  • 一般自恃自由、民主、人权信徒与媒体经常嘲笑新加坡是个芝麻绿豆小事情都要管制与动辄罚款、缺乏自由、民主和人权的国
    Some journalists from the foreign media and people who proclaim themselves as firm supporters of freedom, democracy and human rights, often ridicule Singapore as a place with strict control over all aspects of life and where fines are imposed freely.In other words, it is a country with no freedom, democracy and human rights.
  • 她自封为专家。
    She proclaimed herself an expert.
  • 医师没有把这件事推到以后去办,他穿上外衣,拿着大烛台,到乌霍夫去了。
    Without further procrastination the doctor put on his hat and coat, took the candelabra and went off to Uhov’s.
  • 有一天当我建议他在晚饭前开始做作业时,约翰这个一贯拖拉的伙居然说:“您是对的,我想我会做的。”
    One day when I suggested that he might start on homework before dinner, John -- a veteran procrastinator – said, “You’re right. I guess I will.
  • 有人预言,结婚生子的决定势必要和国效忠等相关课题联想在一起,成为牺牲小我的选项之一。
    Some have predicted that marriage and procreation must be linked to issues such as loyalty. People will have to make a small sacrifice for the sake of the nation.
  • 主席、副主席,中央军委主席,最高人民法院院长,最高人民检察院检察长由它选举产生或者罢免;
    It elects or removes president and vice-president of the People's Republic of China, chairman of the Central Military Commission, president of the Supreme People's Court and procurator-general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate;
  • 在1993年全区乡(镇)、县、地(市)和自治区四级换届选举后,藏族和其他少数民族人士占四级国政权机关组成人员的93.2%,分别占当选的乡镇长和县长的99.8%和98.6%,分别占自治区、地(市)、县三级人民法院院长和人民检察院检察长的96%和89%。
    After the election of members to succeeding governments at the township (town), county, prefecture (city) and autonomous regional levels in 1993, members of the Tibetan and other ethnic minorities accounted for 93.2 percent of the component members of the organs of state power at these four levels, respectively for 99.8 percent and 98.6 percent of the township (town) and county heads elected, and respectively 96 percent and 89 percent of the presidents of the people's courts and the procurators of the people's procuratorates at the autonomous regional, prefecture (city) and county levels.
  • 重名誉;出门重衣衫。
    In my own city my name, in a strange city my clothes procure me respect.
  • 象这样一个有缺点的国同一个充分发展的国对照时,在生产力上相差的决不仅仅是一半;同那个健全国相形之下,它拥有的土地和人口也许相等,或者还远远超过,但就所能获致的物质财富来说,恐怕还不能及到那个国的五分之一,或者甚至十分之一。
    A nation thus imperfect will not only be merely half as productive as a perfect nation, but with an equal or even with a much larger territory,with an equal or a much larger population, it will perhaps scarcely obtain a fifth, probably scarcely a tenth, part of that material wealth which a perfect nation is able to procure;
  • 香港积极参与上述三方面的工作,并由一九九六年起成为贸易及投资委员会的副主席,在一九九五至一九九九年期间更担任该委员会属下政府采购专小组的主席。
    The HKSAR participates actively in all three areas. The HKSAR has been a Vice-Chair of the Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI) since 1996, and was the Chair of the Government Procurement Experts Group under the CTI from 1995 to 1999.
  • 我父亲只得督促我做庭作业
    My father has to prod me to do my homework
  • 我父亲只得督促我做庭作业。
    My father have to prod me to do my homework.
  • 这个国的森林正受过度的采伐。
    The country has been prodigal of its forests.
  • 这个国的森林正受过度的采伐。
    The country has been prodigal of its forests.
  • 文森特·凡高是个闲不住的人,是位精力超凡而又多产的艺术
    Vincent Van Gogh was a man in a hurry,an artist of tremendous energy and prodigious output.
  • 文森特·凡高是个闲不住的人,是位精力超凡而又多产的艺术
    Vincent Van Gogh was a man in a hurry, an artist of tremendous energy and prodigious output.
  • 评论不为最近发生的反常的事所欺骗。
    Critics were not gammoned by this latest prodigy.
  • 产生那位伟人的国家
    the country that produced the great man
  • 工厂生产小汽车。
    That factory produces cars.
  • 迄今,已出售约266800个单位予合资格的庭,其中84404个单位是根据私人参建计划兴建的。这项计划旨在运用私人机构的资源兴建住宅单位,然后以较低廉的价格出售。
    About 266800 flats have so far been sold to eligible families. These include 84404 flats produced under the PSPS which makes use of the resources of the private sector to produce flats for sale at subsidised prices.
  • 根据牌照规定,两电视台均须播放香港电台的节目,香港电台是公营机构,每周制作约10小时节目,以补充商营电视台的节目。
    Both stations are required to broadcast programmes produced by the publicly-funded Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), which produces about 10 hours of programmes weekly to supplement the commercial TV stations' output.
  • 在特定国内生产的。
    produced in a particular country.
  • 我们与厂订约,要他经常供应货物。
    We bargained with the producer for a constant supply of the articles.
  • 作为一个音乐、作曲、编曲及制作人,他与众多的艺术进行了合作。
    As a musician,composer,arranger,and producer,he has worked with a variety of artists.
  • 当价格被控制住之后,生产厂会因盈利太少而削减这些产品的生产产量。
    When price is controlled, producer will cut their output of these line because their margin be too small.
  • 当价格被控制住之后,生产厂会因盈利太少而削减这些产品的生产产量。
    When price is controlled, producer will cut their output of these lines because their margin is too small.
  • 公司在生产价廉的晶体管收音机方面胜于其他公司。
    The firm excels at producing cheap transistor radios.
  • 石油是许多中东国最重要的产品。
    Petrol is the most important product of many Middle-East countries.
  • 公司出售塑料制品。
    The company sells plastic products.
  •  一种产品输入到对该产品的制造方法有专利保护的本联盟国时,专利权人对该输入产品应享有输入国法律,根据方法专利对在该国制造的产品所授予的一切权利。
    When a product is imported into a country of the Union where there exists a patent protecting a process of manufacture of the said product, the patentee shall have all the rights, with regard to the imported product, that are accorded to him by the legislation of the country of importation, on the basis of the process patent, with respect to products manufactured in that country.
  • 他的行为玷污了国的荣誉。
    His action profaned the honour of his country.
  • 我不自认为是那个问题的专
    I do not profess to be an expert on that subject.