  • "当校长布竞赛的获胜者时,全场静悄悄的。"
    Everyone was silent as the president announced the winner of the competition.
  • 他在第六轮被布为失败。
    He was counted out at the end of the sixth round.
  • 除了他自己大量(而且还在增长)的个人财富外,假如把乔丹影响下的实业加在一起,那就包括运动鞋和服装的销售;较高的电视收视率;比赛观众的增多;他支持传的商品给公司带来的效益;录像带;古龙香水还有其他的东西。人们要问,乔丹对经济总的影响是什么?
    Beyond his own vast (and growing) personal fortune, if you add up all the Jordan -- influenced business -- the sneaker and apparel sales, the higher television ratings, the increased game attendance, the endorsement value, the videos, the cologne, and the rest of it -- what is his overall economic impact?
  • 44、动员全社会和各级政府部门参与和支持人口与计划生育公益性文化建设,形成社会化传教育格局。
    Mobilizing the society and government departments for involvement in and support for cultural development that facilitates population and family planning, by which a socialized publicity and education format is formed.
  • 一个只进行简单誓而没严肃誓的宗教组织
    A religious institute in which only simple vows, not solemn vows, are taken.
  • 在此,我郑重誓:我将竭力建设一个公正、充满机会的统一国家。
    And this is my solemn pledge: I will work to build a single nation of justice and opportunity.
  • 响亮的声音;为他嘹亮的声音而布的决定。
    heavy sounds; a herald chosen for his sonorous voice.
  • 那杂志成了编辑扬其政治主张的传声筒。
    The magazine became a sounding-board for its editor's political beliefs.
  • 布该动议以6比1的多数获得通过。
    I declare the motion is carry by a majority of sox to one.
  • 他们主办了六次广告节,为去西班牙度假做传。
    They run six commercial plug holidays in Spain.
  • 即使不能转换成标准硬币但由政府布为法币的钱币。
    money that the government declares to be legal tender although it cannot be converted into standard specie.
  • 《世界人权言》是第一个系统地提出尊重和保护基本人权具体内容的国际文书。
    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the first international instrument that has spelt out in a systematic way the idea of respect for and protection of fundamental human rights.
  • 王宫发言人刚布了一项声明.
    The palace (ie A spokesman for the king, queen, etc) has just issued a statement.
  • 这位参议员布他将发起这一保健计划。
    The senator announced that he would sponsor the health care plan.
  • 运动会布开始,所有运动员都做好了准备。
    The sports meeting was declared on and all the sportsmen were ready.
  • “她们另外见了一次以后,南希觉得戈尔巴乔夫太太是一个不折不扣的共产党,”一位友人回忆说,“她总要传教条。”
    "After their other meeting, Nancy felt that Mrs.Gorbachev was a Communist through and trough," a friend recalled, "and that she just wanted to spout doctrine."
  • 电视已成为传政治思想的传播媒介。
    Television has become an important vehicle for spreading political ideas.
  • 那个被布有罪的人大义凛然的面对着行刑的队伍;被判有罪的罪犯。
    the condemned man faced the firing squad with dignity; a convicted criminal.
  • 如果说布要收回香港就会像夫人说的“带来灾难性的影响”,那我们要勇敢地面对这个灾难,做出决策。
    If the announcement of the recovery of Hong Kong has, as Madam put it, "a disastrous effect", we shall face that disaster squarely and make a new policy decision.
  • 周三南希·里根正在形容资本主义与共产主义生活方式互不相容时,她称“不分胜负”。
    Nancy Reagan was describing the conflict between capitalist and communist lifestyles Wednesday when she (Raisa) declared "a Mexican standoff".
  • 双方的参赛者都打得筋疲力尽,结果裁判只得布比赛打成平局。
    Both contestants fought to a standstill and the referee has to declare that the match was a tie.
  • 他的生活方式和他自己称的原则相反。
    His way of life contradicts his stated principles.
  • 六月三十日的午夜,当英国国旗徐徐落下,中国国旗苒苒上升之际,当我们以本身的语言向全世界告本港进入了新纪元时,对每一个在场的人来说,都是一个严肃、隆重和感性的时刻;
    It was a solemn, stately and emotional moment for everyone present, as the Union Jack was lowered, and the Chinese flag raised at midnight on June 30; as we announced to the world, in our language, that Hong Kong had entered a new era.
  • 该法颁布后,这些机构还就这部法律的实施,开展了传和调查活动。
    Since the statute was promulgated, these organizations have launched publicity activities and extensive surveys to promote its implementation.
  • 布了提高工资有个倒霉事在後头
    The announcementof the pay rise have a sting in its tail
  • 布了提高工资有个倒霉事在後头--我们得延长工时。
    The announcementof the pay rise had a sting in its tail we would have to work longer hours.
  • 好战份子大肆传或欲鼓动起战争的人
    One who advocates or attempts to stir up war.
  • 他接受叛国罪的判。
    He stood convicted of treason.
  • 这一布告并郑重布:中国将“收复台湾、澎湖、东北四省土地”。
    The declaration stressed that China would recover Taiwan, Penghu and the four northeastern provinces.
  • 称纽约真是个首屈一指的城市。
    He announced that New York was strictly Endsville.
  • 由于我的契友与合伙人t。w。先生去世,我们的w。w。公司告解散。
    In consequence of the death of Mr. T. W., my much valued friend and partner, our late firm of w.& w. was dissolved.
  • 该科辖下的海外公共关系组负责统筹政府海外传工作。
    Its Overseas Public Relations Sub-Division co-ordinates the government's international publicity efforts.