  • 我们恢复了遭到破坏的党的三大作风,健全了党的民主集中制,增强了全党的团结、党和众的团结,从而大大提高了党的威信,加强了党对国家和社会生活的领导。
    We have restored the three major features of the Party's style of work, which had been trampled upon, improved the system of democratic centralism in the Party, and reinforced unity throughout the Party and between the Party and the masses.All this has enormously enhanced the Party's prestige and strengthened its leadership of the state and society.
  • 几年来,各级政府投入大量资金,建成了一批公共文化基础设施,改善和丰富了当地的文化生活,受益的边疆各族人民众达1000多万人。
    In the past few years, governments at various levels have also put large amounts of funds into the construction of many cultural infrastructure facilities, which have improved and enriched the cultural life of more than ten million ethnic minority people.
  • 今年就要下决心恢复从高中毕业生中直接招考学生,不要再搞众推荐。
    This year, we must make up our minds to restore the direct enrolment of senior middle school graduates through entrance examinations, and to stop the practice of having the masses recommend candidates for admission to colleges and universities.
  • 狂热的人挤满了街道;热情的反应;对上芭蕾舞课很热心。
    enthusiastic crowds filled the streets; an enthusiastic response; was enthusiastic about taking ballet lessons.
  • 1995年至1999年,西藏自治区先后派出包括藏族众业余演出团在内的40个艺术团组360人次,到世界五大洲20多个国家和地区进行演出、展览和学术交流活动,所到之处无不引起轰动。
    From 1995 to 1999, a total of 40 professional and amateur art ensembles made up of 360 people were sent by the Tibet Autonomous Region to perform or hold exhibitions in or conduct academic exchanges with more than 20 countries and regions worldwide, and wherever they went, they were enthusiastically welcomed.
  • 高人一等的优越感这样一或一类人所拥有的高人一等的优越感
    The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class.
  • ,团体一批视作整体的一;社团
    A group of individuals regarded as an entity; a corporation.
  • 小组一,认为是更大的内有区别的整体
    A group regarded as a distinct entity within a larger group.
  • 虽然我们拥有令人羡慕的种族和睦关系,可惜,除了在工作地点以外,不同族的人,较少在公共场所自然交往。
    While we enjoy an enviable reputation for good racial relations, there is, unfortunately, not much spontaneous social interaction among the races outside of the work environment, despite that more public avenues now exist for them to do so.
  • 土生土长在佛罗里达南部和西印度岛的一种榕树,;初时作为一种附生植物,后来生长出许多像树干样的气生根,覆盖大片地区。
    a strangler tree native to southern Florida and West Indies; begins as an epiphyte eventually developing many trunklike aerial roots and covering enormous areas.
  • 主要为附生的热带蕨类植物,有结芽孢囊的纹理。
    chiefly epiphytic tropical ferns with free veins bearing sori.
  • 一个艳丽的兰花属,产于喜马拉雅山脉直到马来岛。
    genus of showy epiphytic orchids of Himalaya to Malaysia.
  • 我的教授研究古生代的植物
    My professor studies flora of the Palaeozoic Era.
  • 〔2〕一九二七年革命失败后的短期间,在共产党内曾经出现一种“左”倾盲动主义倾向,认为中国革命的性质是所谓“不断革命”,中国革命的形势是所谓“不断高涨”,因而不肯去组织有秩序的退却,错误地使用命令主义的方法,企图依靠少数党员和少数众在全国组织毫无胜利希望的许多的地方起义。
    [2] For a brief period after the defeat of the revolution in 1927, a "Left" putschist tendency arose in the Communist Party. Regarding the Chinese revolution as a "permanent revolution" and the revolutionary situation in China as a "permanent upsurge", the putschist comrades refused to organize an orderly retreat and, adopting the methods of commandism and relying only on a small number of Party members and a small section of the masses, erroneously attempted to stage a series of local uprisings throughout the country, which had no prospect of success.
  • 印尼岛位于爪哇和苏门答腊岛之间的一个小火山岛;它的上一次猛烈喷发是年,也是它的历史最高纪录。
    a small volcanic island in Indonesia between Java and Sumatra; its violent eruption in 1883 was the greatest in recorded history.
  • 这次喷发是一次足以影响全球的大事件,但是它没有引起任何广泛分布的生物种的大规模灭绝。
    This eruption was a massive occurrence with environmental impacts that were felt globally, however, it did not produce mass extinction of any widespread group of organisms.
  • 秘密的属于一个挑选出来的小人的;专为其保留的;秘传的
    Belonging to or reserved for a small, select group; esoteric.
  • 应该让众有充分的权利和机会,表达他们对领导的负责的批评和积极的建议,但是“大鸣大放”这些做法显然不适宜于达到这个目的。
    The masses should have the full right and opportunity to express responsible criticisms to their leaders and to make constructive suggestions, but "speaking out freely and airing one's views fully" is evidently not the proper way to do that.
  • 如果一年到头运动就没有劲了,就变成浮夸、形式主义了,实际上违反了众意志,脱离了众。
    If we carry out movements all the year round, we tend to exaggerate and practise formalism, which is, in fact, against the will of the masses and divorced from the masses.
  • 人聚集在展览大厅的门口。
    A multitude of people gathered at the gate of the exhibition hall.
  • 在香港居住的美国人,是香港特区内最大的外国商业社,突显出香港是美国在亚洲区内最密切的商业伙伴。
    The American community in Hong Kong - the largest expatriate business group in the SAR - underlines the fact that Hong Kong is America's closest business partner in Asia.
  • 全场引颈以待, 情鼎沸.
    A quiver of expectancy ran through the audience.
  • 期待的人等候国王和皇后经过。
    The expectant crowds waited for the king and his queen to pass.
  • 哪个政治家敢冒众舆论?
    What politician dare expose himself to public opinion?
  • 中国社会福利制度是指政府出资为那些生活困难的老人、孤儿和残疾人等特殊困难体提供生活保障而建立的制度。
    The social welfare system is a system established by the Chinese government to provide funds to ensure the livelihood of senior citizens, orphans and the handicapped persons who are in extraordinarily straitened circumstances.
  • 一些回教徒提出,在他们接受吴总理的呼吁远离极端主义的同时,回教社领袖也应该尽力教育非回教徒众,认识一些回教徒需要履行,但却经常被误解的宗教义务。
    Some members of the Muslim community have voiced out that Muslim leaders need to do their part to educate the non-Muslim public about basic practises of Muslims which are often misunderstood even as they take up PM's call to steer the community away from extremism.
  • 警察面对一投掷砖块和汽油弹的暴徒。
    The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs.
  • 对于派性,还要号召众、发动众起来共同反对。
    Moreover, we should call on the masses to join in the effort against factionalism.
  • 又如,要军队同志帮助地方消除派性,使众团结起来,可是有些同志就是不执行这个方针。
    Another example is the failure of some comrades in our army to carry out the policy of helping the civilian units to uproot factionalism and so promote unity among the masses.
  • 只要把问题讲清楚,众觉悟了,看清了那些坚持闹派性的人的真面目,就不会跟他们走了。
    Once things are made clear to the masses and they are awakened, once they come to see the true features of those who cling to factionalism, they will stop trailing after them.
  • 我们要按照毛泽东同志提出的“团结——批评——团结”的公式,来解决众中的派性问题,从团结的愿望出发,经过批评,达到团结的目的。
    We should correct factionalism among the masses according to the formula of "unity -- criticism -- unity" put forward by Comrade Mao Zedong, that is, we should start from the desire for unity and arrive at unity through criticism.
  • 人从大背景的后面移动着一从一座人造水泥山和55英尺高的瀑布的下腹部进人雾气绦绕的森林,沿着木制地板小心行进,被华氏85度的温度和95%的湿度问得汗流泱背。
    The group moves from behind the scenes -- from the concrete underbelly of a man-made mountain and its 55-foot waterfall -- out into the steamy forest , walking along wooden boards, sweltering in 85 degrees Fahrenheit, 95 percent humidity.