  • 再說結婚問題。我不清楚未婚男性的想法,但我所看到的情況是,有女性在年輕一點的時候蹉跎了歲月,年華老去時纔驚覺未婚的好男人已經所剩無幾了。
    I am not sure what unmarried men think about marriage. But I have seen some young women who wasted much time before they realised that they were no longer young and that few eligible men were left in their circles.
  • 堆積層明確無誤地顯示出多次洪水的跡象:火山灰大量傾落到一個洪水沉積層上,隨後為另一層所覆蓋;
    Some of the layers showed unmistakable evidence of multiple deluges: volcanic ash that had rained down on one flood-borne layer before being covered by the next;
  • 人對此提出異議,稱剋隆人並不比雙胞胎更“不自然”。
    Some have sought to counter this by saying that cloning is no more "unnatural" than twins.
  • 教師對校長的决定存有異議,他們認為沒有必要那麽嚴厲。
    The decision by the headmaster was called into question by some of the teachers who thought it unnecessarily harsh.
  • 在這樣一個大熱天,所有那衣服都不需要了。
    All those clothes are unnecessary on such a hot day.
  • 這門課的教授應該試圖給他的學生顯示怎樣能以看見那在他們面前一現而過的東西來增添他們生活的樂趣。
    The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them.
  • 針對某問題的意見而進行的非正式投票。
    an unofficial vote taken to determine opinion on some issue.
  • 縣,農民組織起來了一小部分,大部分尚未組織起來,如城步、零陵等縣,這是第三等。
    In other counties, like Chengpu and Lingling, while a small section is organized, the bulk of the peasants remain unorganized;these places are in the third grade.
  • 縣,農民組織起來了一大部分,尚有一小部分沒有組織,如益陽、華容等縣,這是第二等。
    In some counties, like Yiyang and Huajung, the bulk of the peasants are organized, with only a small section remaining unorganized;these places are in the second grade.
  • 這個高爾夫球在不可比賽的球位;場地上還不可以進行比賽;有音樂看起來幾乎沒有辦法演奏。
    the golf ball was in an unplayable lie; the field was unplayable; some music seems almost unplayable.
  • 沒有人知道為什麽這日子辦公室的氣氛一直令人不快。
    Nobody knows why there has been an unpleasant atmosphere in the office these days.
  • 你要做好思想準備,可能發生一不愉快的情況。
    You ought to be prepared for some unpleasantness.
  • 在以往的油畫當中那被後來的藝術傢認為不滿意的部分常常被塗掉。
    Parts of old paintings which appear unpleasing to later artists are sometimes painted out.
  • 傢長們抱怨,一不受歡迎的課程正被灌輸給學生們。
    The parentsare complaining that some unpopular subjects are being pushed down the students'throats.
  • 經濟學家對失業率達到前所未有的程度表示憂慮。
    Some economists showed their anxiety on unprecedented level of unemployment.
  • 香港從來未曾有過的事件也接踵而來。
    A series of unprecedented events rapidly followed.
  • 所有這使這個地區的農業得到空前發展。
    All this has led to unprecedented progress in agriculture in the region.
  • 在這應用中,dna指紋會給判决帶來空前的近乎完美的準確度。
    In these applications, DNA fingerprints bring an unprecedented, nearly perfect accuracy to the determination.
  • 所有這為全球經濟和社會發展提供了前所未有的物質技術條件,打開了廣阔的前景。
    All these have laid unprecedented material and technological conditions for continued economic and social progress worldwide and promise a broad prospect.
  • 我都毫無疑問地接受了。
    I swallowed it all -- unquestionably.
  • [4]無可爭議,牛頓的頭腦是最高才智的頭腦,然而當問到他是用什麽方法獲得驚人的發現時,牛頓謙虛地回答:“全靠對那問題不斷地深思。”
    [4] Newton's was unquestionably a mind of the very highest order, and yet, when asked by what means he had worked out his extraordinary discoveries, he modestly answered, "By always thinking unto them."
  • 然而,一法院將“普遍接受”解釋為沒有爭議,這在幾乎任何科學或技術領域都是不現實的標準。
    Nevertheless, some courts have interpreted "general acceptance" to mean the absence of controversy, an unrealistic standard in almost any scientific or technical area.
  • 這幾年來,我們不大註意調查研究,因而所提的一任務往往不是實事求是的,所提的一口號,也有許多不是切合實際的。
    Since we have paid little attention to investigation and study in recent years, we have, more often than not, come up with unrealistic tasks and brought out many slogans which do not conform to actual circumstances.
  • 但是局部的後退是必要的,有不切實際的和對整個經濟害多利少的高指標要堅决降下來,有管理不善、嚴重虧損的企業要限期整頓,甚至於停下來整頓。
    However, it is necessary to make a partial retreat.Some unrealistically high targets, which it would do more harm than good to aim at, must be resolutely lowered, and some ill-managed enterprises which run at a heavy loss must be consolidated within a certain time span or even temporarily shut down so that consolidation can be carried out.
  • 不合理的規章制度應該廢止。
    These unreasonable rules should fall off.
  • 我們不可對這不合理的要求讓步。
    We mustn't give way to these unreasonable demands.
  • "工會領導人給資方施加壓力,要求修改這不合理的規定。"
    The trade union leaders put pressure on the capitalists to change these unreasonable rules.
  • 吹毛求疵作一過於精細的區分
    The making of unreasonably fine distinctions.
  • 當他們正在討論一重要問題時,他卻插進了一個毫不相幹的問題。
    As they were discussing some important questions , he interposed an unrelated thing.
  • 可是如果沒有這冷卻和散熱係統的話,在無情的沙漠陽光的炙烤下,所有的設施很快就會被曬熱。
    Without the cooling and ventilation system, things get hot quickly under the unrelenting desert sun.
  • 她們就像某星辰,隕落時和初升時一樣黯淡無光。
    They are like those dull suns which set as they have risen: they are unremarkable.
  • 《苦戀》和那個青年詩人的講話,為什麽還有那麽一人支持?
    Why is it the Unrequited Love and the speech by the young poet have the support of some people?