seek to restore by force the vanished status of the workman of the Middle Ages.
  • 请把这牛奶热一热。
    Please warm up this milk.
  • 今儿早上暖和些。
    It is warmer this morning.
  • 天气已变得暖和了。
    The weather has become warmer.
  • 这个国家有地区比另一地区暖和得多。
    Some parts of this country are much warmer than others.
  • 但是,由于全球变暖,所有这栖息地在本世纪末以前几乎都面临着灭顶之灾。
    But almost all face destruction by the end of this century because of global warming.
  • 天气冷,你应该穿得暖和
    It's cold and you should cover up warmly.
  • 我们不能排除有战争贩子会冒险发动一场新的世界大战的可能性。
    We can't exclude the possibility that some warmongers will run the risk of starting a new world war.
  • 11月13日,影片的生产和发布商华纳兄弟公司证实,在一经常提供首映电影盗版的网站,最近赫然出现了《哈里波特与密室》的盗版电影。
    Warner Bros., the studio that produced and distributes the movie, confirmed Wednesday that pirated copies of the movie have popped up on Internet sites that regularly offer illegal copies of first-run films.
  • 这块潮湿的木材有翘郓了。
    The damp wood began to warp.
  • 政客为提高税收再次展开了行动。
    Those politicians are on the warpath for higher taxes again.
  • 是的,我们需要贵社寄给我们一份保证书,不过我们今天需要一详细的资料。
    Yes, we would like to have a copy of the warranty sent to us, but we need some specific information today. Can you connect me with someone who can get me that information today.
  • 然而这都是在一千年以前,甚至远至春秋战国、秦汉时代的成就;
    But these achievements go back a thousand years, or even earlier in the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period, the Qin and the Han Dynasties.
  • 战时的军舰仍在服役。
    Some wartime vessels are still in commission.
  • 战争中,一政府经常封锁新闻或发布假新闻。
    In wartime, govermnents often black out all news or give out false news.
  • 警察当局对行踪漂忽的旅游者十分注意,因为难以查出这人公认的营地或者居所。
    Police are wary of itinerants who cannot be traced to a recognized camp boundary or to four walls.
  • 请把这衣服洗乾净。
    Please wash these clothes clean.
  • 这些衣服需要洗。
    These clothes want washing.
  • 华盛顿的有信件仍然被保留着。
    Some of Washington's letter are extant.
  • 晚近美国上层阶级的一人自称为wasp,意思就是“白种盎格鲁撒克逊基督教新教徒”。
    Some upper-class people in the United States recently had the fashion of calling themselves WASP's , which means White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
  • 核果瘤由某寄生黄蜂在橡树或其他树上引起的坚果状肿块
    A nutlike swelling produced on an oak or other tree by certain parasitic wasps.
  • 如果他将大部分时间用于工作,把娱乐或休闲看成是浪费,要设法鼓励他尽量多做事情放松一下。
    If much of his life is structured around being productive at work,and he sees play or relaxation as wasteful,try to encourage him to do as many things as possible that don't add to the gross national product.
  • 那个老师无谓地拚命把一无用的事实数据往孩子们的头脑里灌。
    That teacher is wasting his effort trying to hammer useless facts into such children.
  • 尼兰德说:"我也曾试过weightwatchers这样的减肥网站,在网上做一关于减肥的努力,但是我只能坚持两个星期左右,很快我就又大开酒戒了。
    "I tried Weight Watchers, I was doing some online thing and was able to stick to it for about two weeks and then just kind of fell off the wagon," Neiland said.
  • 花草得天天浇水。
    The plants want watering/ want to be watered daily.
  • 活动主要将与联合国环境规划署(环境规划署)欧洲区域办事处和世界卫生组织欧洲区域办事处合作进行,并由数个有关国际水道问题的非政府组织支助。
    Those activities are mainly carried out in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Regional Office for Europe and the WHO Regional Office for Europe, supported by a number of NGOs competent on international watercourse issues.
  • 不过,在这河溪实施水污染管制措施后,已渐见成效,水质正慢慢改善,评为"极佳"或"良好"的溪流比率,由一九八六年的27%增至一九九六年的60%,而归入"极劣"或"恶劣"级别的溪流,则由一九八六年的52%下降至一九九六年的23%。
    However, pollution control measures are now having a positive effect on the watercourses, and their quality is slowly improving. The percentage of rivers in the 'good' and 'excellent' categories improved from 27 percent in 1986 to 60 percent in 1996, and the percentage in the 'bad' and 'very bad' categories fell from 52 percent in 1986 to 23 percent in 1996.
  • 这片土地受这河流灌溉。
    The land is watered by these rivers.
  • 他把评论写得缓和一了,使它变得不那么有攻击性。
    He watered down his comments so that they became less offensive.
  • 移植的植物应该细心洒水直到重新扎根。
    The transplants should be watered carefully until they get a new roothold.