  • 从一酒馆到另一酒馆喝更多的酒。
    go from one pub to the next and get progressively more drunk.
  • 酒馆的老板是个女的。
    That publican of the bar is a woman.
  • 一个曾花了半年时间,去了英国61000酒吧中的800个,访谈50位酒吧老板和酒保以及1000多个酒客的荷兰旅游者说:“我不明白英国人是怎么给自已买到酒的。
    One Dutch tourist who spent six months visiting 800 of Britain's 61,000 pubs and interviewing 50 publicans and bar workers and more than 1,000 customers said :" I cannot understand how the British ever manage to buy themselves a drink.
  • 宣传尤指报社或传媒等做宣传的人
    One who publicizes, especially a press or publicity agent.
  • 随后的宣传不禁使人们对这个国的婚姻状况感到迷惑。
    The resulting publicity does wonders for the nation's marriages.
  • ——公开鼓吹“西藏是独立国”。
    -- Publicly advocating that "Tibet is an independent state."
  • 不要使大都知道你朋友的缺点。
    Do not publish the faults of your friends.
  • 那位作拒绝和他们的出版社进一步商讨。
    The writer refused to make further negotiations with their publisher.
  • 他为一伦敦出版商到各地兜售生意。
    He travels for a London publisher.
  • 一位作,他写的书被出版商拒绝了。
    A writer who has a book refused by a publisher.
  • 一位作,他写的书被出版商拒绝了。
    A writer who have a book refuse by a publisher.
  • 美国出版商与该公司商谈有关合并的事宜。
    The company is approached by an American publisher with the suggestion of a merger.
  • 辛迪嫁给了她的一位出版商,成了喻户晓的人。
    Cindy married one of her publishers and became a household word.
  • 一个流行音乐、作曲和出版商一起做生意的地区,最初指纽约的一个区。
    a city district (originally in New York) where composers and publishers of popular music do business.
  • 像其他人一样,出版商有时拒绝扶植大有前途的作,而固执地对毫无希望的人大献殷勤。
    Publishers, like other people, sometimes reject chances of backing the right horse, and stubbornly back the wrong one.
  • 有好几出版社出价想购买这本书的版权。
    Several publishing houses bid on the book.
  • 他在回的路上跨过了好几个雨水坑。
    He stride across several rain puddle on his way home.
  • 属于或关于拳击、拳击的。
    of or relating to pugilism or pugilists.
  • 著名的拳击史密斯先生竞技状况甚佳。
    Mr Smith, the famous pugilist, is in hard condition.
  • 艾肯,康拉德·波特1889-1973美国作,主要以诗歌闻名。其作品诗选获1930年度普利策奖
    American writer noted primarily for his poetry. He won a1930 Pulitzer Prize for Selected Poems.
  • 艾吉,詹姆斯1909-1955美国作及批评,因小说庭中的一次死亡事件获1957年度普利策奖
    American writer and critic who won a1957 Pulitzer Prize for his novel A Death in the Family.
  • 费伯,埃德纳1887-1968美国作,她写了许多流行小说,包括赢得普利策奖的如此之大(1924年)
    American writer who wrote several popular novels, including So Big(1924), which won a Pulitzer Prize.
  • 凯瑟,威拉·锡伯特1873-1947描写边疆开拓生活的美国作。其小说我们中的一员(1922年)获普利策文学奖
    American author who wrote about frontier life. Her novel One of Ours(1922) won a Pulitzer Prize.
  • 米切纳,詹姆斯·阿尔贝特生于1907美国历史小说,著有南太平洋故事(1947年)并以此书获普利策奖,还著有源泉(1965年)
    American writer of historical novels, such as Tales of the South Pacific(1947), for which he won a Pulitzer Prize, and The Source(1965).
  • 奇弗,约翰1912-1982美国作,他的短篇小说和长篇小说以充满幽默和热情的笔调描绘了美国郊区的生活。他因约翰·奇弗小说集于1978年获普利策奖
    American writer who depicted life in American suburbs with humor and compassion in his short stories and novels. He won a Pulitzer Prize for The Stories of John Cheever(1978).
  • 直到前不久,克瑞基特一直在当地的一医疗中心做心肺疗养师。
    Until recently, Krickitt worked as a cardio pulmonary therapist at a local medical center.
  • 那孩子因其母带他回而生气地捶打著母亲.
    The child pummelled his mother angrily as she carried him home.
  • 那孩子因其母带他回而生气地捶打著母亲。
    The child pummels his mother angrily as she carries him home.
  • 那孩子因其母带他回而生气地捶打著母亲
    The child pummels his mother angrily as she carries him home
  • 企业投入大量资金以开发这种新产品.
    The firm pumped money into the development of the new product.
  • 1997年,国投资20.14亿元的羊卓雍湖抽水蓄能电站竣工、发电。
    In 1997 the Yamzho Yumco Water Pumping and Energy Storing Power Station, built with state investment totaling 2.014 billion yuan, was completed and began to generate electricity.
  • 明天一定要按时上班。最近晚点打出勤卡的人太多了,老板非常恼火。
    Be sure to be at work on time tomorrow, everybody. The boss is on the warpath because so many people have been punching in late recently.