  • 我们一生应该这样地生活和劳动,使给予我们的种子能在下一代开,使给予我们的朵能在下一代结果,这就是我们所说的进步的意义。(比彻)
    We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress.( H. W. Beecher)
  • 园和蜂箱是她仅有的医生,她因此而更长寿。
    The garden and beehive are all her physick and chirurgery, and she lives the longer for it.
  • 新疆已成为全国最大商品棉、啤酒和番茄酱生产基地,全国重要的畜牧业和甜菜糖生产基地。
    In addition, Xinjiang has become the largest producer of commodity cotton, hops and tomato sauce, and one of the major livestock breeding and beet-sugar producing centers in China.
  • 各种草本植物,其某部分可食,如:甜菜的果实和根,菠菜的叶子,豆类的种子或菜芽。
    any of various herbaceous plants cultivated for an edible part such as the fruit or the root of the beet or the leaf of spinach or the seeds of bean plants or the flower buds of broccoli or cauliflower.
  • 粮食、棉、甜菜总产量分别达到796万吨、157万吨和455万吨,比1955年分别增长4.4倍、61.5倍和4550.2倍。
    The total output of food grains, cotton and sugar beet was 7.96 million tons, 1.57 million tons and 4.55 million tons, respectively, or 5.4 times, 62.5 times and 4,551.2 times the figures for 1955, respectively.
  • 你们这些孩子为什么现在还不赶快跑到园里去玩?
    Now, why don't you children beetle off into the garden and play?
  • 斑蝥,西班牙芜菁一种亮绿色芜菁(西班牙绿芜菁或芜菁萤属),产于欧洲中部和南部
    A brilliant green blister beetle(Lytta vesicatoria or Cantharis vesicatoria) of central and southern Europe.
  • 普通有金属光泽的绿色甲虫;幼虫吃植物的根部,成虫玫瑰等的叶和
    a common metallic green European beetle: larvae feed on plant roots and adults on leaves and flowers of e.g. roses.
  • 常见于北美洲的甲虫;幼虫吃根、成虫吃诸如玫瑰或苹果树或葡萄藤的叶和
    common North American beetle: larvae feed on roots and adults on leaves and flowers of e.g. rose bushes or apple trees or grape vines.
  • 钱之前必须先赚钱。
    Earn before you spend.
  • 那天早上,“佳乐”和往常一样,洗浴,梳理,讨吃蜜。
    That morning went as usual for Squeak: a shower, preening, begging for treats.
  • 具有半块茎的秋海棠,叶盾状,玫瑰色;产自也门。
    semituberous begonia having peltate leaves and rose-pink flowers; Yemen.
  • 一种有根状茎的海棠,叶具有突尖的裂片,形状像星,粉色。
    rhizomatous begonia having leaves with pointed lobes suggestive of stars and pink flowers.
  • 南非的一种秋海棠,有块茎或半块茎,叶卵形、有浅裂片,开白色的小
    tuberous or semi-tuberous South African begonia having shallowly lobed ovate leaves and small white flowers.
  • 杂交而来的冬季开的秋海棠,粉色的大而美丽;由亚洲的一个种(bdregei)和非洲南部的一个种(bsocotrana)杂交产生。
    hybrid winter-blooming begonia grown for its many large pink flowers; derived from B dregei and B socotrana.
  • 秋海棠属的任何一种植物,因其平滑、不对称的叶子和成聚伞序或总状序的而被广泛栽培。
    any of numerous plants of the genus Begonia grown for their attractive glossy asymmetrical leaves and colorful flowers in usually terminal cymes or racemes.
  • 一种具有纤维状根的秋海棠属植物,叶呈宽阔的卵形、绿色至青铜色至黑红色,簇生的小白色至粉色至红色;作为地面植物被广泛的栽培。
    hybrid fibrous-rooted begonia having broad-ovate green to bronze- or black-red leaves and small clusters of white or pink or red flowers; widely used as a bedding plant.
  • 我们在这方面老是舍不得钱。
    We used to begrudge money for projects in those areas.
  • 起钱来大手大脚了,事情很明显,钱是偷来的。
    She'd begun spending a lot of money, and the obvious inference was that she'd stolen it.
  • 那笔钱是为他自己的。
    The money was spent for his own behoof.
  • 右边,左边,东边,西边,在老城如此窄小的城池内,矗立着二十一座教堂的钟楼,年代不一,形状各异,大小不同,从被称为“海神狱”(carcerglaucini)的隘口圣德尼教堂那罗曼式低矮、腐蛀的风铃形的钟楼,直至牛市圣彼得教堂和圣朗德里教堂那些细针状的钟楼,形形色色,应有俱有。
    Then, on the right and the left, to east and west, within that wall of the City, which was yet so contracted, rose the bell towers of its one and twenty churches, of every date, of every form, of every size, from the low and wormeaten belfry of Saint-Denis du Pas (~Carcer Glaueini~) to the slender needles of Saint-Pierre aux Boeufs and Saint-Landry.
  • 华冷西恩法国北部的一座城市,位于里耳东南部接近比利时边界处,它是一座重要的中世纪城镇,在15世纪以其边工业而著名。人口40,275
    A city of northern France near the Belgian border southeast of Lille. An important medieval town, it became noted for its lace industry in the15th century. Population,40, 275.
  • 颠茄一种有毒的欧亚大陆的多年生草本植物(颠茄颠茄属),通常开单生的、摇摆的浅紫棕色钟状,结有光滑的黑色浆果
    A poisonous Eurasian perennial herb(Atropa belladonna) having usually solitary, nodding, purplish-brown, bell-shaped flowers and glossy black berries.
  • 她是昨晚的舞会之
    She was the belle of the ball yesterday.
  • 他因其女伴为该舞会之而感到骄傲。
    He plumped himself on having the belle of the ball as his date.
  • 美国东南部(马里兰州到佐治亚州),有浅蓝色的
    bellflower of southeastern United States (Maryland to Georgia) having pale blue flowers.
  • 有蓝紫色至丁香紫色的欧洲风铃草,以前用于治疗喉咙痛。
    European bellflower with blue-purple to lilac flowers formerly used to treat sore throat.
  • 生长于欧洲至温带亚洲的风铃草,有稠密的蓝紫色至白色的穗。
    bellflower of Europe to temperate Asia having dense spikes of violet-blue to white flowers.
  • 风铃草一种风铃草属植物,包括钓钟柳、风铃草和吊钟
    Any of various plants of the genus Campanula, which includes the harebell, bellflower, and Canterbury bells.
  • 生长与北美东部的沼泽地带,有矛尖形的线形叶和白色的小
    bellflower common in marshes of eastern North America having lanceolate linear leaves and small whitish flowers.
  • 欧洲亚洲和北美的风铃草,有蓝色的和可食用的块根,叶子可作生菜。
    bellflower of Europe and Asia and North Africa having bluish flowers and an edible tuberous root used with the leaves in salad.
  • 玫瑰虽然也已凋谢,落红却拥在地上为恋人作床。
    Rose leaves, when the rose is dead are heap'd for the beloved's bed.