  • 那水在手臂上刺上一颗心。
    The sailor had a heart tattooed on his arm.
  • 在东京,国际商业机器公司与财力最雄厚、科技最强的竞争者短相接。这些公司常常把它们最先进的产品在本国市场销售,一两年以后才运往世界各地。
    In Tokyo, I.B.M. goes head-to-head with its best-financed, most technologically powerful competitors. These companies often bring out their most advanced products on their home turf a year or two before they ship them around the world.
  • 这些寺庙被愚昧无知的红卫捣毁了。
    these temples were mindlessly destroyed by the Red Guards.
  • 给封建领主交农作物;代替役。
    land tenure by agricultural service or payment of rent; not burdened with military service.
  • 来吧!我很想去西安。能看到马俑太令人兴奋了。
    Let's! I'm eager to go to Xi'an. It'd be thrilling to see the terracotta warriors.
  • 们离开营房时,迎面遇到两个恐怖分子。
    The soldiers were confronted by two terrorists as they left their camp.
  • 相对而言,《孙子法》就不容易读懂,因为它以文言文书写,内容也相当精简。
    In contrast, "Sun Zi's Art of War" is not easy to read because it is written in classical Chinese and very terse.
  • 相对而言,《孙子法》就不容易读懂,因为它以文言文书写,内容也相当精简。
    In contrast, Sun Zi's Art of War(《孙子法》)is not easy to read because it is written in classical Chinese and very terse.
  • 们的贴身口袋里装着休假证
    The soldiers had their furloughs in their breast pockets.
  • 来自家中的信件和包裹是士们最好的心灵慰藉。
    Letters and packages from home can be the best therapy.
  • 第三,中国又是一个很大的国家,地大、物博、人多、多,能够支持长期的战争,这同日本又是一个相反的对比。
    Thirdly, and again by contrast with Japan, China is a very big country with vast territory, rich resources, a large population and plenty of soldiers, and is capable of sustaining a long war.
  • 他的很多士死于饥渴。
    A large of number of his men perished from hunger and thirst.
  • 死了数千名美国和菲律宾的士
    Thousands of Americans and Filipinos died.
  • 好几千名士陆续被送往前线。
    Thousands upon thousands of soldiers were being sent to the front.
  • 因为位子就那么多,还要精简政,老的不腾出位子,年轻的上不了,事业怎么能兴旺发达。
    We only have a limited number of posts; besides, we are planning to streamline our administration. If the old don't make way, how can the young be promoted? And if they can't, how is our cause to thrive?
  • 马背长矛打斗两名骑马的骑士或士之间用长矛进行的打斗;持矛的比武
    A combat between two mounted knights or men-at-arms using lances; a tilting match.
  • 不久,十九路军和福建人民政府在蒋介石的力压迫下失败,此后蔡廷锴等人继续采取与共产党合作的立常
    The 19th Route Army and Fukien People's Government collapsed under the attacks of Chiang's troops. From then on, Tsai Ting-kai and others gradually moved towards a position of co-operation with the Communist Party.
  • 两年前,我们在国民党军中的组织,完全没有抓住士,即在叶挺部⒅也还是每团只有一个支部,故经不起严重的考验。
    Two years ago, when we were in the Kuomintang army, our Party had no organizational roots among the soldiers, and even among Yeh Ting's troops (18) there was only one Party branch to each regiment;that is why we could not stand up to any serious test.
  • 连长说军队生活可以使新锻炼得更坚强。
    The company leader said that army life would toughen the recruits up.
  • 自1985年以来,军队先后派出20余万名官协助学校组织学生的军事训练,训练在校学生3000多万人。
    Since 1985, more than 200,000 officers and men have helped these institutions and schools organize military training for students, and more than 30 million students have been trained.
  • 我们听到一些士迈着沉重的步伐走了过去。
    We heard soldiers tramping by.
  • 曾经只是用于训练士和宇航员的蹦床,到20世纪50年代中期已发展成了一种运动。
    While the device was used to train soldiers and astronauts, trampoline was growing into a sport by the mid-1950s.
  • 他用自己的勇气鼓舞了士
    He transfused his own courage into his men.
  • 红军像一个火炉,俘虏过来马上就熔化了。
    The Red Army is like a furnace in which all captured soldiers are transmuted the moment they come over.
  • 一些美国飞机前来帮助运送了这批士
    American airplanes helped transport the soldiers.
  • 这里,我代表国务院,向全国工人、农民、知识分子、干部、解放军指战员、武警部队官和公安干警,表示崇高的敬意!
    Here, on behalf of the State Council, I would like to pay our highest tribute to all our workers, farmers, intellectuals and cadres;
  • 士兵们胜利归来。
    The soldiers returned home in triumph.
  • 那一小群抵抗士很快就被占领部队打败了。
    The small band of resistance fighters were soon trodden under foot by the occupying forces.
  • 特洛伊战争中希腊人留在特洛伊外的一尊巨大的空腹木马像(里面装着希腊士)。
    a large hollow wooden figure of a horse (filled with Greek soldiers) left by the Greeks outside Troy during the Trojan War.
  • (一○四)另一方面,应该承认在技术和员教养的程度上,现时我们不及敌人。
    104. On the other hand, it must be admitted that for the present we are inferior to the enemy in technical equipment and in troop training.
  • (一○四)另一方面,应该承认在技术和员教养的程度上,现时我们不及敌人。
    104. On the other hand, it must be admitted that for the present we are inferior to the enemy in technical equipment and in troop training.
  • 相互通报边界线两侧各100公里区域内的重要军事活动;邀请对方观察实演习;
    all the important military activities of one party in the areas between the border and 100 kilometers from the border line shall be notified to the other which shall be invited to observe the troop exercises;