  • 它是1960年沿美洲智利的太平洋海岸发生的板块间地震。
    It was an intraplate earthquake that occurred along the Pacific coast of Chile in South America in 1960.
  • 装饰用小型紫杉,叶子有光泽,树枝部分下垂;分布在智利部山区。
    small yew having attractive foliage and partially weeping branches cultivated as an ornamental; mountains of southern Chile.
  • 特木科智利中部一城市,位于康塞普西翁西。建立于1881年,是个贸易中心。人口157,297
    A city of central Chile south-southwest of Concepci髇. Founded in1881, it is a trade center. Population,157, 297.
  • 印加人秘鲁高原上克丘亚部落的一支,被西班牙征服前建立了一个北起厄瓜多尔到智利中部的帝国
    A member of the group of Quechuan peoples of highland Peru who established an empire from northern Ecuador to central Chile before the Spanish conquest.
  • 彭塔阿雷纳斯智利部一城市,位于麦哲伦海峡沿岸。建于19世纪40年代,是世界上最端的城市。人口95,332
    A city of southern Chile on the Strait of Magellan. Founded in the1840's, it is the southernmost city in the world. Population,95, 332.
  • 瓦尔迪维亚智利中部城市,位于康塞普西翁部太平洋沿岸。于1552年兴建,在19世纪中叶德国移民大量聚集之后迅速发展起来。人口100,046
    A city of south-central Chile near the Pacific Ocean south of Concepci髇. Founded in1552, it grew rapidly after the arrival of German immigrants in the mid-19th century. Population,100, 046.
  • 兔鼠美洲的几种集群穴居的平原兔属和山兔属的啮齿类动物之一,与灰鼠有关系且相象
    Any of several gregarious, burrowing South American rodents of the genera Lagostomus and Lagidium, related to and resembling the chinchilla.
  • 丝鼠一种产出美洲山区的似松鼠的啮齿目动物(绒毛丝鼠),因其柔软的浅色毛皮而被广泛捕捉饲养
    A squirrellike rodent(Chinchilla laniger) native to the mountains of South America and widely raised in captivity for its soft, pale gray fur.
  • 中东、北非和亚长期缺水。
    The Middle East, North Africa and South Asia are chronically short of water.
  • 原文发表于大学生报纸《洋纪事报》
    This article first appeared in The Nanyang Chronicle, NTU's students' newspaper.)
  •  华文现在已经成为经商不可或缺的条件,新加坡华人因此更应该进一步了解华文,洋理工大学学生报纸《洋纪事报》编委会在《编者的话》里表达了这个看法。
    Now that Chinese has become a business imperative, it is time that Chinese Singaporeans start to appreciate it more, urged the Editorial Board of the Nanyang Chronicle, a students' newspapers of Nanyang Technological University in its editorial “Our Say!”.
  • “弗尔多呢,”卡德鲁斯说完便格格地笑了几声,“也请他去吗?”
    "And Fernand," said Caderousse with a chuckle; "Fernand, too, is invited!"
  • 《九宫大成北词宫谱》
    Comprehensive Notation for Southern and Northern Ci-Poetry
  • 福雷斯特帕克美国俄亥俄州西的一座城市,辛辛那提的一个住宅区。人口18,609
    A city of southwest Ohio, a residential suburb of Cincinnati. Population,18, 609.
  • 费尔菲尔德美国俄亥俄西的一座城市,在辛辛那提北部。是工业中心。人口39,729
    A city of southwest Ohio north of Cincinnati. It is an industrial center. Population,39, 729.
  • 佛罗伦萨美国肯塔基州中北部的一座城市,位于俄亥俄辛辛那提西部的一个农业区。人口18,624
    A city of north-central Kentucky southwest of Cincinnati, Ohio, in a farming region. Population,18, 624.
  • 米德尔顿美国俄亥俄州西部一城市,位于辛辛那提东北偏北。建于1802年,有钢铁工业。人口24,160
    A city of southwest Ohio north-northeast of Cincinnati. Founded in1802, it has a steel industry. Population,46, 022.
  • 汉密尔顿美国俄亥俄州西部的一座城市,位于辛西那提以北,座落在汉密尔顿港,建于1791年。人口61,368
    A city of southwest Ohio north of Cincinnati. It was settled on the site of Fort Hamilton, built in1791. Population,61, 368.
  • 诺伍德美国俄亥俄州西的城市,被辛辛那提环绕着,为城郊居民区,有多种轻工业。人口23,674
    A city of southwest Ohio surrounded by Cincinnati, of which it is a residential suburb with various light industries. Population,23, 674.
  • 纽波特美国肯塔基州部城市,隔俄亥俄河与辛辛那提相对。1791年被发现,为工业中心。人口18,871
    A city of northern Kentucky on the Ohio River opposite Cincinnati, Ohio. Laid out in1791, it is an industrial center. Population,18, 871.
  • 代顿美国俄亥俄州西部一城市,位于辛辛那提东北偏北,现在是一个制造中心,他是奥维尔和威尔伯·赖特的故居。人口182,044
    A city of southwest Ohio north-northeast of Cincinnati. Now a manufacturing center, it was the home of Orville and Wilbur Wright. Population,182, 044.
  • (气象学)风从高气压中心向外旋转;在北半球顺时针方向旋转,在半球逆时针旋转。
    (meteorology) winds spiraling outward from a high-pressure center; circling clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the southern.
  • (气象学)快速绕低气压中心向内旋转的气团;在北半球逆时针旋转,在半球顺时针旋转。
    (meteorology) rapid inward circulation of air masses about a low-pressure center; circling counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern.
  • 反气旋,高气压从高压中心向外形成的大范围旋风系统,在北半球按顺时针方向旋转,在北球按逆时针方向旋转
    An extensive system of winds spiraling outward from a high-pressure center, circling clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • 气旋以围绕一个底气压中心快速向内旋转为特征的气流系统,通常伴有暴风雨,常常是破坏性的天气。旋转方向在北半球为逆时针方向,在半球为顺时针方向
    An atmospheric system characterized by the rapid, inward circulation of air masses about a low-pressure center, usually accompanied by stormy, often destructive, weather. Cyclones circulate counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • 京无线电厂有一位老工人讲了严格执行规章制度的必要,这个材料可发给大家看看。
    We have a summary of the remarks made by a veteran worker from the Nanjing Radio Factory on the necessity of rigorous enforcement of rules and regulations. This material can be circulated for you all to read.
  • 目前已有20%的香港货币在中国部流通。
    Well, 20 percent of Hong Kong’s currency is already circulating in southern China.
  • 北极狐生活在临近北极的陆地上,从加拿大北部的埃尔斯米尔岛到部的詹姆斯湾都能发现它们的踪迹。
    It lives in all the lands of the circumpolar Arctic. In Canada, this small mammal is found from the northern tip of Ellesmere Island to the southern tip of James Bay.
  • 要到牛津广场,乘向行驶的火车。
    To get to Oxford Circus, take the southbound train.
  • 一条在公元前年建在意大利佛兰明尼亚圣加伊乌斯的罗马大路;从罗马向北一直延伸至阿尔卑斯山侧的高卢。
    an ancient Roman road in Italy built by Gaius Flaminius in 220 BC; extends north from Rome to Cisalpine Gaul.
  • 波斯波利斯波斯一古城,位于伊郎的西部、今天的设拉子东北。它是大流士一世和他的胜利者们举行庆典的首都。其废墟包括大流士和色雷斯的宫殿及亚历山大大帝藏宝的城堡
    An ancient city of Persia northeast of modern Shiraz in southwest Iran. It was the ceremonial capital of Darius I and his successors. Its ruins include the palaces of Darius and Xerxes and a citadel that contained the treasury looted by Alexander the Great.
  • 让我举几个例子:桔子,香蕉,菠萝等都是方产的水果。
    Let me cite a few instances: oranges, bananas, pineapples, etc., are all fruits from the south.