  • 怀特兄弟对科学社会团体颁发给他们的奖章看得很淡,并一再拒绝在公共场合发表讲话。
    The Wright brothers paid little attention to the medals they received from scientific societies and refused to make a public speech again and again.
  • 美国怀俄明州中东部一城市,位于北普拉特河沿岸。
    a city of east central Wyoming on the North Platte river.
  • 我们上个月在怀俄明中部举行了一次宴会。
    We have a blow-out in the middle of wyoming last mouth.
  • 我们上个月在怀俄明中部举行了一次宴会。
    We have a blow out in the middle of wyoming last mouth.
  • 怀俄明州首府和最大城市;位于怀俄明州的东南角。
    the capital and largest city of Wyoming; located in the southeastern corner of the state.
  • *美国预算最小的两个州(怀俄明和南达科他)的预算均为20亿美元以上。
    * The two states in the U.S. with the smallest budgets – Wyoming and South Dakota – have a budget of more than $2 billion each.
  • 患有恐外症;对陌生人或者外国人怀有不正常的恐惧或者憎恨。
    suffering from xenophobia; having abnormal fear or hatred of the strange or foreign.
  • 1.西安至南京铁路西安至合肥段和重庆至怀化铁路
    Xi'an to Hefei railway (part of Xi'an to Nanjing railway) and Chongqing to Huaihua railway
  • 根据这一思路,我们在“十大工程”中选择了两个铁路项目,即“西安至南京铁路西安至合肥段”和“重庆至怀化铁路(渝怀线)”。
    Therefore, two railway projects are chosen to be included in the "ten key projects", they are Xi'an to Hefei railway (part of Xi'an to Nanjing railway) and Chongqing to Huaihua railway (also called Yu Huai railway).
  • 怀特岛英吉利海峡中的一个岛,与英格兰中南海岸相望。是著名旅游胜地和帆船运动中心。维多利亚女王常下榻于考斯附近的奥斯本大院
    An island in the English Channel off south-central England. It is a popular resort area and yachting center. Queen Victoria often stayed at the Osborne House near Cowes.
  • 哦,高中的毕业纪念册,真令人怀念。
    Oh, it's my high school yearbook, this bring back so many memory.
  • 哦,高中的毕业纪念册,真令人怀念。
    Oh, it 's my high school yearbook, this bring back so many memories!
  • 我们为什么这样怀念故乡呢?
    Why do we yearn this much for the native land?
  • 《荔子情》发刊于六个月前,第一篇文章是《在怀念中的故乡》,登载于今年5月20日。
    With this we conclude the column, which began six months ago with his essay on his feelings about his native land (''My Native Land for whom I yearn'' featured on 20 May 1998).
  • 同时通过新加坡各民族的新年、传统节日如中秋节、大宝森节、哈芝节、圣诞节等,和在海外的新加坡各族群人士,同欢共乐,促进感情交流,激发他们对祖国思念情怀和归属感,甚至重回祖国怀抱。
    Traditional festivals, like the various New Year's Days of Singapore's several races, the Moon Cake Festival, Deepavali, Hari Raya and Christmas, are good occasions for get-together with overseas Singaporeans. By celebrating together, we can keep them close in a shared yearning for the homeland. This may bring them back home again.
  • 听了这情况,她就怀着极大热情投人学习。
    Learning this, she threw herself into her studies with great zeal.
  • 伊恩说他将在下周一前完成任务,但我怀疑他自不量力。
    Ian said he would get it done by next Monday but I suspect he has bitten off more than he can chew.
  • 怀着无比激动的心情写下以上的亲身经历,盼望通过《联合早报》再次向三位没有留下姓名的好心人,致以深深的谢意!
    Now, by telling my stories, I would like to express our deepest gratitude, through Lianhe Zaobao, to all the good Samaritans, who did not leave their names.
  • 第一个受中国文化影响最深的就是日本。日本人长期以来对中华文化怀有很高的敬意。
    Japan is the first country to have been greatly influenced by Chinese culture, and the people of Japan have, for a long time, accorded it with the deepest awe and respect.
  • 我对经常锻炼身体的好处有点怀疑.
    regular physical exercise.
  • 她怀抱著婴儿.
    She carried her baby in her arms.
  • 她怀著双胞胎.
    She was carrying twins.
  • 怀有一种幻想, 认为她已经爱上他了.
    He cherishes the illusion that she's in love with him.
  • 他因为队里未选用他而耿耿於怀.
    He was pretty choked about being dropped from the team.
  • 玛丽把洋娃娃抱在怀里.
    Mary was clutching her doll to her chest.
  • 她得知自己不能怀孕.
    She was told she couldn't conceive.
  • 那孩子是在他们新婚之夜怀上的.
    The child was conceived on the night of their wedding.
  • 我未能及时提醒她, 这事至今使我耿耿於怀. search one's heart/conscience => search.
    It's still on my conscience that I didn't warn her in time.
  • 他豁达大度, 能接受批评而不怀恨在心. =>Usage at comprise 用法见comprise.
    that he can accept criticism without resentment.
  • 您怀孕多久了?
    How far pregnant are you?
  • 我先给您介绍一下,这位是怀特先生。
    Let me introduce you. This is Mr. White.
  • 主动接手这些任务,你的上司会因为从这些繁杂事里脱身而心怀感激。
    Volunteer to take on the nasty tasks that annoy your boss.