  • 约翰-辛普森和他的同事们把众多的例句中筛选在现实生活中最禁得住推敲的句子。
    Simpson (John, not Homer) and his colleagues whittle that list down to the few that seem to have gotten a solid foothold in popular usage.
  • 从字里行间,他们可以看她有点儿想家。
    They could read between the lines that she was a little homesick.
  • 他写信说他很喜欢军营生活,但从字里行间可以感觉来他很想家。
    He worte that he liked camp life very much, but I could read between the lines that he was homesick.
  • 梅女士:我想,每一个即将国的学生,他都会担心自己是否会孤独,是否会想家、想念家人,以及自己是否会很安全。
    Ms.Chey:I think,for any student when they are going overseas,they worry a little bit about whether they will be lonely,whether they will be homesick,missing the family,and whether they will be safe.
  • 申请产权以正常或合法的方式提的对某事物的要求,尤指矿工或定居移民用桩围起的一块公共土地
    Something claimed in a formal or legal manner, especially a tract of public land staked out by a miner or homesteader.
  • 格斯特,爱德加·阿尔贝特1881-1959生于英国的美国新闻记者,以其辛迪加式的、亲切自然的韵文而闻名,这些韵文被收入生命的积累(1916年)等书中
    British-born American journalist known for his widely syndicated, homey rhymes, collected in books such as A Heap o' Livin'(1916).
  • 裁判官也主持少年法庭的聆讯,审理对儿童及未满16岁青少年所提的控罪,但涉及凶杀的案件除外。
    They also try cases in the Juvenile Court, which has jurisdiction in charges against children and young persons up to 16 years, except in cases of homicide.
  • 他设计一个新的导航系统。
    He studied out a new homing system.
  • 一只信鸽被放去递送消息。
    A homing pigeon was sent forth to carry the message.
  • 后来电脑现并改变了我们的生活;智人在很早就现。
    Then the computer came along and changed our lives; Homo sapiens appeared millions of years ago.
  • 结果现了新的物种,现代人类可能就是其中之一。
    New species could have emerged as a result. It is possible Homo sapiens may have been one of these.
  • 爪哇猿人一绝种的猿人,据1891年爪哇发现的骨头推测,因为认为它可能属于一种介于猿与人之间的物种,所以早先将其认定为爪哇直立猿人。现在这种猿人被归为直立人
    An extinct primate postulated from bones found in Java in1891 and originally designated Pithecanthropus erectus because it was thought to represent a species evolutionarily between apes and human beings. Pithecanthropus is now classified as Homo erectus.
  • 因此,同性恋的性交把hiv从一个人传染给另一个人的可能性极大,其原因有二:第一,这种行为本身会引起血;
    Thus,homosexual intercourse has a very high possibility of transmitting the HIV from one person to another for two reasons: 1) Bleeding is caused by the act itself,and;
  • 亲爱的,出了什么事?
    What 's up, hon?
  • 你计划的种种优点。选定你的主张中的关键性优势,然后收集能支持你计划的数据--既要定性也要量。
    First outline your goals in writing,and then hone them before you present them to your target audience.
  • 在十九世纪五十年代现在巴西的一种蜜蜂,由一种具有攻击性的非洲蜜蜂和普通蜜蜂杂交而得;保留非洲蜜蜂的大部分特征;现在散布到北方。
    a strain of bees that originated in Brazil in the 1950s as a cross between an aggressive African bee and a honeybee; retains most of the traits of the African bee; now spread as far north as Texas.
  • 树蜜与蜜露相似的甜的植物叶子渗
    A sweet exudate similar to honeydew on the leaves of plants.
  • 你能想象吗,当一串串天花乱坠的专业术语从那些品酒专家口中说的时候,他们只是在试图用语言来遮掩一个事实:原来他们和常人无异,并不能确切对所鉴别的葡萄美酒说个所以然来。
    The honeyed phrases flow like the wines they describe, but the truth is that wine experts often use a torrent of language to disguise the fact they can't always put a name to the aroma they are smelling.
  • 我刚刚把杰妮嫁给了一个我不了解的男人,这里又来了另一个女儿蒂娜,要求我为她置办一件自名牌设计师之手的婚纱和为她支付一次去伦敦的蜜月旅行。
    I'd just given Jenny to a man I didn't know and there stood Deanna, asking me for a designer wedding dress and a London honeymoon.
  • 泰坦尼克号载着大约2,200人发,其中有百万富翁、移民、13对度蜜月的夫妇、一个一直演奏到悲剧最后一刻的8人乐队,以及仅够一半多点的人使用的救生艇。
    Titanic set sail carrying some 2200 people--millionaires, immigrants, 13 honeymoon couples and an eight-man band that played to the bitter end--and lifeboats for just over half of them. In the end 712 were rescued;
  • 香港地区出版业
    publishing industry in Hongkong
  • 香港邮政推一项名为"香港邮电通"的新服务,作为响应政府方便营商计划的措施之一。
    A new service - Hongkong e-Post - was introduced as part of Hongkong Post's initiative to support the government's Helping Business Programme.
  • 为她在这项工程中作的贡献而颁发给她的酬金
    An honorarium given in consideration of her contributions to the project.
  • 不光彩的履历、坏名声、被开除军队这一不名誉事
    Honourable record, reputation, discharge from the army
  • 我的汽车好像中了邪了--老是故障.
    My car seems to have a hoodoo on it it keeps breaking down.
  • 我看你在这里面插了一手。
    I think I recognize your hoof in it.
  • 在。。。中看某人势力[影响]
    See sb.'s hoof in sth.
  • 我认为我看了你在这件事里插了一手。
    I think I have seen your hoof in it.
  • 他被开除出警卫队。
    He was hoofed out of the Guards.
  • 击出左勾拳
    Threw a left hook.
  • 这个球发去后向左弧旋。
    It hooked to the left.
  • 通过用钩针互锁线圈而创造的东西。
    something created by interlocking looped stitches with a hooked needle.