| - 他一把抓住歹徒,把他扔出门外。
He grabbed the hooligan and shot him out of the door. - 他一把抓住歹徒,把他扔出门外。
He grabbed the hooligan and snot him out of the door. - 继续发出命令,它窜跳过圈,两头来回地奔跑。
As commands continued,he hurled through the hoop,turning end over end. - 可以把息肉去除或把小肿瘤取出的带有金属钩的医疗仪器;特别用于体腔。
a surgical instrument consisting of wire hoop that can be drawn tight around the base of polyps or small tumors to sever them; used especially in body cavities. - 群众还在嘘他,他使出浑身劲儿嚷道:“市民先生们,我们马上就要开演了。”
“Messeigneurs the bourgeois,” he shouted with all the force of his lungs to the audience, which had not ceased to hoot him, “we are going to begin. - 紧跟在他身後出现了一个带角的分趾蹄动物
Close behind him appear an animal with horn and cleave hooves. - 紧跟在他身後出现了一个带角的分趾蹄动物
Close behind him appeard an animal with horn and cleave hooves - 铁蒺藜一种金属装置,有四只突出的脚钉,三只立于地上,第四只指向上方,用作气动轮胎的闸或马蹄
A metal device with four projecting spikes so arranged that when three of the spikes are on the ground, the fourth points upward, used as a hazard to pneumatic tires or to the hooves of horses. - 作出有利的或期望的响应。
respond favorably or as hoped. - 她希望他们不久将展出那些书籍。
She hoped they would soon set out those books. - 北爱尔兰的和平进程,是现今世界最令人充满希望的重大事件之一,显示出历史的创伤是可以治愈的。
That process is one of the most hopeful things that is happening in the world today, showing that the hurts of history can be healed. - 勇新向玛丽·安妮·威兰打了一个电话。当听到那个只在电子邮件上来往过几个月的女人的声音的时候,这位充满希望的父亲感激得说不出话来。
Yongxin called Mary Anne Wehland, and upon hearing the voice of the person who’d existed only in emails for months, the hopeful father choked up with gratitude. - 希望我们出售计算机会赚很多钱。
Hopefully, we 'll make a lot of money selling computers. - 有希望在不远的将来出现的最安全的系统,是一种语音确认与识别技术相结合的产物。
The ultimate security system, hopefully in the near future, will be a combination of voice identification and recognition technology. - 难说他将从哪道楼梯下来。于是,我抛币而定,并满怀希望地等候在出口处。
It was fifty-fifty chance which staircase he would use. So I tossed a coin and waited hopefully at the exit. - 我们正在收集一些确切资料,然后再召开全体董事会议,以期作出决定。
We are getting some facts and figures together and we will then have a full board meeting, and hopefully make a decision. - 我相信,通过两天的经验交流和讨论,大家不仅能增进了解,建立友谊,而且还会集思广益,提出许多建设性的建议,为推动下个世纪国际人权事业的健康发展做出积极的贡献。
I am sure that through the exchange of experience and discussions in the next two days, you will get to know and understand each other better and, hopefully, become friends, and, more importantly, you will come up with many constructive proposals by pooling your ideas and wisdom together, which will be a contribution to the healthy development of the world human rights cause in the next century. - 他发出一声绝望的叹息,转身走开了。
With a hopeless sigh, he turned away. - 哈利斯小姐童真般的娇美艳丽和他初恋的情人海蒂如出一辙。
It was hopeless even from the very start. - 他低能得无以复加,然而却是出於好心。
He's hopelessly inefficient, but I suppose he means well. - 他走在暗处,希望没有人认出他来。
He walked along in the shadows hoping no one would recognize him. - 我们希望出租这块田地。
We are hoping to let this field. - 技术改进的浪潮即将出现。
A surge of innovation in techniques is on the horizon. - 月亮出现在地平线上
The moon came over the horizon. - 天边地平线上隐约出现一堆乌云。
A dark bank of cloud loomed on the horizon. - 我感到船将出现在视野中。
I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon. - 只装在一头的凸出的水平木版。
projecting horizontal beam fixed at one end only. - 凸出楼梯踏板水平突沿
The horizontally projecting edge of a stair tread. - 根据规定的格式,推进读出位置或显示位置,例如横向向右或纵向向下推进打印位置或显示位置。
To advance the reading or display position according to a prescribed format, for example, to advance the printing or display position horizontally to the right or vertically down. - 托座,隅撑l形的简易刚性结构,一臂固定于一垂表面上,另一臂水平伸出以支撑一个架子或其它重物
A simple rigid structure in the shape of an L, one arm of which is fixed to a vertical surface, the other projecting horizontally to support a shelf or other weight. - 只有不到1/10的慢性精神分裂症患者能像纳什一样,"随着年龄增长后体内自然激素的变化,最终从非理性的思维中解脱出来,完全没有借助药物治疗,"他后来这么说。
Like fewer than one in 10 individuals who suffer from chronic schizophrenia, Nash " emerged from irrational thinking ultimately without medicine other than the natural hormonal changes of aging," as he later put it. - 雄酯酮可促进男性特征的雄性激素,随尿液排出
A steroid hormone excreted in urine that reinforces masculine characteristics.