  • ,威廉·拉尔夫1860-1954英国高级教士和作家,因其充满悲观论调的传道和文章而被称为“忧伤教长”
    American playwright whose dramas explored the hopes and fears of small-town Midwesterners. His play Picnic(1953) won a Pulitzer Prize.
  • 后来禁不住一再恳,说道:“我的太太,怪得很,你为什么要刨我的根底呢?
    Finally, after she kept pleading, he said. “I can but wonder, Madam, at what moves you to know my secrets.
  • 怪而且有趣或者令人愉快。
    strange in an interesting or pleasing way.
  • 令人惊的是,正是那个时候发生了一次大灭绝--即上新世/更新世大灭绝。
    Intriguingly, at just this time, a set of extinctions -- known as the Pliocene/Pleistocene extinctions -- is also known to have occurred.
  • 她有种稀古怪的念头,认为我要毒死她
    She has some fantastic ideas that I am poisoning her.
  • 她有种稀古怪的念头,认为我要毒死她。
    She have some fantastic idea that I am poisoning her.
  • 别人愿意隐秘的事情,不要好地去探听。
    Don't poke in when other people prefer to keep hidden.
  • 政治产生了怪的伙伴。
    politics makes strange bedfellows.
  • 《生活》杂志在一次由扬克洛维合资人公司举办的独家民意调查中征集了这些意见。
    LIFE sought these opinions in an exclusive poll by Yankelovich Partners.
  • 700年前,惊于他有关那个美丽的遥远国度的描述,人们问马可·波罗:您那些有关中国的故事是真的吗?
    Seven hundred years ago, amazed by his incredible descriptions of a far away land of great beauty, people asked Marco Polo whether his stories about China were true.
  • 传说,(历史)传故事从早期时代相传下业的未经证实的故事,尤指那些被普遍认为是基于史实者
    An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical.
  • 我们当然应该牢牢抓住生活,因为它妙、富有美感,这种美穿透了每一寸土地。
    Surely we ought to hold fast to life, for it is wondrous, and full of a beauty that breaks through every pore of God' s own earth.
  • 书,黄色书刊关于不寻常主题的书或其他文件,尤指黄色书刊或主题
    Books or other writings dealing with unusual, especially pornographic, topics.
  • 是什么东西使你做出这样怪的举动?
    What possessed you to act so strangely?
  • 有人注意到他面部的表情和她特的姿势,会停下来干涉,随后就完事大吉了。
    Someone, noticing the look on his face or her peculiar posture, would stop and interfere, and it would all be over.
  • 草原的浩瀚确是观。
    The spread of the prairie is indeed a startling sight.
  • 国际奥委会主席是萨马兰,现任副主席分别是庞德、德弗兰茨、姆巴依、高斯珀。
    The current President of the IOC is J.A.Samaranch and the deputy presidents are R.W.Pound, A.L.DeFrantz, S.E.Mbaye, R.K.Gosper.
  • (这是邓小平同志会见南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国主席团主席弗拉伊科维时谈话的一部分。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with Radovan Vlajkovic, President of the Presidium of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.)
  • 它于是唱起来:"凿开一个门洞看看我,如此的景你没见过"。
    He begins to sing: "Cut a door and look at me; I'm the prettiest thing you ever did see."
  • 我认为他可能在晚上好地抬头看星星。
    At night, I think it probable, he looks up with curiosity to the stars.
  • 因此,香港最终能够造就出一个崔教授,并不稀
    Thus, it is not surprising that Hong Kong finally lays claim to Prof Cui's achievement.
  • 南美洲一种每年落叶的树,有大型的数羽状的叶片和大量芳香的橘黄色花朵;产一种红色的汁液和沉实、坚韧、经久耐用的木材。
    deciduous South African tree having large odd-pinnate leaves and profuse fragrant orange-yellow flowers; yields a red juice and heavy strong durable wood.
  • 不要把性和坏的或下流的被禁止事物联系起来,因为这样会引发好、探听和亲身去试验。
    do not connect sex with bad or naughty prohibition, because that leads to curiosity, testing out and experimentation.
  • 他预言有事要发生。
    He prophesied of strange things to come.
  • 平淡无平凡的特点或风格
    A quality or style that is prosaic.
  • 通过神的力量或魔力来保护。
    protect through supernatural powers or charms.
  • 及时的雨解救了庄稼;迹般的恢复。
    a heaven-sent rain saved the crops; a providential recovery.
  • 请别再打听我的私生活。别忘了,好招来麻烦。
    Please stop prying into my private life. Remember, curiosity killed the cat.
  • 弗,约翰1912-1982美国作家,他的短篇小说和长篇小说以充满幽默和热情的笔调描绘了美国郊区的生活。他因约翰·弗小说集于1978年获普利策奖
    American writer who depicted life in American suburbs with humor and compassion in his short stories and novels. He won a Pulitzer Prize for The Stories of John Cheever(1978).
  • 心脏是神的——每年它要跳三千多万下,把给予生命的氧气送到全身,而且从来不觉得累,从来没有休息日。
    The heart is amazing - it beats more than 30 million times a year, pumping life-giving oxygen throughout the body, without getting tired or ever taking a day off.
  • 谜语由一个妙的问题组成的谜语,其答案为双关语
    A riddle in which a fanciful question is answered by a pun.
  • 这个面目特的家伙从水面下破蛹而出。
    It's a strange--looking creature we see emerging from the pupa and rising above the water's surface.