  • 我们经常听人起“暖色”和“冷色”,它们分别是光谱中的红色一端和蓝色的一端。
    We often hear of the warmness or coldness of colors, the red and blue sides of the color spectrum, respectively.
  • 我要事先向你明,我要把一切都告诉他们。
    I must warn you beforehand that I shall tell them everything.
  • 那扇有突出铝框的门据经得起风吹雨打,不会打破,也不会扭曲。
    The door, which has extruded aluminum frame, is said to be weather-resistant, shatterproof, and warp-proof.
  • 孩子们接受不了的东西你不可能教他,从某种意义上,任何孩子都是自学的产品—模仿和实验的是其基础。
    You cannot teach a child what he cannot learn so that, in a sense, any child is a product of a kind of self-education—imitation and experiment being the warp and woop of it.
  • 我向你保证他的是真话。
    I warrant you he is telling the truth.
  • 海泽回忆当时的情景:"我从艺术系的教室开门走出去,看见一个蒙面人,他身穿黑色的ninja电子游戏中的武士服装。
    "I opened the door from the art classroom and saw a masked man in a black Ninja warrior-style outfit.
  • ,在办公室里你可以威严苛求地成为战斗女神,但这种风格只宜留在办公室,到了家里你就要像对待朋友和成年人那样对待你的丈夫。
    Being the commanding, demanding warrior goddess may work in the office, she argues, but you should leave her there and treat your husband like a friend and grown? up.
  • 活下去的新动力尽管詹姆斯自己的身体情况还可能出现反复,与劳拉陷入亲密关系有顾虑,但劳拉和詹姆斯互相被对方迷住了,他们的关系仍在发展。
    New motive to live The relationship progressed, though James says he was wary about getting involved with his nurse when his health could take another turn for the worse.But she was hooked.And so was James.
  • 一位医生在法庭供证时,“……我们都比较怕‘红毛’人,这种心理并不只存在于医药界,也存在于整个服务业,……这是真实的现象。”(见6月3日早报第6版)
    "ALL of us were more wary of treating ang mohs," said a doctor during a court hearing recently. "The mindset is not limited to the medical service; it is there in all services. This is a reality."
  • 她说的话不可信。
    Her story just won't wash.
  • 妈妈曾开玩笑似地大多数爸爸都是这样过休息日:修理后门的锁啦,带孩子们去沙滩玩啦——而她许配给了一个像爱因斯坦一样不知换水龙头上的垫圈的人。
    Mum used to joke that most dads spent their holidays fixing the lock on the back door, or taking their children to the beach -- trust her to go and pick an Einstein who couldn't even change a washer on a tap.
  • 四分之一的货物遭到损坏,那就是损耗量为百分之二十五。
    A quarter of the goods were damaged: that's a wastage of 25.
  • 和她话纯粹是浪费时间。
    It's only a waste of time to speak to her.
  • 你跟他再多也是没用的。
    It's no use wasting any more words on him.
  • 尼兰德:"我也曾试过weightwatchers这样的减肥网站,在网上做一些关于减肥的努力,但是我只能坚持两个星期左右,很快我就又大开酒戒了。
    "I tried Weight Watchers, I was doing some online thing and was able to stick to it for about two weeks and then just kind of fell off the wagon," Neiland said.
  • 放哨的人急忙跑进屋里,警察就在外面。
    The watchman rushed into the room to say that the police were outside.
  • 你说的不合情理。
    Your story just doesn't hold water.
  • 着她就一下子把罐里的水全倒到水槽里,又赶到井边去打水,并给所有的骆驼都饮了水。
    So she quickly empfied her jar into the water-through, hurried again to the well to drawwater and watered all the camels.
  • “人各有其价”这一法用在水门窃听案件所牵涉到的所有的人身上是再恰当不过了。
    The statement that all men have their price was true of the men involoved in the Watergate break-in.
  • 那个青年在一个温泉胜地初次遇见那个少女,并且就在那里向她求婚。
    The young man first saw the young lady at a watering place, and proposed to her there, as the story goes.
  • “是的,先生,我几乎可以肯定你的是谁,”他向我保证,“她总是在大桥一带活动。
    “Yes, sir, I am almost sure I know to whom you refer,” he assured me, “She was regularly in the vicinity of Waterloo Bridge.
  • 依农民的法,这种方形西瓜形状是奇怪了些,但把它放在冰箱里储存起来确实容易多了。
    This square watermelon may look strange, but it will fit into your fridge a lot easier, farmers say.
  • 大部分手表都是防水的呢。
    Well, most watches claim to is waterproof.
  • 我听沃森在追求你。
    I heard Watson was running after you.
  • 据伊普女士和设在香港的沃森·怀亚特(watsonwyatt)的董事莫娜·w·钱(monaw.chan),最急需和跳槽倾向最强的是金融、会计、销售和市场营销各部门的人员,还包括那些担任总经理职务的人。
    The people most in demand, and most likely to job hop , are in finance and accounting, sales and marketing , and include those filling general-manager posts, according to Ms.Yip and Mona W. Chan, a director at Watson Wyatt in Hong Kong.
  • 沃茨:"从前的罗米纳一直过着封闭的生活,但是手术后她已经和从前大不一样了,现在的她甚至已经开始第一次和异性交往了。"
    "Romina had led quite a reclusive life -- but now she's even interacted with a male for the first time," said Watts.
  • 沃茨医生这场历时半个小时的手术和平时给人类进行的白内障手术没有什么区别,唯一不同的是她必须要忍受这位"长毛病人"身上散发的"刺鼻的气味"。
    Watts said the half-hour operation was no different from treating a human for cataracts -- apart from a "pungent aromatic smell" emanating from her hairy patient.
  • 换句话,一种颜色的色素吸收除我们看到的以外的各种波长的光。
    In other words, the pigment of a color absorbs all the wavelengths of light except that which we see.
  • 发言人挥舞双手强调他所的。
    The speaker emphasized what he was saying by waving his hand.
  • 遇到这些勇敢的女旅客的人们都应该帮助她们,并且跟大家他们曾经遇到过这些女人,因为在宣传这件事情的时候,也就是指出了道路。
    Any who encounter these brave wayfarers are duty bound to comfort them and to say to all the world that they have encountered them, for by proclaiming the news they show the way.
  • “要找个出版商真是比上天还难,”韦恩。“你要是没有出版过东西,那就别想找到代理商,而你要出版东西,又非找个代理商不行。”
    "Getting an agent is Catch-22," Wayne says. "You get one unless you're published and you need one to get published."
  • 州警官韦恩·贝内特昨天,“当初以为弗格森不知枪里有子弹,而是一项意外事件。可是进一步调查证明他当时发怒,他所做的乃出于本意,根本的问题是他居心如此。”
    "At first, there was a suggestion that Furguson didn't think there was a bullet in the gun, that it was an accident," said State Police Major Wayne Bennett yesterday. "But further investigation indicates he was angry. He meant to do what he did. The bottom line is, there was intent."