  • 要警惕,被从山头赶跑的敌人还可发动攻击。
    Be alert, the enemy repelled from the top of the hill will likely launch another attack.
  • 防水纤维;塑料有很强的防水汽和防水的性
    a water-repellent fabric; plastic highly resistant to steam and water.
  • 一旦你答应了他的请求,你就不再后悔了。
    Once you complied with his request, you cannot repent it.
  • 坏书因其不改正错误而更坏。
    A wicked book is the wickeder because it cannot repent.
  • 如果我后悔什么事情,那很可是我的良好品行。
    If I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behaviour.
  • 科学家很容易地利用遗传方法改变成体细胞。
    Scientists can easily genetically alter adult cells.
  • 我用水为你们施洗,是叫你们悔改。继我而来的那个人,力比我大,我连给他脱鞋也不配。
    I baptize you with water, for repentance; but the one who comes after me is mightier than I. I am not fit to take off his shoes.
  • 洛加尼斯必须完成一个近乎满分的动作才获得金牌,而他真的做到了这一点。他最后做出了其拿手好戏中最难的动作:一个抱膝1周半空翻,就这样仅以0.1分的优势从熊倪那儿夺走金牌。
    Louganis had to make a near perfect dive to take the gold and he did it with the most difficult one in his repertoire, a 1-1/2 somersault in tuck position, allowing him to edge Xiong Ni by a mere point to win the gold.
  • 在那些非常杰出而成为人们所喜爱的各种音乐形式的乐曲中,只有贝多芬和莫扎特才在数量上同柴可夫斯基相匹敌。
    Only Beethoven and Mozart can rival Tschaikovsky in the number of compositions in various musical forms that stand out as repertory favorites.
  • 假话不管怎样重复,也不可变为真话。
    Falsehood can in no way be turned into truth by repetition.
  • 心理学家声称,重复的工种恰恰可是一种有压力的工种,有如更为费神的工种,但多变的工种就不同了。
    Psychologist claimed that repetitive work can be just a stressful as more demanding but varied work.
  • 单调的重复练习必须尽量减少,必要的练习,方式力求多样而且力求刺激学生去思考。
    There is a need to avoid repetitive practice and use more stimulating activities that involve student thinking.
  • 运动障碍限制运动力的障碍,以痉挛或频繁重复的动作或缺乏协调性为特征
    An impairment in the ability to control movements, characterized by spasmodic or repetitive motions or lack of coordination.
  • 人工智领域中的一个专门分支,研究完成重复工作的机器人的工业应用。
    A specific area of the field of artificial intelligence applied to the industrial use of robots doing repetitive tasks.
  • 在人类可会发笑的场面,如与同类或人类嬉戏,或胳肢搔痒,它们会张大嘴巴,露出它们的牙齿,嘴角收缩,发出响亮而重复的声音。
    The great apes, such as chimpanzees, do something similar to humans. They open their mouths wide, expose their teeth, retract the corners of their lips, and make loud and repetitive vocaliza tions in situations that tend to evoke human laughter, like when playing with one another or with humans, or when tickled.
  • 他们不断重复的老一套说法,而事实上又没有哪一件事有定论,这就使得选民的感情不再受这些说法的影响。
    The repetitiveness and the fact that none of these things are conclusive means that voters aren't moved by this stuff anymore.
  • windows95能取代dos吗?
    Can Windows 95 Replace DOS?
  • 吸收或吸附另一物质的物质,即够吸收或吸附另一物质。
    a material that sorbs another substance; i.e. that has the capacity or tendency to take it up by either absorption or adsorption.
  • 至今还没有人够取代他的地位。
    Nobody is able to replace him.
  • 被或够被另一物质吸收或吸附的物质。
    a material that has been or is capable of being taken up by another substance by either absorption or adsorption.
  • 信息伞是否代替核武器伞?。
    Can the information umbrella replace the nuclear umbrella replace the nuclear umbrella?
  • 马克思主义只包括而不代替文艺创作中的现实主义,正如它只包括而不代替物理科学中的原子论、电子论一样。
    Marxism embraces but cannot replace realism in literary and artistic creation, just as it embraces but cannot replace the atomic and electronic theories in physics.
  • 一种有吸附力的粘土,去除油里的色彩。
    an adsorbent clay that will remove coloring from oils.
  • 与物理力量相对,有力被化学品吸附。
    having the capacity to adsorb by chemical as contrasted with physical forces.
  • 在必要时够代替正规演员的演员。
    an actor able to replace a regular performer when required.
  • 够吸附另一物质的物质。
    a material having capacity or tendency to adsorb another substance.
  • 铁能吸附氧.
    Iron adsorbs oxygen.
  • (法律)指货物或者商品;自由的换成其他同样性质的东西或者偿还债务的东西,被这样的东西代替。
    (law) of goods or commodities; freely exchangeable for or replaceable by another of like nature or kind in the satisfaction of an obligation.
  • 冷静的审慎和敏感的自私连同对可事物的迅速感知——这些就使老练的政治家区别于其他人;熟练的讲了一个故事;熟练的新闻广告员;一个熟练的安排。
    cool prudence and sensitive selfishness along with quick perception of what is possible--these distinguish an adroit politician; came up with a clever story; an ingenious press agent; an ingenious scheme.
  • 铁机敏灵巧、多才多艺,根据不同的环境和同伴改变自己的本性。
    Iron is adroit and versatile, changing its very nature according to circumstances and the company it keeps.
  • 同时我们已运出更换,相信符合你方要求。
    Meanwhile we have shipped the replacement goods and we trust that this will be up to your wishes.
  • 生物工程工程原理对生物与医学领域的应用,如在发展对功障碍或残缺器官的辅助和替代方面的应用
    The application of engineering principles to the fields of biology and medicine, as in the development of aids or replacements for defective or missing body organs.