  • 他们闪电地在西班牙旅行了一趟。
    They traveled like a blue streak through Spain.
  • 揉捏形成通过或好象通过用手折叠、挤压,和拉扯而制成或成型
    To make or shape by or as if by folding, pressing, and stretching with the hands.
  • 资本主义国家考法官、考警察,条件很严格,我们更应该严格,除了必须通晓各项法律、政策、条例、程序、案例和有关的社会知识以外,特别要求大公无私、作风正派。
    Generally speaking, capitalist countries are quite strict about requirements for law-court and police personnel. We should be even stricter. Apart from being well versed in laws, policies, regulations, procedures and precedents and relevant social data, such persons must be particularly public-minded, honest and upright.
  • 中美商贸联委会贸易统计小组分析的结论是,这两年中国出口货物经香港转口到美国的平均增值率高达40.7%,远高于一情况下的转口增值率。
    The conclusion of the Trade Statistics Subgroup of the Trade and Investment Working Group of the Sino-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade was: The average rate of value-adding of Chinese exports to the United States via the Hong Kong region was 40.7% in the past two years, which was far above the re-export value-adding rate under general circumstances.
  • 水面舰船(一舰船,与潜艇相对)
    A surface vessel, ie an ordinary ship, not a submarine
  • 这一刻是兄弟俩第二次生命的开始:当死亡降临时,救援者来了,兄弟俩奇迹地融入到大自然之中。
    The moment is a second birth: where death is expected, succor is given, and the children are miraculously born into the order of nature.
  • 有如此这原因就有如此这的结果。
    S-and such results will follow from such and such causes.
  • 这些规定将能满足所有一场合的需要。
    The rules will suffice for all ordinary needs.
  • 这个说明是根本的说明,所以还不能充分解释中国人的石花园和一人对石头的爱好。
    This explanation is basic, but it does not sufficiently account for Chinese rock gardens and the love of rocks in general.
  • 如死一般地
    So as to suggest death.
  • 梦的,梦一的梦的,有关于梦的,或者使人联想到梦的
    Of, relating to, or suggestive of dreams.
  • 没有人比你和David俩人更配的佳偶了。
    I can't think of two people more suited to each other than you and David.
  • 那本书最适合一读者。
    That book suits general reader most.
  • 使其有魔力的行为;使某人或某物更加漂亮(一是在表面)。
    the act of glamorizing; making something or someone more beautiful (often in a superficial way).
  • 支持武力一部分的射击(如在支持整体的过程中反对一支持)。
    fire delivered in support of part of a force (as opposed to general supporting fire delivered in support of the force as a whole).
  • 一种钢条式的支撑结构,它一在某物的上方或周围;它能位于好几个路轨上方发出铁路信号,也能支撑一个起重机等。
    a structure of steel bars raised on side supports to bridge over or around something; can display railway signals above several tracks or can support a traveling crane etc..
  • 对于我们,当敌举行大规模“围剿”时,一的原则是诱敌深入,是退却到根据地作战,因为这是使我们最有把握地打破敌人进攻的办法。
    When the enemy launches a large-scale "encirclement and suppression" campaign, our general principle is to lure him in deep, withdraw into the base area and fight him there, because this is our surest method of smashing his offensive.
  • 参数,参量在相同一类型的等式中取值变化的等式中的常数或常量,尤其是曲线方程和平面方程中能代表一类曲线或平面的常量
    A constant in an equation that varies in other equations of the same general form, especially such a constant in the equation of a curve or surface that can be varied to represent a family of curves or surfaces.
  • 的外科医生:7.l万。
    $ 71,000 for the average surgeon
  • 兽医是一个一的医生行当。
    A veterinary surgeon is a doctor of a sort.
  • 胜过或超过一界限的,特别是在优点方面。
    exceeding or surpassing usual limits especially in excellence.
  • 沼泽的充满了淤泥的或似沼泽的;泥沼的
    Full of or resembling mire; swampy.
  • 摇摇欲坠好象要倒下一摇动
    To sway as if about to fall.
  • 瑞典的乡村婚礼也很有趣,一通过传统的形式来庆祝。
    A country wedding in Sweden is also very interesting. It is celebrated with traditional festivities.
  • 小孩一般爱吃糖。
    Children often have a partiality for sweets.
  • 来说,在成套设备买卖和技术转让过程中不太容易出现诈骗行为,而最容易发生诈骗行为的是在商品买卖活动中。
    Generally speaking, there is little opportunity for the swindlers to take advantage in the trading of complete sets of equipment or transfer of technology, while commodity transactions are most vulnerable to swindling.
  • 因特网的网络控制装置(可以是一个分开的路由器或交换机),一都用于七号信令网络和多个网络接入交换机之间。
    An Internet network control device, which could be a separate router or switch, is typically used between the SS7 network and multiple net access switches.
  • 而言,永久性虚拟电路建在多个主干网交换机之间和交换机与网络信息流量大的设备之间。
    Typically, permanent virtual circuits are set up between multiple backbone switches and between switches and devices with heavy network traffic.
  • 我到全世界各地跟执行人员讲课,则多次用它来辩论,说一所讲的swot分析法,并不是西方世界的现代"发明",而是源自2000多年以前的中国。
    In my lectures to executives around the world, I have often used this phrase to argue that what we now commonly called SWOT analysis is not a modern "invention" from the Western world. Rather, it originated in China more than 2,000 years ago.
  • 我感觉到婴儿的纯洁甜美-希尔维亚·普莱斯;象雪一样的纯洁。
    I felt pure and sweet as a new baby- Sylvia Plath; pure as the driven snow.
  • 人的同情都在她这方面。
    Popular -thies are on her side.
  • 安纳托利亚土耳其的亚洲部分,一认为等同于小亚细亚
    The Asian part of Turkey. It is usually considered synonymous with Asia Minor.