  • 警方在远离劫案发生地近50里的地方开始调查,恐怕他们是在白费心机。
    I’m afraid the police are barking up the wrong tree by starting their investigation nearly 50 miles from where the robbery happened.
  • 燕麦粉或大麦粉做成的平面包;常见于新格兰和苏格兰。
    a flat bread made of oat or barley flour; common in New England and Scotland.
  • 现寄去国及外国的大麦样品,请查收。
    Enclosed please find the sample of English and foreign barley, which we shall like you to examine.
  • 长度单位一种测量单位,等于一个大麦粒的宽度,或约!/3寸(0。85厘米)
    A unit of measure equal to the width of a grain of barley, or about! /3 inch(0.85 centimeter).
  • 为此我们租了一间不大不小的房子,一个牲口棚和160亩地。
    So we leased a modest house, a barn and160acres.
  • 等级在伯爵之下、男爵之上的国贵族。
    a British peer who ranks below an earl and above a baron.
  • 国荣誉头衔中的一种;低于男爵而高于爵士的等级。
    a member of the British order of honor; ranks below a baron but above a knight.
  • 国)一个国贵族阶级的成员(公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵或男爵)。
    (British) a nobleman (duke or marquis or earl or viscount or baron) who is a member of the British peerage.
  • )用在骑士或伯爵名字之前的头衔。
    (British) a title used before the name of knight or baronet.
  • 一般不说“sir福特”,或“madam史密斯”。只有在国才把“sir”用于称呼“骑士”或“爵士”,比如“约翰爵士”(sir约翰),而他的妻子则称为“史密斯贵妇”(lady史密斯)。
    Don't say "Sir Ford", "Madam Smith" except when "sir" is used as the title of a knight or baronet in England, e.g. Sir John. His wife is addressed as Dame of Lady Smith.
  • (1208-1265)领导反抗亨利三世的男爵叛乱的国贵族。
    (1208-1265) an English nobleman who led the baronial rebellion against Henry III.
  • 人民解放军在七月一日进驻香港,他们搬进过往军曾经使用的三十九个军营中的其中十四个。
    Yes, PLA soldiers did come into Hong Kong on July 1. They moved into 14 of the 39 barracks formerly occupied by British soldiers.
  • 那个教官带领士兵们作了10里的行军,结果他们回到军营时全都累得快要趴下了。
    The drill sergeant took the men on a ten-mile march and they were all ready to drop by the time they got back to barracks.
  • 18岁的李·威廉是国"沙漠之鼠"苏格兰皇家近卫团卫兵。他在一个废弃的兵营里捡了双崭新的靴子,跟自己的国战靴比起来,他觉得新鞋"又轻巧又舒适。
    Guardsman Lee Williams, 18, of the Desert Rats' Royal Scots Dragoon Guards battle group, found a new pair of boots in an abandoned barracks which he said were "lighter and more comfortable" than the British footwear.
  • 哈里喜欢夸口说他在战争中的勇行为,但有一次我碰巧得知,他在军队的整个服役期间只不过是个科切斯特营房中的一个仓库管理员。
    Harry is fond of shooting his mouth off about his daring exploits in action during the last war, but I happen to know he was a storeman at Colchester barracks for the whole of his time in the army.
  • 大型(可达6尺)灰黑色梭鱼,价值极高的食用和猎用鱼;可能对游泳者危险。
    large (up to 6 ft) grayish-brown barracuda highly regarded as a food and sport fish; may be dangerous to swimmers.
  • 他递给我一把口径.22寸的短筒猎枪。
    He handed me a short barreled.22-caliber rifle.
  • 大卡车以每小时70里的速度在坑洼不平的道路上继续前进。
    The truck barreled along at 70 mph on a potholed road.
  • 吉普车以每小时六十里左右的速度在凹凸不平的道路上不停地行驶。
    The jeep barreled along at about 60mph on an uneven road.
  • 担心要如何和我父母沟通的,应该是那些文老师。
    Let the English teachers worry about the communication barrier instead.
  • 高级律师在格兰或威尔士的任何法院都有发表意见的权利。
    A barrister have right of audience in any court in england and wales.
  • 被选出为国统治者服务的高级律师。
    a barrister selected to serve as counsel to the British ruler.
  • 这位国出庭律师以在法庭上的屡胜而闻名
    The English barrister is famous for his success in the court
  • 格兰和威尔士高级律师在所有法院都有发言权利。
    Barrister have right of audience in all court in england and wales.
  • 国)一个在城镇或自冶的市镇充当兼职法官的辩护律师或法律顾问。
    (British) a barrister or solicitor who serves as part-time judge in towns or boroughs.
  • (本文作者是国大律师,国皇家仲裁学院院士,现为loo&partners法律事务所的主任律师。)
    (The writer, a British Barrister-at-Law and a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London, is the Senior Partner of Loo & Partners.
  • 格兰和威尔士,高级律师是律师学院之一的一个成员;他已通过大学考试,在成为高级律师前他还得经过一年的严格培训并通过各种有关考试。
    In England and Wales, a barrister is a member of one of the inn of court; he has passed examination and spent one year in pupilage before being called to the bar.
  • (本文作者是国大律师,国皇家仲裁学院院士,现为loo&partners法律事务所的主任律师。)
    (The writer is the Senior Partner of Loo & Partners. He qualified as a Barrister-at-Law at Lincoln's Inn, London, and obtained his Master of Laws from London University. Mr Loo is also a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London.)
  • 新专辑"我一直在等你"中的第一首单曲"千禧年",一经推出即荣登国排行榜榜首,这首歌将约翰·巴里的歌曲"你只有两次生命"的旋律完美地选用在了和声中。
    First single “ Millennium” from the newest album “ I've Been Expecting You” reached immediately after the release # 1 in UK,using the melody of John Barry from “ You Only Live Twice” ,which has been greatly sampled into the chorus.
  • 巴肖罗缪市场曾是全国最大的市场之一,主要经营布料、家畜等,同时还有各种娱乐和消遣设施,曾经在一个相当长的时期内成为伦敦生活的中心。
    Bartholomew Fair used to be one of the great national fairs dealing in cloth, livestock, etc., accompanied by a variety of amusements and entertainments, and it long held its place as a center of London life.
  • 也不是华语基础差的,其语往往也好不到哪儿去。
    It is also baseless to say that those with a weak foundation in Chinese are usually unable to excel in English.
  • 我不认为语水平很高的华人,其华语的基础往往极好,也不是华语基础差的,其语往往也好不到哪儿去。
    Similarly, it is also baseless to say that those with a weak foundation in Chinese are usually unable to excel in English.