  • “有人中弹!”一个声音回响在全班战士的耳边,同时也启动了一系命令。
    “ Man down” sounds like a refrain through the squad, echoing up the chain of command.
  • 旱生演替系在干燥的地面上繁衍的一个生态群落的自然演化
    A succession of ecological communities originating in a dry habitat.
  • 即使所有的经济学家(死后)被排成一,他们也不会达到一个结论吧。
    If all economist were laid end to end, they will not reach a conclusion.
  • 昂捷夫,瓦斯利生于1906俄裔美籍经济学家。因其策划经济学分析的投入一产出技巧而获1973年的诺贝尔奖
    Russian-born American economist. He won a1973 Nobel Prize for devising the input-output technique of economic analysis.
  • 这班车是开往爱丁堡的吗?
    Is this train for Edinburgh?
  • 我们将乘10点25分的特快车去爱丁堡。
    We take the 10:25 express to Edinburgh.
  • 火车来往于格拉斯哥兴爱丁堡之间。
    This train goes between Glasgow and Edinburgh.
  • 我们将乘10点25分的特快车去爱丁堡。
    We will take the 10.25 express to Edinburgh.
  • 从爱丁堡始发的市际特快车未能按计划于下午2点25分抵达。我们对此延误深表歉意。
    We apologize for the late arrival of the 14.25 intercity express from edinburgh.
  • 编辑、磁盘、印刷和形式的指示都于“辅助手册”。
    The edit, disk, print and format commands are all listed in the "Help Menu".
  •  大不颠三王国与爱尔兰的联合,使全世界看到了一个显著的、无可反驳的例证,在联合国家之间的自由贸易是具有无限效能的。
    In the union of the three kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland the world witnesses a great and irrefragable example of the immeasurable efficacy of free trade between united nations.
  • 抗议迦萨走廊空袭,埃及召回驻以色大使
    Egypt recalls Israel envoy after Gaza Strip air strike
  • 然而红军改名为国民革命军第八路军(按抗日战线的战斗序,又称第十八集团军)的命令,已在平津失守约一个月之后颁布了。
    however, about a month after the fall of Peiping and Tientsin an order was issued to the effect that the Red Army was to be redesignated as the Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army (also called the Eighteenth Group Army in the anti-Japanese battle order).
  • 第八一组或一顺序中的第八个
    The eighth in a set or sequence.
  • 按计数顺序八十的序数。
    the ordinal number of eighty in counting order.
  • 爱因斯坦被为高等数学家。
    Einstein is identified with a higher mathematician.
  • 人们把爱因斯坦为世界伟大科学家行
    People funk Einstein among the wnrld's great scientists.
  • 呕吐通过嘴喷出胃里部分或全部东西,常常是一系不自觉的阵发性运动
    To eject part or all of the contents of the stomach through the mouth, usually in a series of involuntary spasmic movements.
  • 错综复杂的具有许多排复杂的成份的;复杂精细的
    Having many complexly arranged elements; elaborate.
  • 在总结经验的基础上,党的十一届三中全会提出一系新的政策。
    At the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee our Party, having reviewed our experience, laid down a series of new policies.
  • 界限的划分是我们党的十一届三中全会,这次会议确定了一系新的方针和政策。
    The turning point was marked by the Third Plenary Session of our Party's Eleventh Central Committee, which defined a series of new principles and policies.
  • 十一届三中全会制定了这样的一系方针政策,走上了新的道路。
    Accordingly, at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the CPC, we formulated a series of principles and policies and thus took a new path.
  • 久而久之,目光深深陷入这迷宫里,把您也看得出神了,在迷宫里,从那门面雕梁画栋、外部屋架木头结构、大门扁圆、楼层悬垂的最末等的房舍,直至当时塔楼如柱林立的富丽堂皇的卢浮宫,无一不是匠心独运,合情合理,才华横溢,美不胜收,无一不是艺术的结晶。
    The eye was, for a long time, wholly lost in this labyrinth, where there was nothing which did not possess its originality, its reason, its genius, its beauty,--nothing which did not proceed from art; beginning with the smallest house,with its painted and carved front, with external beams, elliptical door, with projecting stories, to the royal Louvre, which then had a colonnade of towers.
  • 全尾幼虫以紧密排的长形身体为特征的一些绦虫的传染性幼虫
    The infective larva of some tapeworms, characterized by its solid elongated body.
  • 为了便於国际社会有一个清楚的了解,有必要就下问题加以阐述。
    In order to facilitate a better understanding by the international community, it is necessary to elucidate the following points.
  • 凯尔特人是“打不过他们,就加入他们”这一理论的拥护者。到公元2世纪时,占领不颠的罗马军队中,有四分之三是凯尔特人。
    The Celts were early exponents of the principle, "If you can't best ' em, join ' em." By the second century AD, nearly three quarters of the Roman army of occupation of Britain consisted of Celts.
  • 支单曲名摇滚电台榜首,"信念"是有史以来首例乐队。在歌曲昙花一现随即消逝的今天,这一业绩便更难能可贵了。
    Tremonti didn't have to suffer any pangs of regret.Creed was the first band in history to have four Number One Rock Radio singles from a debut album a feat even more impressive in these days of love 'em and leave 'em,one hit wonders.
  • 所以我们反复说,解放思想,就是要运用马主义、毛泽东思想的基本原理,研究新情况,解决新问题。
    This is why we have often repeated that it is necessary to emancipate our minds, that is, to study new situations and solve new problems by applying the basic tenets of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 只有解放思想,坚持实事求是,一切从实际出发,理论联系实际,我们的社会主义现代化建设才能顺利进行,我们党的马主义、毛泽东思想的理论也才能顺利发展。
    Only if we emancipate our minds, seek truth from facts, proceed from reality in everything and integrate theory with practice, can we carry out our socialist modernization programme smoothly, and only then can our Party further develop Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 让我们在马克思宁主义、毛泽东思想的伟大旗帜下,努力做解放思想的促进派,做安定团结的促进派,做实现四化的促进派,做完成祖国统一大业的促进派,为把我国建设成为社会主义的现代化强国,共同奋斗!
    Let us, under the great banner of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, help emancipate people's minds, maintain the political situation of stability and unity, achieve the four modernizations and accomplish the reunification of the motherland.Let us work together to build China into a powerful modern socialist country.
  • 他热列地拥抱她。
    He held her to him in a warm embrace.
  • 江苏省吴县是苏绣的故乡,刺绣项目被为“双学双比”竞赛活动的龙头项目,吸引了4000多户参加,带动了10万绣娘,搞活了一方经济。
    Wu County in Jiangsu Province is the home place of Su embroidery. Embroidery there has become the leading project of the competing activity that involved in more than 100,000 women and enlivened the local economy.