  • 条件是保证自己的政治领导的基础,也就是使革命获得彻底的胜利而不被同盟者的动摇性所破坏的基矗
    They constitute the foundation for guaranteeing our political leadership and for ensuring that the revolution will win complete victory and not be disrupted by the vacillations of our allies.
  • 也许能找到一含糊不清的套语来遮掩这分歧。
    Some vague formula may be found to paper over the disagreements.
  • 陈文安国会议员说,在过去几个月的辩论中,“外国人才”的定义已经被含糊地当成是“在海外念过书,及拥有符合新加坡的适当工作经验”的人士,而这到本地从事一本地人也能够从事的工作的外国人,就符合了上述的这个定义。
    Mr Sin said that in various debates over the past few months, the term "foreign talent" has vaguely come to include those "who have studied overseas, and whose practical experiences are suited to Singapore's needs". As a matter of fact, those foreigners who are undertaking jobs that can be done by Singaporeans fit the above definition too.
  • 我们是多么没用的三心二意的人啊!
    What vain weather-cocks we are!
  • 中小地主、富农乃至中农,从前反对农会的,此刻求入农会不可得。
    Many middle and small landlords and rich peasants and even some middle peasants, who were all formerly opposed to the peasant associations, are now vainly seeking admission.
  • 事情永远也不会消失,我将永远记着他,他是我永远最思念的人。
    Those things never die,nor does the memory of a man who never stopped being my valentine.
  • 事情永远不会消失,我对父亲的记忆也永远不会消失。他是我永远的情人。
    Those things never die, nor does the memory of a man who never stopped being my valentine.
  • 3.将一情人节寄语写在小纸条上,把这纸条紧紧卷好放入气球里。
    3.Write some Valentine messages on small pieces of paper; roll them tightly and insert them into balloons.
  • 荣誉属于那亲临竞技场,满面泥污、汗水和鲜血的人。他们不懈地努力,他们曾犯过错,并一再失败。他们满怀激情,执着不懈,将生命奉献于崇高的事业。
    The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena; whose face is actually marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows great enthusiasm and great devotions, whose life is spent in a worthy cause;
  • 当然,其他的一类型的校验操作也可能被期望实施,比如利用businesskey或是其他传入的键值而实施的上下文敏感检查等。
    Other types of validation as desired can be performed, including context sensitive checks that utilize the businessKey or other values passed in the call-out.
  • 社会承认这证书的有效性。
    The validity of such certificates is recognized in society.
  • "这信件是珍贵的,你应该保存好。
    "As for being valuable,save the envelopes.
  • 仿造,假冒制造一有价值东西的赝品
    To make fraudulent copies of something valuable.
  • 我要把一贵重物品存在保险箱内。
    I'd like to put some valuables in safekeeping.
  • 我想把一贵重物品寄放保管。
    I'd like to deposit my valuables somewhere for safekeeping.
  • 但他是按货币价格接受货物的,相信这货物带来的钱,最终会超过购买它们时所花的钱。
    But he accepted these at a money valuation, and in the belief that they would bring in more money eventually than the price at which they were made over to him.
  • 尽管如此,很多人都相信那个`探宝器'很快就能探测到一有价值的东西。
    In spite of this, many people are confident that 'The Revealer' may reveal something of value fairly soon.
  • 是的,但是处理这阀门相当费事。
    Yes, but it's quite a job to treat these valve.
  • 我们叫那在我们家後院子里玩的男孩赶快走开。
    We tell those boy play in our yard to vamoose.
  • 他用一旧笔记拼凑成几篇演讲稿。
    He vamped up some lectures out of old notes.
  • 我刚刚在街角的药房买了一香草冰淇淋。
    I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore.
  • 有,我刚刚在街角的药房买了一香草冰淇淋,我也买发一哈蜜瓜.龙眼和葡萄。
    Yes, I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore. I also got some cantaloupes,longans and grapes.
  • 有,我刚刚在街角的药房买了一香草冰淇淋,我也买发一哈蜜瓜。龙眼和葡萄。
    Yes, I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore. I also got some cantaloupes, longans and grapes.
  • 香草醛,香兰素一种白色或淡黄色晶体化合物,c8h8o3,见于香子兰豆以及某香脂和松脂中,用于做香水、调味品和药剂
    A white or yellowish crystalline compound, C8H8O3, found in vanilla beans and certain balsams and resins and used in perfumes, flavorings, and pharmaceuticals.
  • 现在中国经济正在党中央和国务院的领导下重新走上健康发展的道路,如果再让有人到处踢开党委去闹,那就只能把四个现代化吹得精光。
    Only now, under the leadership of the Central Committee and of the State Council, has our economy returned to the road of sound growth.If a handful of people are again allowed to kick aside the Party committees and make trouble, the four modernizations will vanish into thin air.
  • 我才不管这闲事呢,”这个脑袋咕噜着,又不见了。
    Aw'll hae noa hend wi't,' muttered the head, vanishing.
  • 海伦感到人世渺茫,只望手里有可靠的产业,安心度日。
    Helen felt the vanity of human affairs and it was in those securities that she would have liked to cast anchor.
  • 通过对这辐射源的高能辐射变化及能量的测量,γ射线的观察有助于天文学家了解这通常直接来自能量中心的辐射源的基本物理性质。
    Gamma-ray observations help astronomers understand the basic physics of these sources by measuring the energy and variability of the highest energy radiation coming from these sources, radiation often comes directly from the central engine.
  • 一种符号,用来表示数学运算过程,描述系统的一输入变量和输出变量之间的关系和限制。
    A symbol that indicates a mathematical process, describes the relations and restrictions that exist between the input variables and the output variables of a system.
  • 然而,这种保证却并不适用于“局部”变量——那变量并非一个类的字段。
    This guarantee doesn’t apply to “local” variables—those that are not fields of a class.
  • 在一同志的思想中也确实存在着混乱,例如有人认为,坚持四项基本原则会妨碍解放思想,健全社会主义法制会妨碍社会主义民主,对错误意见进行正确的批评是违反“双百”方针,等等。
    Indeed, there is ideological confusion among some of our comrades. For example, some hold that adherence to the four cardinal principles hampers the emancipation of the mind, that the strengthening of the socialist legal system hinders socialist democracy, and that well-founded criticism of wrong ideas is at variance with the policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend".
  • 最近的这会演似乎比过去任何一次都更多样化了。
    The recent festivities seemed more varied than ever before.