  • 一种球茎植物,具有挺直的、线形叶和艳丽的黄色或色花朵,花单生或簇生。
    bulbous plant having erect linear leaves and showy yellow or white flowers either solitary or in clusters.
  • 秋天开花的一种球茎草本植物,具有色、紫色或淡紫色间色的花;原产于欧洲中部和西部。
    bulbous autumn-flowering herb with white, purple or lavender-and-white flowers; native to western and central Europe.
  • 花虎眼万年青产于南部非洲的一种百合科的球茎植物(花虎眼万年青),其香气浓郁,引人注目的色花簇是一种普遍的插花
    A southern African bulbous plant(Ornithogalum thyrsoides) in the lily family, whose fragrant cluster of showy white blossoms is popular as a cut flower.
  • 水仙一种广泛种植的水仙属球茎植物,有长窄的叶子,通常有呈色或黄色的花,特征有杯状或喇叭形的中心花冠
    Any of several widely cultivated bulbous plants of the genus Narcissus, having long narrow leaves and usually white or yellow flowers characterized by a cup-shaped or trumpet-shaped central crown.
  • 灰褐色巨大的鹰,色尾巴短而呈楔形;产于欧洲和格棱兰。
    bulky grayish-brown eagle with a short wedge-shaped white tail; of Europe and Greenland.
  • "老太太结结巴巴地说个不停,可谁也不明她说些什么。"
    "The old lady kept bumbling on about something, but nobody could understand her."
  • 他不了解食品价格已经上涨到什么程度了。上街购物一天,他才明实际是怎么一回事。
    He had no idea how food prices had risen, so a day's shopping soon brought him down to earth with a bump!
  • 霍尔倒了一大杯兰地,劝我喝下这杯“解醉酒”。
    Hall poured out a large bumper of brandy, exhorting me to swallow "a hair of the dog that had bit me."
  • 他倒了一大杯兰地,劝我喝下这杯“解醉酒”。
    He poured out a large bumper of brandy, exhorting me to swallow "a hair of the dog that had bit me".
  • 卡特尔船长摇摇头说,连杰克·邦比本人也不明是怎么回事……
    Captain Cuttle observed with a shake of his head, that Jack Bun-by himself hadn't made it out…
  • 生活在沼泽地带的欧洲颊鸟。
    European bunting inhabiting marshy areas.
  • 北美洲深蓝色的小颊鸟。
    small deep blue North American bunting.
  • 欧洲颊鸟,其雄鸟是亮黄色。
    European bunting the male being bright yellow.
  • 那些大楼上悬挂着红、绿色旗子。
    The buildings were drapped with red, white and blue bunting.
  • 他们用红、、兰色旗子表针露天音乐台。
    They decorated the band stand with red, white, and blue bunting.
  • 寓言体小说,寓意画,寓言剧运用这种寓言艺术手法而作的小说、绘画或戏剧。约翰·班扬的天路历程和赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的鲸记都是寓言体作品
    A story, picture, or play in which this device is used. John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Herman Melville's Moby Dick are allegories.
  • 宫隐瞒了入室行窃的事实。
    The White House covered up the burglary.
  • 夏敦埃酒最初产于法国勃艮第的一种无甜味干葡萄酒
    A dry white table wine, originally from Burgundy, France.
  • 通常是或红的勃艮第葡萄酒。
    fine Burgundy wine usually white and dry.
  • 夏布利酒最初源于法国中东部地区的一种无甜味干葡萄酒
    A very dry white Burgundy wine originally from east-central France.
  • 例如夏敦埃酒或者雷司令酒等酒;色勃艮第酒;色意大利酒。
    white wines such as chardonnays or rieslings; a white burgundy; white Italian wines.
  • 我们就要半瓶勃艮第红葡萄酒,半瓶夏布丽葡萄酒。
    We'll take a half bottle of the Burgundy and a half bottle of the Chablis.
  • 以明晰的风格写作;明晰易懂的说明书;明的演说——罗伯特·伯顿;易懂的散文;清晰明了的解释;明的意见。
    writes in a limpid style; lucid directions; a luculent oration- Robert Burton; pellucid prose; a crystal clear explanation; a perspicuous argument.
  • 不过,这一统计数字可能会误导,因为许多人,像伊莉莎·泰勒、希尔顿·汪尔丁、托德·费舍、伯顿·伯顿、华纳·福顿斯基没完没了地结婚。四分之三的美国人结了一次婚就一直保持下去,另一些人换几次伴侣才能最终安定下来。
    However, this statistic is misleading: many people, such as Elizabeth Taylor Hilton Wilding Todd Fisher Burton Burton Warner Fortensky, marry repeatedly, but three-quarters of Americans who marry for the first time stay that way.The others go through several spouses before settling down.
  • 在20世纪60、70年代,身处皇家生活圈的玛格丽特公主开始接触迅速发展的反正统文化,她与演员伊丽莎·泰勒、理查德·伯顿和舞蹈演员鲁道夫·努列耶夫交朋友,出入迪斯科舞厅,参观伦敦附近的群居村。
    Throughout the '60s and '70s the princess kept one heel in the royal world and one in the mushrooming counterculture -- making friends with Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and dancer Rudolf Nureyev -- hitting discotheques and visiting a commune near London.
  • 美国大选落幕,小布什入主宫。
    Bush finally heading to White House.
  • 小布什积极入主宫。
    Bush gears up for White House.
  • 布什宫讲话,限萨达姆48小时内离开伊拉克
    Bush's Final War Warning to Saddam
  • 茂密的新西兰灌木,由于其芳香的色的花而被载植。
    bushy New Zealand shrub cultivated for its fragrant white flower heads.
  • 美国东南部的一种小矮树,开大量成串的色花朵。
    small bushy tree of southeastern United States having profuse clusters of white flowers.
  • 小型灌木状树种,开粉红或色花并经常结坚果。
    any of several small bushy trees having pink or white blossoms and usually bearing nuts.
  • 一种浓密的忍冬,具有缠绕的枝和色或黄的花;产自美国南部。
    bushy honeysuckle with twining branches and white or yellow-white flowers; southern United States.