  • 他在暗中摸索着找門把手。
    He groped for the doorhandle in the dark.
  • 你為啥在暗中摸着走?這不是燈嗎!
    Why are you groping about in the dark? Here's the light!
  • 沒有毛主席,至少我們中國人民還要在暗中摸索更長的時間。
    Without him the Chinese people would, at the very least, have spent much more time groping in the dark.
  • 他在心裏把自已比作在漆的夜裏登上一艘陌生船衹的水手,在不熟悉的運轉着的索具中摸索。
    He could not express what he felt, and to himself he likened himself to a sailor, in a strange ship, on a dark night, groping about in the unfamiliar running rigging.
  • 這一發現使得資産階級經濟學家和社會主義批評傢對他們試圖解决的問題的認識豁然開朗;而在此之前,他們衹能在暗中摸索。
    The discovery of surplus value suddenly threw light on the problem, in trying to solve which all previous investigations, of both bourgeois economists and socialist critics, had been groping in the dark.
  • 對這種捏造事實、顛倒白、捕風捉影的攻擊,中國政府和中國人民表示極大的憤慨。
    The Chinese Government and people are strongly indignant over this groundless attack that fabricates facts and confuses black and white.
  • 東半球大型色鬆雞。
    large black Old World grouse.
  • 北歐大型鬆雞,尾巴呈裏拉琴狀。
    large north European black grouse with a lyre-shaped tail.
  • 鬆雞原産於歐洲北部的一種大型鬆雞(鬆雞),具有色的羽毛和一條扇形的尾巴
    A large grouse(Tetrao urogallus), native to northern Europe and having dark plumage and a fanlike tail.
  • 澳大利亞和新幾內亞林區的塚雉。
    black megapode of wooded regions of Australia and New Guinea.
  • 背和翅膀是色的白海鷗。
    white gull having a black back and wings.
  • 導火綫一段色火藥綫,用作引爆炸藥的引信
    A string of gunpowder that acts as a fuse for exploding a charge.
  • 該服務器地址從來不給外界,幾乎使“客”破壞不可能。
    The server address is never presented to the outside world making it almost impossible to hack.
  • 所以,有人把興奮劑比喻為“毒瘤”,是“社會”,是“體壇客”。
    Therefore, someone compares those stimulants as a "cancer", an "underworld" and "the hack of the sports community".
  • 傑夫:所以,有人把興奮劑比喻為“毒瘤”,是“社會”,是“體壇客”。
    Jeff: Therefore, someone compares those stimulants as a "cancer", an "underworld" and "the hack of the sports community".
  • 傑夫:所以,有人把興奮劑比喻為“毒瘤”,是“社會”,是“體壇客”。
    Jeff: Therefore, someone compares those stimulants as a "can- cer'', an "underworld" and "the hack of the sports community"
  • 警察就逮捕了這兩名“客”。
    The police arrested the two hackers.
  • 客”戰。用於攻擊計算機係統。
    "Hacker" warfare, in which computer systems are attacked.
  • 這個密鑰受到保護,“客”是得不到的。
    The key is protected and cannot be obtained by a hacker.
  • 他們還應定期檢查電腦記錄以發現可能是客形跡異常活動。
    They should also check their computer records regularly to spot any abnormal activity, which might betray the presence of a hacker.
  • 這聽起來好像不可能成功的,但如果應用程序不包括檢查和平衡功能,如將後臺數據庫中的價格與收費進行比較,那末客就能把東西提走。
    This sounds like something that couldn't succeed, yet if the application includes no checks and balances, such as comparing the price in the back-end database to the amount being charged, then the hacker can get away with it.
  • 過路客是時下流行術語,指的是客從樓外闖入樓內無綫電腦網絡。
    Drive?by hacking is the trendy term given to the practice of breaking into wireless computer networks from outside the buildings that house them.
  • 儘管談論客攻擊的可能性涉及安全公司的利益,他們仍說有許多公司私下承認曾受到攻擊。
    Although security companies have a vested interest in talking up the likelihood of hacking attacks, they claim that many companies secretly admit to having been hacked.
  • 戀愛,就是在去見一個漂亮的女孩子、與發現她芳容有如一尾綫鱈魚之間的一段令人高興的幕間。
    Love is the delightful between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock.
  • 戀愛,就是在去見一個漂亮的女孩子、與發現她芳容有如一尾綫鱈之間的一段令人高興的幕間。
    Love is the delightful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock.
  • 你看沒看見一個背包的人下了車?
    Did you see anyone who got off with a black hag?
  • 河馬非洲的一種大型水生食草型哺乳動物(河馬河馬屬),皮厚且,幾乎無毛,短腿,有四個腳趾,口鼻寬闊突出
    A large, chiefly aquatic African herbivorous mammal(Hippopotamus amphibius) having thick, dark, almost hairless skin, short legs with four toes, and a broad, wide-mouthed muzzle.
  • 夜在那條窄道上開車真可怕。
    It was rather hairy driving down that narrow road in the darkness.
  • 中間色,半調色在光綫最強處與色暗影之間的一種色調或明暗的配合
    A tone or value halfway between a highlight and a dark shadow.
  • 男子戶外賽季於四月下旬在慕尼進行,接下來是五月初在漢堡舉行的德國公開賽。
    The men's outdoor season gets under way in Munich in late April, followed by the German Open in Hamburg in early May.
  • 這個人提着一個色的小塑料提袋。
    The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag.
  • 磨坊主穿着一件色長衫,走在送葬隊伍的最前面,不時地用一塊大手帕抹他的眼睛。
    Every now and then he wiped his eyes with a big handkerchief.