  • 由于人工干预对处理、验证和评价提交请求是必要的,所以在网站在基于目录的搜索服务中捕捉到一处之前,可望有延迟。
    Because human intervention is necessary to process, verify, and review submission requests, expect a delay before your site secures a spot in a directory-based search service.
  • 花卉插图表明这个画家很注重写实.
    These flower illustrationsshow the artist's concern for verisimilitude.
  • 学校能使一个男生或女生在高中阶段改变培养计划,从职业教育轨道转到普通教育轨道;或者相反。
    These schools enable a boy or girl to change educational plans during the high school years, moving from the vocational track into the academic or vice versa.
  • 施乐公司和其他一有远见的商家正在加快步伐开发一种和一般的纸张一样柔韧又和电脑屏幕一样多功能的材料。
    Xerox and other visionaries are racing to produce a material that's as flexible as regular paper and as versatile as a computer screen.
  • 这些诗句韵律严谨.
    The verses scan well.
  • 书籍是莎士比亚作品的中译本。
    These books are Chinese versions of Shakespeare.
  • 然而,如果使用uddi,公司就需要以某种方式组织那用于设计他们所提供的服务的软件接口规范及相应版本信息,并将其发布。
    However, within a UDDI registry, businesses need a way to publish information about the specifications and versions of specifications that were used to design their advertised services.
  • 这次探险,我们发现了几块颅骨、脊椎、鳞甲、肢体骨头以及其他各种各样的残片。加上这,我们已经收集了至尊鳄鱼大约50%的骨骼,足以拼成一只至尊鳄鱼的标本了。
    With the discovery on this expedition of several skulls, vertebrae, scutes, limb bones, and other assorted bits, we have amassed about 50 percent of SuperCroc's skeleton, enough to commission a life-size model.
  • 那座水塔有些倾斜。
    That water tower is out of the vertical.
  •  1.本联盟其他国家的船舶暂时或偶然地进入上述国家的领水时,在该船的船身、机器、滑车装置、传动装置及其他附件上使用构成专利主题的装置设备,但以专为该船的需要而使用这装置设备为限;
    1. the use on board vessels of other countries of the Union of devices forming the subject of his patent in the body of the vessel, in the machinery, tackle, gear and other accessories, when such vessels temporarily or accidentally enter the waters of the said country, provided that such devices are used there exclusively for the needs of the vessel;
  • 请注意如下一特点:餐巾不应塞进衣领或背心内,而应放在腿上;
    A few characteristics to note: the collar or vest but should be placed across the lap;
  • 在一国家,政府把权力交给人民。
    In some countries , government vests authority in people.
  • 在某国家,权利属于人民。
    In some countries, authority is vested in the people.
  • 荒原上一直立的石块是古老宗教的遗迹。
    Some upright stone in wild place is the vestige of ancient religion.
  • 荒原上一直立的石块是古老宗教的遗迹
    Some upright stones in wild place are the vestiges of ancient religion
  • 伦敦的断垣残壁是罗马人占领的遗迹。
    These fragments of wall in London are vestiges of the Roman occupation.
  •  在这样的低利率环境下,投资者可以考虑把一资金投资在债券,因为他将能取得比现金存款高的回报。
    In such a low interest-rate environment, it may still be good for investors to consider in-vesting some money in bonds because they will be able to achieve a higher return than cash deposits.
  • 圣衣室,圣具室在教堂里的或者与它相连的屋子,神父在这里穿戴他们的圣装并且这圣衣和其它神圣的物件都保存在里面;圣器室
    A room in or attached to a church where the clergy put on their vestments and where these robes and other sacred objects are stored; a sacristy.
  • 写这诗的那个同志是个老兵。
    That comrade writing these poems is a veteran.
  • 在落实政策时,还要特别注意那老工人、技术骨干、老劳模,要把这一部分人的积极性调动起来。
    In implementing the relevant Party policies, we should particularly concentrate on arousing the enthusiasm of veteran workers, key technicians and veteran model workers.
  • 写这诗的那个同志是个老兵。
    The comrade who write these poem is a veteran soldier.
  • 写这诗的那个同志是个老兵。
    The comrade who wrote these poems is a veteran soldier.
  • 老干部受到人民的信任和支持。
    These veteran cadres enjoy the trust and support of the people.
  • 我们这老干部应该在这方面做出好样子来。
    We veteran cadres should set a good example in this respect.
  • 和这老工人聊天会对我们有很大好处。
    It will do us much good to chat with these veteran workers.
  • 我看到他站到她身边去,不禁有气恼!
    I was so vexed to see him stand up with her;
  • 时代的真相,例如《生逢七月四日冲的那个出生于劳动阶级的男孩子在越南战争中失去了双腿,并为此感到愤怒不已;以及当年轻的肯尼迪总统仅为了一个冠冕堂皇的动机而被刺杀,在我们的舆论专家们、磨刀霍霍的杂志以及世俗的报纸看来,就显得过于多愁善感或是争议太多。
    The truth of the time of a working-class boy, Born on the Fourth of July, losing his legs in Vietnam and being angry about it, or a young president, Kennedy, being assassinated for a viable motive is just too sentimental or too controversial for our opinion-makers, our cutting-edg magazines, our secular newspapers.
  • 失去了这语言和文化上的因素,我们的国家,恐怕难以继续维持现有的活力,更难应付将来发展的需要。
    If we were to lose these elements of language and culture, it would be difficult for our country to maintain its vibrancy, which would in turn make it harder for us to meet the needs of future growth and development.
  • 骨头义使你的内耳振动。
    The bones, in their turn make your inner ears vibrate.
  • 这又使中耳内一细小的骨头振动。
    This makes some tiny bones in your middle ears vibrate.
  • 声音由振动着的空气传给你。
    These sounds are brought to you by vibrating air.
  • 从另一方面来说,人脑在高速运转的时候,不只可以吸收发自他脑的思想观念,更是可以赋予一个人那种必要的感受,让他的潜意识能搜集这思想的讯息,并参考吸收,转化为新成果。
    On the other hand, when the brain is vibrating at a rapid rate, it not only attracts thoughts and ideas released by other brains through the medium of the ether, but it gives to one's own thoughts that "feeling" which is essential before those thoughts will be picked up and acted upon by one's subconscious mind.