  • 吐火魯人一個在10世紀以前一直居住在中國土耳其斯坦的可能為洲人後裔的部族的成員
    A member of a people of possible European origin, living in Chinese Turkistan until about the tenth century.
  • 據民間傳說(姑且不說當代史吧),愛德華·格雷創造了一個註意的短語。1941年戰爭爆發的那天早晨,這位外交大臣從他的辦公室窗口嚮外眺望,看見倫敦的煤氣燈光正在紛紛熄滅,不禁帶着一絲兒他那因年事越高而顯得越嚴重的憂傷情緒說道:整個洲的燈光快要熄滅了,而且在他有生之年再也不會亮了。
    Folk-memory, let alone contemporary history, has attributed to Edward Grey one memorable phrase. On the morning war broke out in 1941, the Foreign Secretary looked out of his office window and noticed the gas-lights of London being extinguished. He observed, with a touch of that melancholy which marked him increasingly as he approached old age, that the lights were going out all over Europe and would not be lit again in his lifetime.
  • 早年,有不少移居到美、大洋洲或其他國傢者,都是開餐館、洗衣店、幹粗活等,然而,時代已經不同了,能夠收拾包袱,遠走他鄉者,非有一定的本領不可,所謂“沒有三兩三,不敢上梁山”。
    Many of our early emigrants in Europe, America and Oceania ended up running restaurants or laundry-shops, or doing other menial work. Now, in changed times, it is those well-equipped people who leave and make their homes in other lands.
  • 中産階級富裕殷實的公民中世紀洲城市的商業階層成員
    A member of the mercantile class of a medieval European city.
  • 蛇頸竜屬常見於洲和北美洲中生代,有槳狀肢已滅絶的一種大型海洋爬行動物
    A large extinct marine reptile having paddlelike limbs that was common in Europe and North America during the Mesozoic Era.
  • 2000年6月,米歇爾做成了公司近年來最大的一筆買賣,也就是成功地將vivendi、加拿大飲料及娛樂公司seagram和泛有綫電視全套設備(包括英吉利海峽海底隧道)公司3傢合併,並於2001年1月創立了vivendiuniversal公司。
    In June 2000 Messier pulled off his biggest deal to date, engineering a three-way merger between Vivendi, Canadian-owned drinks and entertainment firm Seagram and pan-European pay-TV outfit Canal Plus.
  • 歐洲中世紀音樂
    music of Europe in Middle Ages
  • 洲木犀草,黃染料的原料;已經引入美國。
    European mignonette cultivated as a source of yellow dye; naturalized in North America.
  • 這些鳥夏季遷到洲;鼕季回到南部溫暖的地方過鼕。
    These birds migrate to Europe in the summer season, returning to warmer places in the south for the winter.
  • 因為戰爭,大量的移民涌入洲。
    There was a huge migration of people into Europe because of the war.
  • 半個世紀以前,日本軍國主義在亞洲,德國法西斯在洲的殘暴行徑,半個世紀以後竟然在一個非戰爭環境下的印尼重演。
    Half a century ago, Japanese militarists and German fascists commited all kinds of atrocities in Asia and Europe. Half a century later, the same tragedy was to occur in Indonesia, a country which was not at war.
  • 稻搓菜一種洲産的一年生植物(稻搓菜屬洲稻槎菜),移植到北美洲東部,有奶汁和小的頭狀花序
    A European annual plant(Lapsana communis) naturalized in eastern North America, having a milky juice and small yellow flower heads.
  • 長有一些奶液和豔麗的藍色的花的草本和半灌木的屬;洲到亞洲較少到日本和北美洲。
    genus of herbs and subshrubs with milky juice and showy bluish flowers; Europe to Asia Minor to Japan and North America.
  • 公元一千年發源於中亞的印-語係的一個分支。
    a branch of the Indo-European language family that originated in central Asia during the first millennium A.D..
  • 他們在新世紀推出的第一張專輯《客房服務》的成功,鞏固了他們在洲依然廣受歡迎的地位。
    Their undiminished European popularity was confirmed by the success of Room Service,their first album of the new millennium.
  • 巨石各種史前建築或紀念碑所用之巨型石塊,尤見於公元前第二個千年時之西
    A very large stone used in various prehistoric architectures or monumental styles, notably in western Europe during the second millennium b.c.
  • 主席先生,在我們迎接二十一世紀之際,香港與盟的夥伴關係也同時邁嚮光輝燦爛的新紀元。
    Mr President, the Hong Kong-EU partnership is heading into a promising new era as we approach the threshold of the millennium.
  • 高加索蘇聯洲部分東南部的地區,位於黑海與裏海之間。公元前2000年前便有人居住,它是上演了無數次在太平盛世遭受侵略的舞臺。該地區豐富的石油資源是二次大戰中德國的一個主要目標
    A region of southeast European U.S.S.R. between the Black and Caspian seas. Inhabited before2000 b.c., it was the scene of countless invasions over the millenniums. The region's vast oil resources were a major German objective in World War II.
  • 到了二十年前,即第一次帝國主義世界大戰的時期,由於美帝國主義國傢忙於戰爭,暫時放鬆了對於中國的壓迫,中國的民族工業,主要是紡織業和面粉業,又得到了進一步的發展。
    Then about twenty years ago, during the first imperialist world war, China's national industry expanded, chiefly in textiles and flour milling, because the imperialist countries in Europe and America were preoccupied with the war and temporarily relaxed their oppression of China.
  • 為加強農業技術交易與合作,經國務院批準,由科技部、教育部、農業部等16個國傢部委和陝西省人民政府主辦,聯合國開發計劃署、教科文組織、世界銀行、盟協辦的第七屆中國楊凌農業高新科技成果博覽會將於11月5日至9日在陝西楊凌舉行。
    As to stress on the transaction and cooperation in the field of farming technology, the 7th China Yangling high and new scientific and technological farming achievement fair is held from the 5th to 9th of November in Yangling of Shaanxi, rectified by the National State Council and 16 national ministries including the Ministry of Scientific and Technological, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Farming and Shaanxi people's government,and so on with the sponsorship of the United Nations Development Program and the United Nations Educational and Scientific Program and the Word Bank and European Union.
  • 亞洲鼬亞北部的一種鼬(黃鼬鼬鼠屬),有帶黃褐色斑點的深棕色毛皮
    A northern Eurasian mink(Mustela siberica) having a dark brown coat with tawny markings.
  • 白首鯉一種相關於鯉魚和鰷魚的鯉科淡水魚,尤指亞品種,圓鰭雅羅魚
    Any of various freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae related to the carps and minnows, especially a Eurasian species, Leuciscus cephalus.
  • 長葉薄荷一種産於亞大陸現正移植於美國東部的野生薄荷(馬薄荷馬薄荷屬),葉子長而對生,細長的花序緊密而呈穗狀
    A Eurasian wild mint(Mentha longifolia), naturalized in the eastern United States and having long, opposite leaves and dense, spikelike elongated clusters of flowers.
  • 假荊芥,樟腦草多絨毛的芳香型多年生唇形科草本植物(荊芥荊芥屬),原産於亞,含有十分吸引貓的芳香油
    A hairy, aromatic perennial herb(Nepeta cataria) in the mint family, native to Eurasia and containing an aromatic oil to which cats are strongly attracted.
  • 在發行元紙幣的前18個月裏還發生過兩起事故。
    There have been two other mishaps in the 18 months running up to the launch of euro notes.
  • 紮剋斯湖密蘇裏州中部的一個湖,由賽奇河上的巴格貝爾壩(1931年完工)形成的
    A lake of central Missouri formed by Bagnell Dam(completed1931) on the Osage River.
  • 以槲寄生漿果為食的大型洲畫眉。
    large European thrush that feeds on mistletoe berries.
  • 洲西北部的一個君主立憲製國傢;洲經濟共同體和北大西洋公約組織的總部。
    a monarchy in northwestern Europe; headquarters for the European Common Market and for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • 楚瓦什蘇聯洲部分中東部地區,位於伏爾加河𠔌。在13和14世紀被蒙古人徵服,1552年後由俄羅斯統治
    A region of east-central European U.S.S.R. in the Volga River valley. Conquered by the Mongols in the13th and14th centuries, it came under Russian rule in1552.
  • 安德洛墨達塞弗斯和卡西匹亞的女兒,其丈夫珀修斯曾把她從海妖手裏救出
    The daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia and wife of Perseus, who had rescued her from a sea monster.
  • 但蒙哥馬利則不以為然,他認為洲的戰事至少要打到1945年。
    But Montgomery did not agree.He though that the war in Europe would at least extend to 1945.
  • 伯羅的諾蘇聯洲部分中部的一個村莊,位於莫斯科西部。1812年9月7日,拿破侖在附近擊敗了保衛莫斯科的軍隊
    A village of central European U.S.S.R. west of Moscow. Nearby, Napoleon defeated the Russian troops defending Moscow on September7,1812.