  • 陆王学派
    school of Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Yangming
  • 让我们露西去与他谈,利用他喜欢漂亮女人的弱点来取胜。
    Let us send Lucy to talk to him and play upon his weakness for attractive women.
  • 路德教的关于新教中坚持路德观点的那一教
    Of or relating to the branch of the Protestant Church adhering to the views of Luther.
  • (宗教)属于或关于新教中坚持路德观点的那一教的,或有其特点的。
    (religion) of or pertaining to or characteristic of the branch of the Protestant Church adhering to the views of Luther.
  • 在社会上,教会不仅是一种宗教力量,而且也是一种社会力量,但长老会、卫理公会、路德会、罗马天主教会和犹太教会等教教徒在社会生活中并不各成体系。
    The church has become a social as well as a religious force in the community, but community life is not broken up into Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, and Jewish groups.
  • 可以查明的不同的路德会别就有二十多个,其中有许多是根据语言而自成一的。
    More than twenty different Lutheran groups may be identified, many of which are separated on the basis of language.
  • 意大利底宗师之一,尼考劳·马基亚委利,也居然有这种自信,几乎明明白白地写道:“耶教把善良之人做成鱼肉,贡献给那些专横无道的人”。他说这话,因为真的从来没有一种法律、教或学说曾如耶教一样地尊重过“善”的。
    And one of the doctors of Italy, Nicholas Machiavelli, had the confidence to put in writing,almost in plain terms: That the Christian faith had given up good men, in prey, to those that are tyrannical, and unjust Which he spoke, because indeed there was never law, or sect, or opinion, did so much magnify goodness, as the Christian religion doth.
  • 黑手党的上司人谋杀了仇敌。
    The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered.
  • 庆祝活动呈现一宏伟的景象。
    The celebrations provided a magnificent spectacle.
  • 驯象中至关重要的是,为大象指一个专门的、全面负责这项工作的驯象员。
    The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout who will be entirely responsible for the job.
  • 我将女仆把它送到你家去。
    I'll send the maid round to carry it to your house.
  • 阿特·博特里作为威斯康星州密尔沃基拉法奇终身学习学院的一名手工折纸(一种日本古老的手工折纸艺术)教师,奉代表学校去参加在密尔沃基一家大型购物中心举行的展览。
    As a teacher of origami (the ancient Japanese art of paper folding) at the LaFarge Lifelong Learning Institute in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Art Beaudry was asked to represent the school at an exhibit at a large mall in Milwaukee.
  • 警察机动部队员到场执行保安工作。为应付保护65名显要人物的重要任务,要员保护组临时增加了人手,并由护送队提供支援,确保所有重要人物受到保护。
    Officers from the Police Tactical Unit were deployed to maintain venue security and the VIP Protection Unit was temporarily expanded to cater for the mammoth task of protecting 65 dignitaries. It was supported by the Force Escort Group to ensure smooth passage for the dignitaries under protection.
  • 第三,既是几个革命阶级的联合专政,既是在政权中有各个抗日阶级抗日党的代表参加,就必然在政权中反映出不同的利益、不同的政治立尝不同党阶级的民主政治的斗争。
    Third, since the political power we have established is a joint dictatorship of several revolutionary classes, with the participation of the representatives of all anti-Japanese classes and parties, the struggle for democracy is bound to manifest itself among the different parties and classes cherishing different interests and maintaining different political positions.
  • 卢沟桥事变发生的第二天,共产党即向全国发出宣言,号召各党各各阶层一致抵抗日寇的侵略,加强民族统一战线。
    The day after the Lukouchiao Incident, the Communist Party issued a manifesto to the whole country, calling upon all political parties and groups and all social strata to make common cause in resisting Japanese aggression and strengthening the national united front.
  • 医疗辅助队为市民提供的非紧急服务包括:非紧急救护车载送服务,急救训练,在郊野公园、大型公众活动和筹款活动场地提供急救服务,以及员前往卫生署辖下21家美沙酮诊所当值。
    The non-emergency services provided by the AMS to the community include an ambulance transfer service; first aid training; first aid coverage at country parks, major public functions and fund raising activities; and the daily manning of 21 methadone clinics.
  • 一七一四年(清康熙五十三年),清政府员测绘台湾地图,勘丈全境里数。
    In 1714 (53rd year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi) the Qing government ordered the mapping of Taiwan to determine its size.
  • 一个远征队被去探测火星。
    an expedition was sent to explore Mars.
  • 把口头上的马克思主义变成为实际生活里的马克思主义,就不会有宗主义了。
    With Marxism in words transformed into Marxism in real life, there will be no more sectarianism.
  • 由于这些原因,这种社会常常集体迁移,或者出大批的武装年轻人去夺取一些不太好战的人民的土地,把他们赶走或作为奴隶留下,为掠夺者耕种土地。
    On these occasions, the community often emigrated en masse, or sent forth a swarm of its youth, to seek, sword in hand, for some less warlike people, who could be expelled from their land, or detained to cultivate it as slaves for the benefit of their despoilers.
  • 那位绍兴城“轩辕岐伯的嫡门徒”,为鲁迅得了水肿的父亲看病,所开药方竟是些“原配蟋蟀一对、败鼓皮丸”等。
    A traditional doctor, claiming to be a student of a famous practitioner in Shaoxing, treated Lu's father, who was suffering from dropsy. His prescription called for " a pair of crickets, each being the first and only mating partner of the other. " "drum skin pellets," and the like.
  • 兰开斯特美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部一座城市,位于费城西部。作为一个富饶农业区的贸易中心,它是由德国门诺教徒在约1709年建成的,它还是1777年大陆会议的会场所在地。人口55,551
    A city of southeast Pennsylvania west of Philadelphia. A trade center in a rich farming region, it was settled by German Mennonites c.1709 and was the meeting place of the Continental Congress in1777. Population,55, 551.
  • 那位先生已经离开了伦敦,可我认为已经了信使通知他,请他在这儿等我。”
    The gentleman had left London, but I think a messenger was sent after him to beg the favour of his waiting for me here.'
  • 超然科学法国怪诞学关于一种哲学或科学概念,致力于研究超然于形而上学的存在物,倾向于模仿现代的科学方法和理论,常用毫无意义的语言来表达思想
    The French absurdist concept of a philosophy or science dedicated to studying what lies beyond the realm of metaphysics, intended as a parody of the methods and theories of modern science and often expressed in nonsensical language.
  • (1703-1791)美以美教教会的创建者。
    founder of Methodism (1703-1791).
  • 他说,在1997至2000年间,一个名叫阿卜杜拉的民兵被数次往伊拉克,以寻求获得毒药和毒气。
    He says that a militant known as Abu Abdula Al-Iraqi (ph) had been sent to Iraq several times between 1997 and 2000 for help in acquiring poisons and gases.
  • 由於两个主要政党都赢得了相同数量的席位,因此作为少数的政党居於举足轻重的地位。
    Since the two main parties each won the same number of seats, the minority party holds the balance of power.
  • 赞成我们的居少数;我们成了少数
    We're in the minority, more people are against us than with us.
  • 要是反动以为他们能这样来迫使马克思主义者就范,他们是完全打错算盘了。
    If the reactionaries think they can ever come round Marxists in this way, they're absolutely miscalculating.
  • 那出戏的角色分不当。
    The play was miscast.
  • 这一看法为法兰西经济学所持有,亚当·斯密也未免受其影响,乃是起源于对地租性质的误解。
    This notion, held by the French Economistes, and from which Adam Smith was not free, arose from a misconception of the nature of rent.
  • 一个官方使团被去解决争端。
    An official mission was sent to settle the dispute.