  • (语法)从与其他句子成分的一性句法关系中独立出来。
    (grammar) standing apart from a normal syntactical relation with other sentence elements.
  • 罐头水果一浸在大量糖水中。
    Tinned fruit usually has a lot of syrup with it.
  • 但用财富这个词指人类从事工业活动的能力,在一人看来,似乎总是心照不宣地和物质产品相关联。
    But in applying the term wealth to the industrial capacities of human being, there seems always, in popular apprehension, To be a tacit reference to material products.
  • 说他们的存心是好的,不过他对人有些生硬罢了。
    He generally means well, but he is a little tactless.
  • 各种长长尾巴的啮齿动物,与一的鼠形似但比较大。
    any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse.
  • 从渡江作战到我离开上海,约三个月的时间,接收工作大体告一段落。一说来工作做得还好。
    From the day we started to cross the river to the day I left Shanghai, a period of about 3 months, the takeover was, by and large, complete and, generally speaking, things went fairly well.
  • 碎石路用几层集中起来的碎石铺筑的人行道,现在一与焦油或沥青混合
    Pavement made of layers of compacted broken stone, now usually bound with tar or asphalt.
  • 来说,关税可分为进口关税和出口关税。
    In general,tariffs can be divided an import tariff and an export tariff.
  • 人们连珠炮地对电视台的乏味节目提出意见。
    The TV station was bombarded with complaints against a tasteless programme.
  • 的认识是即使是国际企业和犯罪头目都不能逃脱税务机关的管辖范围。
    The general perception is that even international businesses and criminal kingpins cannot escape the power of the taxing authority.
  • 他不愿意接受关于世间万物如何发展演变的一说法。
    He was not prepared to accept the usual teachings about how things developed.
  • 一个宗教团体的一已被接受的教育思想。
    the body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group.
  • 新税法破坏了一家庭省税的办法,包括20岁以下家庭成员收入免税规定在内。
    The new tax law threw a monkey wrench into tax saving techniques for families, including ways of sheltering income earned by teens.
  • 干部要顺着台阶上,一的意义是说,干部要有深入群众、熟悉专业、积累经验和经受考验锻炼的过程。
    Generally speaking, promoting cadres step by step means that they should go through the process of learning their profession, tempering themselves, working among the masses, and accumulating experience.
  • 假如说中国是一个半封建的缺乏民主的国家,则反映到党内的是:共产党员一缺乏民主的习惯,缺乏民主政治斗争的常识与锻炼。
    If we say China is a semi-feudal country and a country that lacks democracy, it is reflected in our Party by the fact that, in general, Party members are not used to the practice of democracy and lack knowledge of and tempering in the struggle for democracy.
  • 演讲结束时,他博得暴风雨的掌声。
    He wins a tempest of applause when he end his speech.
  • 村游击小组保护全村的利益,提出减租减息;不放松对每一个租佃关系、债务关系和主雇关系乃至一的民事案件加以调解等等。
    Other methods include protecting the interests of the whole village by local guerrilla teams through demanding reduced rent and interest rates, and not slackening any efforts in mediating in each and every problem concerning tenancy debt and employer-employee relationships, and even ordinary civil cases.
  • 在饭馆就餐时,新加坡人一都不留小费。
    At restaurants, Singaporeans tend not to leave tips.
  • 工厂里的老手拿新手当奴隶对待。
    The old factory hand treat the tenderfoot like their slave.
  • 然而现在一个欧洲就有两亿人在生活,马纷薯与其他粮食作物种植的推进与近来农业上一的改进,使人类供应食料的生产力提高了十倍。
    The culture of the potato and of food-yielding plants, and the more recent improvements made in agriculture generally, have increased tenfold the productive powers of the human race for the creation of the means of subsistence.
  • 有金属丝毛发的猎犬。
    a terrier with wiry hair.
  • 有金属丝毛发的猎狐犬。
    a fox terrier with wiry hair.
  • 英国品种的短腿小猎犬,毛发直立,呈金属红色或灰色或黑棕色,耳直立。
    English breed of small short-legged terrier with a straight wiry red or gray or black-and-tan coat and erect ears.
  • 就拿傣族来说吧,其抬鼓就很不一
    Take the Dai nationality for example. Their taigu is terrific.
  • 现在感恩节有鲜亮的菊花,圣诞节有粉色的一品红,复活节有白色的百合,生日时有天鹅绒红色的玫瑰。
    Now there were bright -- orange mums for thanksgiving and a huge pink poinsett ia at christmas, white lilies at Easter, and velvety red roses for birthdays.
  • 假如你有浓重的怪腔调——不论是潮州腔,或是前英国首相撒切尔夫人的超强英国腔——千万要改掉。
    If you have a strong or strange accent, be it Teochew or Thatcher, drop it by all means.
  • 在理论方面,他们胜过其余的无产阶级群众的地方在于他们了解无产阶级运动的条件、进程和一结果。
    on the other hand, theoretically, they have over the great mass of the proletariat the advantage of clearly understanding the line of march, the conditions, and the ultimate general results of the proletarian movement.
  • 那就是,除非你有天生的使命可以用很少的资产如很多的资产一样行得出一多的善来;
    that is, except thou have a vocation,wherein thou may do as much good with little means as with great: for otherwise, in feeding the streams, thou driest the fountain.
  • 今天,在二十一世纪来临之际,这句话却成了人类社会新的阶段金子的注解。
    Today, at the threshold of the 21stcentury, his words have become the golden rule governing the new phase of human development.
  • 今天,在二十一世纪来临之际,这句话却成了人类社会新的阶段金子的注解。
    Today, at the threshold of the 21st century, his words have become the golden rule governing the new phase of human development.
  • 大江在下面雷鸣一
    The river thundered below; The engine roared as the driver pushed the car to full throttle..
  • 他的话引起长时间雷鸣的掌声。
    His words were greeted with long and thunderous applause.