  • 一个世袭的日本军事统冶者;统冶日本直到1867-1868年明冶维新改革的日本幕府军。
    a hereditary military dictator of Japan; the shoguns ruled Japan until the revolution of 1867-68.
  • 设法缩小这样大的价格差距是徒劳的。
    It would be an abortive effort to try to close this wide price gap.
  • 妇女一旦怀孕,就面临不妙的现实:背着未婚先孕的坏名声比做堕胎可严重多了。
    Once pregnant, women face an uncomfortable reality: The stigma of unwed motherhood is greater than that of having an abortion.
  • 中国政府反对人工流产作为计划生育的手段加以提倡。
    The Chinese government is against promoting induced abortion as a means of family planning.
  • 他将侧枝掐掉。
    He pinched out the side shoots.
  • 新鲜竹笋本月上市。
    Fresh bamboo shoots will be on the market this month.
  • 一种指明发生致命错误情况的信息。如果程序不自动中断,致命错误信息记述错误并请求校正措施。
    A message indicating that a fatal error condition has occurred. If the program does not abort automatically, the fatal message describes the error and requests corrective action.
  • 那店员多收了我的钱,我去找经理,经理命令店员多收款项退给我。
    The shopkeeper overcharged me when I went to the manager for that, he ordered the shopkeeper to refund the overpayment to me.
  • 商店的店主安排地毯的装运。
    The shopkeeper will arrange for the shipping of the carpet.
  • 贝内特被人发现企图一些伪币付给一家商店的店主。
    Bennette was caught trying to pass off some counterfeit money on a shopkeeper.
  • 坚决不行!沃尔玛的购物者们说,他们一直拥护护士芭比和长发公主芭比的形象。
    Stick to playing nurse and Rapunzel, say Wal-Mart shoppers.
  • 黛利拉圣经旧约中,参孙的情妇。她参孙出卖给非利士人,在参孙睡觉时剪掉了他的头发,使参孙丧失了能量
    In the Old Testament, a mistress of Samson who betrayed him to the Philistines by having his hair shorn while he slept, thus depriving him of his strength.
  • 万维网最出名的缺点是信息从服务器移到用户的桌面系统时(人们永远喜欢这么做),不管服务器是在地球的另一半、还是就在同一条街上,都要花时间。
    The well-known shortcoming of the World Wide Web is the fact that it takes time to move information from a server to a user's desktop -- people always like to do so, no matter if that server is on the other side of the globe or down the street.
  • 你要做的只是袖子弄短,而不是整件衣服拆开。
    All you need to do is to shorten the sleeves of the dress instead of picking the whole thing apart.
  • 面粉倒在地上,并用刀子松软剂加入进去
    Measure out the flour and use a pair of knives to cut the shortening in.
  • 我希望来我们的工作时间会短些。
    I hope we'll have shorter working hours in the future.
  • 会议记录速记下来。
    He take down the minute in shorthand.
  • 会议记录速记下来。
    He took down the minute in shorthand.
  • 突然见诸全世界各大报章的“千年虫”问题是在西方格雷果里历(由教皇格雷果里十三提倡并至今通用的西方历法,亦称阳历)进入2000年而面临的由于日期的变化而可能发生的计算机问题的一种简要的表述。
    The sudden emergence of "Y2K" in headlines all over the world is a simple shorthand for the coming transition of the year 2000 in the western Gregorian calendar and the problems that might occur as a result of the date change.
  • 会谈以后,一位白宫资深官员向记者简报时,也会谈结果故意做正面解释。他说,“简而言之,我们已经保住了美国认为必要的试验、研究与发展的权利。”
    A senior White House official, briefing reporters after the talks, also gave the outcome a more positive spin than seemed warranted when he said, "In shorthand terms, we have retained the U.S. right to do that testing, research and development we think is necessary."
  • 剩余的部分,可能不久购齐。
    Balance probably take up shortly.
  • 我们针锋相对地进行还击。
    We will answer shot for shot.
  • 我们自觉主动地挑起了一个接一个的重担,但到头来他竟然说我们的下场比葡萄牙还穷。
    We have shouldered burden after burden nobody asked us to, but in the end he even says we shall end up poorer than Portugal.
  • 那个小偷从商店冲出来,每个挡着他路的人都推到一边去了。
    The thief rushed from the store, shouldering aside anyone who got in his way.
  • 我将冲她大喊一声。
    I will give her a shout.
  • 海伦书本推到书桌的另一边给他。
    Helen shove the book across the desk to him.
  • 插,塞某物塞进另外一物内或其上;推
    To shove something into or at something else; push.
  • 他们一直想再次所有不愉快的工作都推给我。
    They've been trying to shove all the unpleasant jobs onto me again.
  • 剩余货物会迫使价格从一美元跌到六十美分。
    The surplus will shove the price down from a dollar to 60 cents.
  • 幸运的是,车抛锚的时候是面向下山方向的,我们能它推回家。
    Luckily, the car was facing downhill when it broke down, and we were able so shove it home.
  • 将来能干......
    Will is able to do sth.
  • 将来能干......
    Will be able to do sth.