  • 布拉马普特拉河南亚河流,发源于西藏西南部的喜马拉雅山,流程约2,896公里(1,800里),先向东后向南和西流经印度东北部汇入恒河,在孟加拉中部形成一个大三角洲
    A river of southern Asia rising in the Himalaya Mountains of southwest Tibet and flowing about2, 896 km(1, 800 mi) east then south and west through northeast India to join the Ganges River and form a vast delta in central Bangladesh.
  • 近两年来,先后向俄罗斯、德国、法国、国、巴基斯坦、孟加拉、泰国、科威特等国派出军事留学人员200余名,同时接收了来自亚、非、拉美和欧洲等地区有关国家的近千名军事人员。
    In the past two years, more than 200 Chinese military personnel have been sent to study in Russia, Germany, France, Britain, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand and Kuwait, while nearly 1,000 military personnel from Asian ,Africa, Latin America and Europe countries have come to study in China.
  • 近两年来,先后向俄罗斯、德国、法国、国、巴基斯坦、孟加拉、泰国、科威特等国派出军事留学人员200余名,同时接收了来自亚、非、拉美和欧洲等地区有关国家的近千名军事留学及各类培训人员。
    In the past two years, more than 200 Chinese military personnel have been sent to study in Russia, Germany, France, Britain, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand and Kuwait, while nearly 1,000 military personnel from Africa, Latin America and Europe and other Asian countries have come to study in China.
  • 报道警告说,若地球气温升高5.8摄氏度,随着海洋变暖和极地冰帽的溶化,将导致海平面升高3尺,几千万的孟加拉人和埃及人将无家可归,部分国低地也面临着同样的危险。
    The report warns that a temperature rise of up to 5.8C,with the warming of the oceans and melting of polar icecaps,will force sea levels to rise by as much as ft,making tens of millions of people in Bangladesh and Egypt homeless.Parts of lowland Britain are also at risk.
  • 他欠银行250,000镑。
    He owes the bank 250,000.
  • (英国)汇丰银行。
    Hongkong and shanhai banking corporation.
  • 当宣布开饭的时候,约翰先生搀着一位老妇人下来。这位老妇人看来好像一个塞满了纸币的深红色插针毡包,活像格兰银行的化身。她是那么有钱,又那么不随和。
    When dinner was announced, Mr John took down an old lady like a crimson pincushion stuffed with banknotes, who might have been the identical old lady of Threadneedle Street, she was so rich and looked so unaccommodating.
  • 单是国就有604家企业破产了。
    In England alone604 enterprises went bankrupt.
  • 我的银行帐户借方记入了两笔5镑的款项.
    My bank account shows two debits of 5 each.
  • 我的银行帐户有50镑的亏空.
    My bank account is 50 in the red.
  • 银行因恐慌而抛售国货币.
    The banks were panicked into selling sterling.
  • 勇而被授予荣誉的骑士;被授权可以显示一块方旗并且掌握更高的命令权。
    a knight honored for valor; entitled to display a square banner and to hold higher command.
  • 班诺克本苏格兰中部一镇,位于格拉斯哥东北偏北的班诺克河畔,该河为福斯河的一个支流。1314年6月23日,布鲁斯的罗伯特在此打败了爱德华二世领导下的国军队
    A town of central Scotland north-northeast of Glasgow on the Bannock River, a tributary of the Forth. It was the site of Robert the Bruce's defeat of the English under Edward II on June23,1314.
  • 那是国工业一帆风顺的时期。从那以后,矿工们就过着清苦的日子,并且似乎可能继续这样过下去。
    Those were the halcyon days of British industries. The banyan days have been with the miners since then, and seem likely to stay.
  • 国国教的礼拜堂基督新教徒的教堂,尤指浸信会或卫理公会教徒
    A Nonconformist chapel, especially a Baptist or Methodist one.
  • 他的语很差,这是他运用新电脑软件的一个障碍。
    His bad English is a bar to his using new computer software. (喻)
  • 布里奇顿西印度群岛的巴巴多斯的首府。由国人于1628年建立。人口7,466
    The capital of Barbados, in the West Indies. It was founded by the British in1628. Population, 7,466.
  • 布里奇顿西印度群岛的巴巴多斯的首府。由国人于1628年建立。人口7,466
    The capital of Barbados, in the West Indies. It was founded by the British in1628. Population,7, 466.
  • 帕拉马利玻苏利南的首都和最大城市,位于苏利南河注入大西洋的河口附近。它由来自巴巴多斯的国人,于17世纪30年代创建并于1815年由荷兰统治。人口67,905
    The capital and largest city of Suriname, on the Suriname River near its mouth on the Atlantic Ocean. Settled by the British from Barbados in the1630's, it came under Dutch rule in1815. Population,67, 905.
  • 芭芭拉并不把每天走20里路当回事。
    Barbara thinks nothing of walking 20 miles a day.
  • 奥理安罗马皇帝(公元270年-275年),统率未开化人越过莱茵河并为其帝国重新夺回国、高卢、西班牙、叙利亚和埃及
    Emperor of Rome( a.d.270-275) who held the barbarians in check beyond the Rhine River and regained Britain, Gaul, Spain, Syria, and Egypt for the empire.
  • 埃布罗河发源于西班牙北部坎塔布连山的一条河流,流程约925公里(575里),注入巴塞罗那西南方的地中海
    A river rising in the Cantabrian Mountains of northern Spain and flowing about925 km(575 mi) to the Mediterranean Sea southwest of Barcelona.
  • 当巴西球队从巴赛罗那凯旋而归时,巴西人像欢迎雄一样地欢迎他们,就像1970年巴西足球队荣获世界杯时巴西人民招他们那样招待他们。
    Brazil were given a hero's welcome when they returned home from Barcelona, just as their soccer team was treated after they won the World Cup in 1970.
  • 奥西恩传说中公元3世纪盖尔族的雄和吟游诗人
    A legendary Gaelic hero and bard of the third century a.d.
  • 如果国不曾耀武扬威,在许多殖民地国家扮演宗主国的角色,并强制性把国大文豪莎士比亚的文学作品列为学校的必修科目,我怀疑莎翁的作品会那么广泛地受到新加坡和其他亚洲地区语源流人士的喜爱。
    It is doubtful that the literary genius of Shakespeare would have been so admired by the English-educated Singaporeans and other Asians if Britain had not been a leading colonial power and the bard's works were not made compulsory examination subjects.
  • 那辆汽车300镑,真便宜。
    That car is a real bargain at 300.
  • 国际联盟是第一次世界大战以后,、法、日等国为了协商宰割世界和暂时调节相互之间的矛盾而成立的国际组织。
    The League of Nations was an organization formed by Britain, France, Japan and other imperialist powers after World War I for the re-division of the world through bargaining and temporary adjustments of conflicting interests.
  • 国人)尤其是格兰东部使用的一种航行用的驳船。
    (Brit) sailing barge used especially in East Anglia.
  • 运煤平底船一种运货船,尤指格兰泰因河上运煤的船
    A freight barge, especially one for carrying coal on the Tyne River in England.
  • 南大湖阴暗的水让我有一种希望看到一条船在湖上漂流的冲动——就像国诗人丁尼生在《亚瑟王之死》所描述的情景:三个穿着黑衣的王后坐着船前来迎载亚瑟王。
    The murky water of the Nantah Lake makes me wildly hope to see a barge floating down, as in Tennyson's Morte d'Arthur, carrying three black-draped queens coming to carry off King Arthur.
  • 您的朋友约翰,是船上国人中的佼佼者,有男中音的歌喉。
    Your friend John, as he is known among the English people on board, has a good baritone voice.
  • 警察从离凶杀地点100里处开始调查,我认为他们选错了目标。
    I think the police are barking up the wrong tree by starting their enquires 100miles from where the murder happened.