  • 1983年,中国加入了《南极约》,并从1984年开始进行南极及其周围海域调查,到1997年共进行了14次科学考察,先后建立了长城、中山南极科学考察站,为人类和平利用南极作出了积极贡献。
    China signed the Antarctic Treaty in 1983 and began to make surveys of the Antarctic and the surrounding sea areas in 1984. By 1997 the country had completed 14 programs of scientific investigation in this region, setting up the Great Wall and Zhongshan survey stations successively. Thus, China has made positive contributions to the world's peaceful exploitation of the Antarctic.
  • 1983年,中国加入了《南极约》,并从1984年开始进行南极及其周围海域调查,到1997年共进行了14次科学考察,先后建立了长城、中山南极科学考察站,为人类和平利用南极作出了积极贡献。
    China signed the Antarctic Treaty in 1983 and began to make surveys of the Antarctic and the surrounding sea areas in 1984. By 1997 the country had completed 14 programs of scientific investigation in this region, using the Great Wall and Zhongshan survey stations as bases. Thus, China has made positive contributions to the world's peaceful exploitation of the Antarctic.
  • 一个条件句前提
    The antecedent of a conditional statement.
  • 要求或需要以…为先决
    To require or involve necessarily as an antecedent condition.
  • 作为必要先决件或前提;逻辑学用语。
    require as a necessary antecedent or precondition; in logic.
  • 前提为另外一命题所依赖的命题;先决
    A proposition on which another proposition depends; the antecedent of a conditional proposition.
  • 非决定论认为意志是自由的,并且人类的行为无须或根本不是由生理和心理的前因决定的一种哲学信
    The doctrine that the will is free and that human action is not necessarily or not at all predetermined by physiological and psychological antecedents.
  • 非洲中部大型的森林羚羊,红褐色的皮毛上有白色的纹,角呈螺旋形。
    large forest antelope of central Africa having a reddish-brown coat with white stripes and spiral horns.
  • 邦戈羚羊一种产于非洲中部的栖于森林的大型羚羊(邦戈羚羊),长有带白色纹的红褐色毛皮和螺旋形的角
    A large, forest-dwelling antelope(Boocercus eurycerus) of central Africa, having a reddish-brown coat with white stripes and spirally twisted horns.
  • 公路有高射炮防卫。
    The road was guarded by anti-aircraft guns.
  • 他和我谁都料想不到这路是那么崎岖漫长。
    Neither he nor I anticipated this long and difficult road.
  • 预料例草案会在二零零二年年初提交立法会。
    It is anticipated that this bill will be introduced into the Legislative Council in early 2002.
  • 由于预期政府将制定新的《版权例》,临时市政局计划在图书馆内提供更多自助影印机。
    More self-service photocopying machines in the libraries are planned in anticipation of the enactment of the new Copyright Ordinance.
  • 一个反律法主义教的信徒。
    a follower of the doctrine of antinomianism.
  • 反律法主义信的属于或有关反律法主义信
    Of or relating to the doctrine of antinomianism.
  • 黑格尔辩证法特别指与黑格尔通过陈述正题、展开矛盾的反题,并综合和解决它使之成为有理的综合体而求得真理有关联的过程
    The process especially associated with Hegel of arriving at the truth by stating a thesis, developing a contradictory antithesis, and combining and resolving them into a coherent synthesis.
  • 不象apds1,不能使apds0无件退出服务。
    Unlike AP DS1s, you cannot do an unconditional remove on a AP DS0.
  • 裤子不但太大,而且我穿着也不合适。
    Apart from being too large, the trousers don't suit me.
  • 意大利中部的一河流,起源于亚平宁山脉,流经佛罗伦撒和比萨,流入利古里亚海。
    a river in central Italy rising in the Apennines and flowing through Florence and Pisa to the Ligurian Sea.
  • 拉奥孔特洛伊的太阳神祭师,因警告特洛伊人不要中木马计而连同其二个儿了一起被两海蟒杀死
    A Trojan priest of Apollo who was killed along with his two sons by two sea serpents for having warned his people of the Trojan horse.
  • 道歉便;谦卑的举止。
    an apologetic note; an apologetic manner.
  • 道歉便;歉意的微笑
    An apologetic note; an apologetic smile.
  • 为了30金子而把耶稣出卖给了他的敌人的使徒。
    the Apostle who betrayed Jesus to his enemies for 30 pieces of silver.
  • 早期人类简陋的武器和粗糙的农具;19世纪90年代简陋的电影;阿巴拉契亚山区的简陋的生活件。
    the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man; primitive movies of the 1890s; primitive living conditions in the Appalachian mountains.
  • 美国中部偏东的一河流;发源于西佛吉尼亚,东流至切萨皮克。
    a river in the east central United States; rises in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia and flows eastward to the Chesapeake Bay.
  • 可怕的工作件;骇人的暴行
    Appalling working conditions; appalling violence.
  • 男人服饰中有那么一种难以言传的微妙界线,她凭这界线可以区别哪些男人值得看一眼,哪些男人不值得一顾。
    There is an indescribably faint line in the matter of man's apparel which somehow divides for her those who are worth glancing at and those who are not.
  • 但如香港特别行政区法院在审理案件时需要对本法关于中央人民政府管理的事务或中央和香港特别行政区关系的款进行解释,而该款的解释又影响到案件的判决,在对该案件作出不可上诉的终局判决前,应由香港特别行政区终审法院请全国人民代表大会常务委员会对有关款作出解释。
    However, if the courts of the Region, in adjudicating cases, need to interpret the provisions of this Law concerning affairs which are the responsibility of the Central People's Government, or concerning the relationship between the Central Authorities and the Region, and if such interpretation will affect the judgments on the cases, the courts of the Region shall, before making their final judgments which are not appealable, seek an interpretation of the relevant provisions from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress through the Court of Final Appeal of the Region.
  • 受伤了的狗的哀求的、受惊吓的目光;她伸出她的手乞讨,哀求的、迫切的;她声音中恳求的口气。
    the appealing and frightened look worn by an injured dog; she holds out her hand for money, importunate, insistent; a pleading note in her voice.
  • 在上述所有其它案件中,最高法院有关於法律和事实的受理上诉权,但由国会规定为例外及另有处理例者,不在此限。
    In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.
  • 附:《刑法》有关条文
    Appendix: Related articles in the Criminal Law:
  • 1.全体成员均应遵守伯尔尼公约1971年文本第一至第二十一及公约附录。
    1. Members shall comply with Articles 1 through 21 of the Berne Convention (1971) and the Appendix thereto.