  • 在可视图文系统中的一种显示模式,在这种模式中,显示字符采用哪一种图形组,取决于所用的是相图形还是分离图形。
    In videotex, the display mode in which the display characters are those of one or other of the graphics sets, depending on whether contiguous or separated graphics are used.
  • 动态存储器中的一种续地址空间。作为一个保留区,在动态存储器其它区域不能满足对存储器的请求时,才用它满足这一请求。
    A contiguous address space in dynamic storage that is held in reserve and not normally used to satisfy a request for storage until such requests cannot besatisfied from other areas of dynamic storage.
  • 解决了一些集中片贫困地区的温饱问题。沂蒙山区、井冈山区、大别山区、闽西南地区等革命老区群众的温饱问题已经基本解决。
    Some poverty-stricken areas which lie in vast, contiguous stretches have solved the problem of food and clothing as have the Yimeng, Jinggang and Dabie mountain areas, southwest Fujian and other old revolutionary base areas.
  • 二十世纪五十年代和六十年代初,兵团按照“不与民争利”的原则,在天山南北的塔克拉玛干、古尔班通古特两大沙漠边缘和自然环境恶劣的边境沿线,兴建水利,开垦荒地,在茫茫戈壁荒漠上建成一个个田陌片、渠系纵横、林带成网、道路畅通的绿洲生态经济网络。
    In the 1950s and early 1960s, following the principle of “not competing for benefits with the local people,” the XPCC built water conservancy works and reclaimed wasteland along the edges of the Taklimakan and Gurbantünggüt deserts to the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, respectively, and along the borders where the natural environment was adverse. Now they have built up ecologically sound economic networks of oases, with contiguous fields, crisscrossing canals, ubiquitous forest belts and radiating roads.
  • 正中深处才是真正的圣波尔行宫,门面一再增多,自查理五世起接二三地不断对行宫进行妆扮修饰,杂乱无章,画蛇添足,两百年来建筑师个个随心所欲,在其各座小教堂任意增添半圆后殿,在其道道长廊上任意砌起山墙,在其屋顶上任意竖起无数随风转动的风标;行宫的两座高塔相,圆锥形顶盖的底部围着一道垛子,顶盖看起来就像卷边的尖帽。
    at the extremity, the Hotel Saint-Pol,properly speaking, with its multiplied facades, its successive enrichments from the time of Charles V., the hybrid excrescences,with which the fancy of the architects had loaded it during the last two centuries, with all the apses of its chapels,all the gables of its galleries, a thousand weathercocks for the four winds, and its two lofty contiguous towers, whose conical roof, surrounded by battlements at its base, looked like those pointed caps which have their edges turned up.
  • 请不要再接二三地提问了。
    Please stop your continual questions.
  • 近来这对年轻人为了一些小事接不断地发生争吵。
    Recently the young couple have continual arguments with each other for trifles.
  • 续不断的吵杂声;长期吃素
    Continual noise; a continual diet of vegetables.
  • 续不断地噪声扰得那个妇女神经不安。
    The continual noise fretted the woman 's nerves.
  • 绵的阴雨天气使我感到毫无精神。
    This continual wet weather is getting me down.
  • 续的迟到是不利于升职的一个污点。
    His continual lateness was a black mark against his promotion.
  • 设计过程要求无限的独创性和续不断地做判断。
    The design process call for unrestrained creative ingenuity and continual decision making.
  • 续观察心脏官能的电子设备。
    a piece of electronic equipment for continual observation of the function of the heart.
  • 人机对话的具有直接和续的反应的双向电子或通信系统的,或与之有关的
    Of or relating to a two-way electronic or communications system in which response is direct and continual.
  • 对于无线的个人通信器,续的软件开发将使它们成为更通用的工具。
    As for wireless personal communicators, the continual development of software will make them a much more versatile tool.
  • 续不断的大雨造成一些河流泛滥。
    Continually heavy rain made some rivers act up.
  • 一根接一根地吸烟续抽烟,如用前支烟点燃下支烟接着抽
    To smoke continually, as by lighting the next cigarette from the previous one.
  • 续服用一周,你就会好起来的。
    You will get better when you take this medicine continually in a week.
  • 持续,持久时间上的续或持续
    Continuance or persistence in time.
  • 我们不能再支持总统任.
    We can no longer support the President's continuance in office.
  • 连续或继续
    A continuation or sequel.
  • 明天继续收听这个台的故事播节目。
    Listen in to this station tomorrow for the continuation of the story.
  • 续不断、没有干涉。
    continue undisturbed and without interference.
  • 爱迪生和他的同伴整晚上在观察他的灯,灯续亮了40个小时才熄灭。
    Edison and his men were watching his light all the night. The light continued to burn for40 hours before it went out.
  • 续地操作使他的伤口发炎。
    The continued exertion angered his wound.
  • 那一仗续打了两天。
    The fighting continued for two days.
  • 用于描述为专门的或续的使用而设计或设置的机器、微处理器、程序或过程。
    A term indicating machines, microprocessor, programs, or procedures that are designed or set apart for special or continued use.
  • 持续或连续一个月的
    Continuing or lasting for a month.
  • 在时间或者空间上续,没有中断。
    continuing in time or space without interruption.
  • 并非在时间或者空间上续、没有中断。
    not continuing without interruption in time or space.
  • (鸟或猴子)短促声的尖叫。
    the high-pitched continuing noise made by animals (birds or monkeys).
  • 通过编排以提供续服务,例如在运输中。
    be scheduled so as to provide continuing service, as in transportation.