Chinese English Sentence:
  • 也许《哈里波特与密室》被盗版也正是由于这些原因。因为尽管影片定于11月15日公映,但上周末和本月初却已经别在纽约和伦敦举行了小规模的试映会。
    That may be the case with "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," which was shown to the public in a special "sneak preview" screening last weekend in New York and in London earlier this month.
  • 不要畏首畏尾,惧怕反动子混进来。
    We should not be overcautious or too afraid of reactionaries sneaking in.
  • 在过去发展党的组织的工作中,虽然中央着重地提出了“大胆发展而又不让一个坏子侵入”的口号,但实际上是混进了许多投机子和敌人的暗害子。
    During the expansion of the Party's organizations, a good many careerists and enemy saboteurs did succeed in sneaking in despite the fact that the Central Committee stressed the slogan "Expand the Party boldly, but do not let a single undesirable in".
  • 党内混入了大批的投机子,但是没有清洗出去。
    Many careerists sneaked into the Party, but they were not combed out.
  • 美国人大约每年损失100亿元——这当然非同小可,不过还不到全国收入的百之零点二。
    The annual boss to Americans would be about $10 billion—nothing to sneeze at, surely, but still less than a fifth of 1 percent of the national income.
  • 解决方法:发梢开叉不能补救,唯一长效疗法是剪去开叉部
    Solutions Split ends can't be mended; the only long-term cure is to have them snipped off.
  • 在这一点上,也仅仅在这一点上,我承认我是属于银叉派的一子……
    In this point, and in this only, I confess myself a member of the Silver-Fork school...(W. Thackery, The Book of Snobs)
  • 她似乎认为穿西服的人都是资产阶级子,这是最极端的反势利行为。
    She seemed to think every man I a suit was bourgeois, which was just inverted snobbery of the worst kind.
  • 让我与你一起担你的痛苦。
    Let me snore your sorrow with you.
  • 我们怎样配赚来的钱。
    How shall we snore out the money that we have earned?
  • 农民对政府如总统、督军、县长等还比较不留心,这班乡里王才真正是他们的“长上”,他们鼻子里哼一声,农民晓得这是要十注意的。
    Comparatively speaking, the peasants were not so much concerned with the president of the Republic, the provincial military governor or the county magistrate;their real "bosses" were these rural monarchs.A mere snort from these people, and the peasants knew they had to watch their step.
  • 恐怖子射击时,他们正谈论有关合同的事。
    When the terrorists snot in, they were talking about the contract.
  • 在赛跑的最后半钟,迪克突然冲过去跑到了其他运动员的前面。
    During the last half minute of the race, Dick snot out in front of the other runner.
  • 鼻口部某些动物(比如狗)的头部向前突出的部,包括嘴、鼻和下巴;(动物的)口鼻部
    The forward, projecting part of the head of certain animals, such as dogs, including the mouth, nose, and jaws; the snout.
  • 可以通过举办冰雪节或每年一度的打雪仗游戏来充利用寒冷的冬天。
    Make the best of the cold winters by having ice festivals and annual snowball fights.
  • 以目前每年迅猛增长的情形发展下去,中国网络用户人数将如雪球般越滚越大,预计到了2010年将达到2.5亿的人数,发展空间十巨大。
    Snowballing at its current rate, the total of China's Net-surfers will hit 250 million in the year 2010. There is enormous room for growth.
  • 1998年,日本在长野县的北部第二次主办了冬奥会,那里正是降雪充沛区的一部
    Japan hosted its second Olympic Winter Games in1998,in the northern part of Nagano Prefecture,part of this heavy snowfall region.
  • 紧身衣裤一种主要供妇女和女孩穿用的紧身有弹性的服装,覆盖从腰部颈部以下的身体部
    A snug stretchable garment covering the body from the waist or neck down, designed for general wear by women and girls.
  • 主席在征求委员会的意见之前留有充的时间,以便其提议得到理解。
    The chairman waited until his proposal had had time to soak in before inviting the committee's opinions.
  • 使离通过浸泡使各成
    To separate into constituents by soaking.
  • 软化离通过浸泡使变软或成
    To become soft or separated into constituents by soaking.
  • 因过度浸泡而变软或解。
    become soft or disintegrate as a result of excessive soaking.
  • 已是下午时,有时清明得可以看见法国海岸的空气又蒙上了雾霭与水气。罗瑞先生的思想也似乎蒙上了雾霭。
    As the day declined into the afternoon, and the air, which had been at intervals clear enough to allow the French coast to be seen, became again charged with mist and vapour, Mr. Lorry's thoughts seemed to cloud too.
  • 洗衣服前先放到肥皂水里泡20钟。
    Steep your clothes in soapy water for20 minutes before you wash them.
  • 我的梦里常看见你在长空翱翔。我的心中总有你留藏的位置。我一中都会为铭记着关于你的一部,无论身处何处你都在我身旁。《与你相依》
    In my dreams I'll always seeyou soar above the skies.In my heart there'll always be a place for you for all my life .I'll keep a part of you with me and everywhere i am there you'll be.《There you be》
  • 市场交易旺盛,买方主要为纽约、英国及部加拿大人。
    Market soaring principal buyer New York U.K. partly Canadian.
  • 安妮:我析,“直冲云霄”一定是跳高了。
    Annie: I guess the phrase "soaring up to the sky" must refer to the high jump.
  • 撒切尔夫人没有任何精神准备,一时不能自抑,顿时泪水满面。她抽咽说,马克仍无任何消息,她十挂念他。
    Tears were rolling down her eyes as she sobbingly told the reporter that there were still no news of Mark and that she was very worried about him.
  • 如果索伯斯目测能力增强的话,他滚保龄球能得100
    If Sobers can get his eye in, he'll score a century off this bowling.
  • 在这个不平凡的日子里,我们也应当清醒地看到,实现四个现代化的任务是十繁重的。
    On this extraordinary day, we should also be soberly aware that it is an arduous task to realize the four modernizations.
  • 但是,脑子发热,析不清,听到一个口供就相信了,这样就难于避免犯错误。
    However, when we failed to act soberly and make clear analyses but simply believed in confessions by the accused, it was hard to avoid mistakes.
  • 北美洲沿河流和湖泊边界广泛布的群居型水生哺乳动物。
    sociable aquatic animal widely distributed along streams and lake borders in North America.