  • 属于或关于格拉斯哥、格拉斯哥民的,或有其特点的。
    of or relating to or characteristic of Glasgow or its inhabitants.
  • 格伦非常怪癖,很少与邻交往。
    Glen is a lone wolf and seldom joins in the activities of the neightbourhood.
  • 我们的新邻我只看过一眼。
    I caught a glimpse of our new neighbor.
  • 1993-97年,中国吸收外国直接投资在全球仅次于美国,世界第二位;
    1993 through 1997, China's absorption of FDI has been listed the second globally, next only to the United States.
  • 中国有12亿多人口,经济规模世界第七位,对外贸易世界第九位,连续7年成为吸收外资最多的发展中国家。
    China has a population of over 1.2 billion, it is the 7th largest economy in the world and the 9th biggest trading nation globally. For seven years in a row, China has been the developing country with the biggest amount of FDI utilization.
  • 羽毛有金属光泽的群鸟;在民或其它建筑物周围筑巢的鸟;迁栖至世界各地。
    gregarious bird having plumage with dark metallic gloss; builds nests around dwellings and other structures; naturalized worldwide.
  • 美国东部短尾、光毛的穴鼠。
    short-tailed glossy-furred burrowing vole of the eastern United States.
  • 这位诗人颂扬乡村的简朴生活,显然他不赞同住在城市中。
    The poet paints the simple country life in glowing colours, and is clearly against living in a city.
  • 英国人的工商业在世贵上于垄断地位,他们时常会发生他们叫作“生产过剩”的情况,据说是由于“存货积压过多”的原故。
    Through their position as the manufacturing and commercial monopolists of the world, their manufactories from time to time fall into the state which they call 'glut,' and which arises from what they call 'overtrading.'
  • 然取得了第一名!
    She went and won first prize!
  • 接着戈笛洛克斯来到起室,那儿有三把椅子。
    Then Goldilocks went to the living-room. There were three chairs in it.
  • 给邻带来美好的祝福
    Establish goodwill in the neighborhood.
  • 她喜欢议论邻们的是非长短。
    She loves to gossip to her neighbors.
  • 她老是跟朋友闲聊她邻的事。
    She is always gossiping with her friends about her neighbors.
  • 一个公共的或私人的建筑物(或商业或政府或教育)它为它们提供活动场地和设备或着是住地。
    a public or private structure (business or governmental or educational) including buildings and equipment for business or residence.
  • 大学城的民与大学师生大打出手。
    There were fights between town and gown.
  • 优美的环境、热情的市民、优雅的社会、方便的起出行、更多成功的机会等等,不一而足。
    A scenic environment, a warm and caring people, a gracious society, good living conditions and more opportunities for success are just some possible reasons.
  • 张奶奶生病时,她去帮忙照料。
    She helped out when her neighbour Grandma Zhang became ill.
  • 在我们迁入新的那天祖母流了泪。
    My grandmother wept the day we moved in.
  • 他的祖父母于二十年代来到这儿定
    His grandparents came out here in the 20s.
  • 说来奇怪,马先生然有办法同时照顾孙儿兴写文章。
    Mr. Ma has managed mirabiledictu to combine baby-sitting with his grandson and writing an article.
  • 素以规矩刻板著称的英国女王维多利亚与世长辞整整一百年了,现如今她的第四世曾孙却要和同的女友结婚。
    A hundred years after the death of the British monarch whose name has become synonymous with "straitlaced," her great-great-great-grandson is marrying his live-in girlfriend.
  • 我邻的孙子把手夹在车门上的时候,虽然肯定伤得很重,但他也没哭。
    When our neighbour's grandson caught his finger in the car door, he did not cry even though it must have hurt him a great deal.
  • 热带海生穴甲壳动物,有大的易于抓东西的附肢。
    tropical marine burrowing crustaceans with large grasping appendages.
  • 游牧部落的大多人都生活在草原上并且无定所。
    Most of the nomads live in grassland and have no fixed home.
  • 根据全国首次统一草地资源调查,西藏拥有草地种类全国各省、自治区之首,在全国18个草地类中,西藏就占有17个草地类。
    According to the first national survey of grassland resources, the variety of grassland in Tibet ranks first among all provinces and autonomous regions. Of the 18 types of grassland in the country, Tibet has 17.
  • 中国现有草地面积3.9亿公顷,其中可利用面积3.2亿公顷,世界第三位,若将其中的大部分建设成人工草场,提高草原畜牧业集约化水平,就能增加大量的畜产品。
    China has a grassland area of 390 million ha, of which about 320 million ha can be used, which places China third in the world in the area of usable grassland. If the intensification level of livestock farming in grasslands is improved through the development of artificial grassland, animal by-products will increase greatly.
  • 不久前,在一个基层对话会上,一些非回教徒国会议员问,为什么回教徒妇女不和异性握手。其实,在世界各地的回教徒社群,尤其是回教徒多的东南亚社会,这是回教徒妇女习以为常的作法。
    At a recent grassroots dialogue session, some non-Muslim MPs asked why Muslim women did not shake hands when this is common practise among Muslims worldwide, not least in predominantly Muslim South-east Asia.
  • 各级政府通过加强基层政权和群众性自治组织的建设,充分发挥街道办事处、乡镇、(村)委会在禁毒工作中的作用,结合创建“文明社区”,积极做好毒品预防教育的基础性工作。
    Governments at all levels give every encouragement to sub-district offices, towns and townships, residents and villagers committees in their drug control work by strengthening the construction of organizations of political power at the grassroots level and self-governing mass organizations, and actively carry out basic work on narcotics prevention education, integrating this with the efforts to develop "civilized communities."
  • 月亮是太空中离我们最近的邻,它也像我们一样,被地球引力紧紧地拉住。
    It is our nearest neighbour in space, and like ourselves it is kept tied to the earth by the earth's gravitational pull.
  • 放牧地自耕农住在牧牛区的擅自占用土地的人,农舍主或农民
    A squatter, homesteader, or farmer who settles in cattle-grazing territory.
  • 在喀贾多地区,那里的民主要为马萨伊族,他们传统上是牧民,土地多用于放牛。
    In the Kajiado District, traditionally the people living there,mainly Masai, have been pastoralists who have used the land mostly for grazing their cattle.