  • 他的写作缺乏贯性。
    His writing lacks consistency.
  • 由一种气体在一起的。
    having the consistency of a gas.
  • 能够清楚贯的思考和表达自己。
    capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner.
  • 生理反应生物体对所受到的刺激作出的无意识的贯反应
    The involuntary and consistent response of an organism to a given stimulus.
  • 英格兰队板球获胜,这仅仅是一周中英国体育运动一串坏消息后的一种小小安慰。
    England's win at cricket was the only crumb of comfort in a week of consistently bad news for British sport.
  • (数学)关于序列或函数;其相的元一直增加或降低但相关值不会上下波动。
    (mathematics) of a sequence or function; consistently increasing and never decreasing or consistently decreasing and never increasing in value.
  • 在警察的追踪下,小偷续超车。
    The thief's car cut out consistently when the policemen were tracing behind.
  • 这里那里,还可以看见若干漂亮的府邸,金碧辉煌,高凸在左岸那些如画的顶楼之上,诸如现在已不复存在的内韦尔公馆、罗马公馆、兰斯公馆,还有克吕尼府第,至今犹存,让艺术家感到宽慰,不过几年前有人笨猪蠢驴都不如,居然把它的塔楼砍掉了。
    Some fine mansions here and there made magnificent outlines against the picturesque attics of the left bank. The house of Nevers, the house of Rome, the house of Reims, which have disappeared; the Hotel de Cluny,which still exists, for the consolation of the artist, and whose tower was so stupidly deprived of its crown a few years ago.
  • 第二项计划包括在警署每个羁留室安装一个内部通话器及警钟系统,接至当值人员办公桌旁的一个控制台。
    The second includes installation of an intercom and buzzer system in every police cell, linked to a console beside the duty officer's desk.
  • 呼吸时通过窄声道产生的续音。
    a continuant consonant produced by breath moving against a narrowing of the vocal tract.
  • 据一个叫tcl/tk的贸易团体称,有50万~100万名程序员使用拥有tk的tcl,能生成作为其他程序前端的基于gui的程序,或者把几个程序在一起。
    The 500,000 to 1 million programmers who use Tcl with Tk -- according to the trade group The Tcl/Tk Consortium -- can create GUI-based programs that serve as front ends to other programs or string together several programs.
  • 香港电台领导亚洲电视、无线电视和有线电视成立电视转播联盟,在一九九七年六月二十九日至七月二日期间续96小时把电视公共讯号传送至各媒体及人造卫星上行链路,以报道香港回归交接仪式和香港特别行政区成立庆典的情况。
    Between June 29 and July 2, 1997, RTHK led a consortium with ATV, TVB and Wharf Cable to produce a continuous 96 hours of core feed signals to broadcasters and to a satellite uplink covering the Handover Ceremony and the establishment of the HKSAR.
  • 最近有消息披露:又有一名高级官员与这个阴谋有牵
    It has recently come to light that a second official was implicated in the conspiracy.
  • 其他被认为与这个阴谋有牵的人以捏造的罪名遭到逮捕。
    Others felt to be involved in the conspiracy were arrested on trumped-up charges.
  • 恶劣的气候同汽车故障断送了我们的假日。
    Bad weather and car trouble conspired to ruin our vacation.
  • 我讨厌这连绵阴雨。
    I'm sick of this constant rain.
  • 在某些约束条件下,获得相物体最佳位置的过程。
    Under some constraint conditions, a procedure to get the optional position of connected objects.
  • 如果是指向对象的一个句柄,则必须初始化那个句柄,用一种名为“构建器”(第4章会对此详述)的特殊函数将其与一个实际对象接起来(就象早先看到的那样,使用new关键字)。
    If it is a reference to an object, you must initialize that reference to connect it to an actual object (using new, as seen earlier) in a special function called a constructor (described fully in Chapter 4).
  • 如果续失眠或者白天困倦,就请咨询一下医生。
    If sleep trouble or daytime drowsiness persists, consult a doctor.
  • 在当信息流大量涌上高速接时,上述情况可能潜在地消耗掉所有可以使用的服务器周期。
    This can potentially consume all available server cycles when traffic floods a high-speed connection.
  • 立刻兴警方连络。
    Contact the police immediately.
  • 移动地时候粗野地在一起。
    come into rough contact with while moving.
  • 猫在满意或高兴时发出的低沉续的震颤声。
    a low vibrating sound typical of a contented cat.
  • 48个相互接的州;相互邻接的48个州。
    the 48 conterminous states; the contiguous 48 states.
  • 全面下注的,赢注的把同样数目的赛马赌注下在同一匹可能赢得第一名、第二名或第三名的赛马上
    Of, relating to, or being a racing wager whereby equal amounts are bet on the same contestant to win, place, or show.
  • 连绵不断的山区景色
    a contiguity of mountain scenery
  • 一种地址续的、定长的存储区,每个分区是一个独立的地址空间。
    A contiguous fixed-sized area of storage. Each partition is a separate address space.
  • 在公司续服务过两个任期
    Served two contiguous terms in office.
  • 在数据传输中,被起始和终止标志序列括起来并包括标志序列在内的续二进制位的序列。
    In data transmission, the sequence of contiguous bits bracketed by and including beginning and ending flag sequences.
  • 州际公路延伸于并接美国相邻48个主要城市的高速公路体系
    One of a system of highways extending between and connecting the major cities of the48 contiguous United States.
  • 绝对存储位置,其中装入一个字或是一串相字的第一个字。
    The absolute storage location into which a word or the first of a series of contiguous words is loaded.
  • 作为一个单位来记录的相记录的集合。各块由块间间隙分开,而每块可以包含一个或多个记录。
    A collection of contiguous records recorded as a unit. Blocks are separated by interblock gaps and each block may contain one or more records.