  • 墨水台个放钢笔和墨水瓶的盘或架
    A tray or rack for pens and bottles of ink.
  • 一直朝前走到河边。
    Walk straight ahead until you reach the river.
  • 种古代的用球拍的游戏。
    an ancient racket game.
  • 他经营了个花钱少的用售票进行勒索的企业。
    He runs a cheap ticket racket.
  • 它几乎可以在我的球拍上烧个洞。
    It nearly burnt a hole through my racket.
  • 乒乓球拍打乒乓球用的种轻的木制球拍
    A light wooden racket used in playing table tennis.
  • 般来说,俱乐部级比赛,用旋转球拍的办法(猜先)。
    Generally speaking, at club level, players spin a racket.
  • 歹徒,暴徒有组织犯罪团伙中的员;诈骗犯
    A member of an organized group of criminals; a racketeer.
  • 黑社会头子安东尼(又称胖东尼)昨天又从判他犯勒索建筑商罪名的陪审团那里得到另个信息:吐出赃款,但可以保留农场。
    Underworld boss Anthony (Fat Tony) Salerno got another message yesterday from the jury that convicted him of construction racketeering: cough up the dirty money, but keep the farm.
  • 令人头疼的噪音;战争前的那些紧张的日子;办公室里紧张的天。
    nerve-racking noise; the stressful days before a war; a trying day at the office.
  • 整夜我辗转不眠,绞尽脑汁想着那年轻人是着了什么魔竟自杀身亡。
    All night I have been tossing and turning, racking my brains to think of what could have possessed that poor young man to kill himself.
  • 整整晚我辗转反侧,绞尽脑汁,想弄明白是什么原因竟能促成这个年轻人自杀。
    All night I have been tossing and turning racking my brains to think what could have possessed the young the young man to kill himself.
  • 啊,好啦,样白米养百样人嘛。
    Ah, well, it takes all kinds!
  • 如你先说爱个人,会令人大伤脑筋,而且是冒险的。
    Being the first to declare your love can be nerve-racking and risky and can leave you feeling as vulnerable as a turtle with no shell.
  • 当我的同胞绞尽脑汁在比较中西文化的时候,我总送他们这服减轻痛苦的药剂,这已经成为我的妙计,因为这种药剂始终很有功效。
    This is a dose of soothing medicine that I have always given to my countrymen engaged in the head-racking task of comparing Chinese and Western civilizations, and it has become a trick with me, for the medicine always works.
  • 啊,就跟拉斯维加斯样,是吗?
    Ah, just like Las Vegas, huh?
  • “啊,那是辆旧车。”
    "Ah, it was an old jalopy."
  • 我们取得了又次胜利。
    We've racked up another victory.
  • 阵咳嗽全身都十分难受。
    A coughing fit racked her whole body.
  • 啊,第道菜端来了。
    Ah, here comes the first course.
  • 直为严重的咳嗽所苦。
    She has been racked with a bad cough.
  • 记重击将对手击倒。
    He racked up his opponent with a harsh blow.
  • 这是最新式的网球拍,是按最高标准制造的。现在全世界最好的网球明星都用这型号。
    This is the last word in tennis racquets and is made to the highest standards. All the world's top tennis stars are using this model now.
  • 在制片人挥动他那蓝色铅笔删改前,剧本有些逃逗性。
    The script was a bit racy until the producer wielded his blue pencil.
  • 雷达技术;个雷达站
    Radar technology; a radar installation.
  • 用索瓦尔的说法,叫“城岛”,在他杂乱的著作中有时也有些文笔优美的词句:城岛宛如艘大船顺流驶向塞纳河中央,结果陷入泥沙而搁浅了。
    "The island of the City," as Sauval says, who, in spite of his confused medley, sometimes has such happy turns of expression,--"the island of the city is made like a great ship, stuck in the mud and run aground in the current, near the centre of the Seine."
  • 而这种模式并不适于戴尔计算机,艘迈克尔.戴尔设计、建造、下水、担任船长、改变航向、四处游逛、检修,并且直航行了15年的船,他也直认为其具有重大的价值。
    This model does not apply to Dell Computer, a ship that Michael Dell designed, built, launched, skippered, re-directed, ran aground a couple times, overhauled, and has kept sailing for 15 years and counting.
  • 是早期警告系统的部分的雷达。
    a radar that is part of an early warning system.
  • 他们观察到雷达荧光屏上出现架飞机。
    They observed an airplane appear on the screen of radar.
  • 因为资金短缺,他们建座宿舍的计划搁浅了。
    Their plans for building a dormitory have run aground as they are short of money.
  • 船在沙滩上搁浅之前,他们在划船比赛中直是领先的。
    They were winning the boat race until their boat ran aground on a sandbank.
  • 辐射状辐射状排列的部分,如联系大脑不同部分的组神经纤维
    Radial arrangement of parts, as of a group of nerve fibers connecting different areas of the brain.