  • 今天早晨收到一封无氏的来信,信内还附有钱,我不明白这是怎么回事。
    An anonymous letter containing money came to me this morning and I do not know what to make of it.
  • 接到匿信是一件令人不快的事。
    It is unpleasant to receive anonymous letters.
  • 发表的那篇文章被认为是哈珀女士所写。
    The article, coming out anonymously, is fathered upon Ms Harper.
  • 共产党也向国民党保证取消两个政权敌对,红军改变称,在革命根据地实行新民主制度和停止没收地主的土地等四项。
    At the same time the Communist Party offered guarantees to the Kuomintang on the following four points: the elimination of the state of antagonism between the two regimes, the redesignation of the Red Army, the application of the new-democratic system in the revolutionary base areas, and the discontinuance of the confiscation of the land of the landlords.
  • 夏尔科,简·马丁1825-1893法国神经学家,以其对神经系统疾病的研究闻。西格蒙·弗洛伊德是他的一个学生
    French explorer who led two missions to the Antarctic(1903-1905 and1908-1910). He died when the Pourquoi Pas? sank off Iceland.
  • 威尔克斯,查尔斯1798-1877美国海军军官和探险家,曾到南极洲和北美洲的太平洋沿岸探险。威尔克斯地是以他的字命
    American naval officer and explorer of Antarctica and the Pacific coast of North America. Wilkes Land was named after him.
  • 巴吞鲁日美国路易斯安那州的首府,位于密西西比河下峭壁的东南中心部,保留许多闻的战前古建筑。人口219,531
    The capital of Louisiana, in the southeast-central part of the state on a bluff above the Mississippi River. It has notable antebellum houses. Population, 219,531.
  • 巴吞鲁日美国路易斯安那州的首府,位于密西西比河下峭壁的东南中心部,保留许多闻的战前古建筑。人口219,531
    The capital of Louisiana, in the southeast-central part of the state on a bluff above the Mississippi River. It has notable antebellum houses. Population,219, 531.
  • (五)第29届奥林匹克运动会组织委员会的称、徽记,第29届奥林匹克运动会的吉祥物、会歌、口号,"北京2008"、第29届奥林匹克运动会及其简称等标志;
    The name and emblem of the Organizing Committee of Games of the XXIX Olympiad; the mascots, anthem and slogans of the XXIX Olympic Games; the 'Beijing2008', the XXIX Olympic Games and their abbreviations;
  • 帕尔格雷夫,弗朗西斯·特纳1824-1897英国诗人和人类学家,以他的在英语语言中最好的歌曲和抒情诗篇的宝库(1861年)而闻
    British poet and anthologist known for his Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language(1861).
  • 弗雷泽,詹姆斯·乔治1854-1941英国人类学家,在其最著的作品金枝中研究了巫术、宗教和科学对于人类思想发展的重要性
    British anthropologist who examined the importance of magic, religion, and science to the development of human thought in his most famous work, The Golden Bough(1890).
  • 本尼迪克特,鲁思·富尔顿1887-1948美国人类学家,以其对美国土著文化和日本文化的研究而闻
    American anthropologist noted for her study of Native American and Japanese cultures.
  • 雷诺兹小姐的一个月的实习是米德尔伯格(middleburg)大学医学人类学家戴维·内皮尔创建的,雷诺兹小姐就是该校的一学生。
    Ms. Reynolds's monthiong apprenticeship was the creation of a medical anthropologist, David Napier, at Middlebury College, where Ms.Reynolds is a student.
  • 人类学家彼得·格雷和他的同事对58男子的睾酮水平进行测试时发现,激素水平在上午达到高峰,此后开始下降,但已婚男子的下降幅度比单身汉大。
    When anthropologist Peter Gray and his colleagues measured testosterone levels of 58 men they found that levels dropped after a natural peak in the morning but the decrease was more prominent in the married men than in bachelors."
  • 一种苯(并)二氮类抗焦虑的成分(商品xanax)。
    an antianxiety agent (trade name Xanax) of the benzodiazepine class.
  • 氯霉素一种由氯霉素制成的抗生素的商标
    A trademark used for an antibiotic preparation of chloramphenicol.
  • 一种有效治疗抵抗各种类型革兰阳性组织的知的化学结构的多胎抗生素;通常是局部性使用。
    a polypeptide antibiotic of known chemical structure effective against several types of Gram-positive organisms; usually applied locally.
  • 有长久作用的水晶状巴比妥酸盐(贸易字mebaral)作为一种镇静药和作为在处理癫痫症的抗痉挛的药物使用。
    a long-acting crystalline barbiturate (trade name Mebaral) used as a sedative and as an anticonvulsant in the treatment of epilepsy.
  • 商标为柯利西锭的抗组胺药。
    an antihistamine with the trade name Coricidin.
  • 包含抗组织胺和一种减充血剂的商品药;过去常用于治疗上呼吸状况和较小过敏性反应。
    trade name for a drug containing an antihistamine and a decongestant; used to treat upper respiratory conditions and minor allergies.
  • 一种含有二氢氯噻和其他利尿剂的抗高血压药物的商标
    trade name for an antihypertensive drug containing hydrochlorothiazide and another diuretic.
  • 来苏儿用于一种防腐消毒液体的商标
    A trademark used for a liquid antiseptic and disinfectant.
  • 弱蛋白银商标称,作局部消毒用于蛋白银化合物
    A trademark used for a silver-protein compound employed as a local antiseptic.
  • 这个签是一小段编码,是由总是出现在病毒中而在合法的程序里却不会出现的反病毒系统的生成器仔细挑选的。
    The signature is a small piece of code, chosen carefully by the creator of the antivirus system that always appears in that virus but never in legitimate programs.
  • 佩里,安托瓦妮特1888-1946美国女演员和导演。安托万内特·佩里奖或托尼奖,都以她的字命
    American actress and director. The Antoinette Perry Awards, or Tony Awards, are named for her.
  • 克娄巴特拉埃及女王(51-49年和48-30年),因其美貌及魅力而闻。屋大维在阿克提姆岬(31年)打败了她与马克·安东尼率领的军队
    Egyptian queen(51-49 and48-30) noted for her beauty and charisma. Octavian defeated the forces led by Cleopatra and Mark Antony at Actium(31).
  • 我怎么也想不出那人的字来了。
    I couldn't think of the name of that man anyhow.
  • 嘿,我们这些大学生常常是不一文的,因此只要有这种能节省我们几元钱的买卖和折扣,我们都乐意接受它。
    Hey,we're all college students and we're usually broke,so anytime we can find a deal or discount that will save us a few bucks,we will gladly take it.
  • 波洛尼亚意大利中北部城市,在亚平宁山麓,位于佛罗伦萨东北偏北。最早为埃特鲁斯坎的城市,在公元前2世纪成为罗马的殖民地。著的波洛尼亚大学在公元425年作为一个法学院建立。人口455,853
    A city of north-central Italy at the foot of the Apennines north-northeast of Florence. It was originally an Etruscan town and became a Roman colony in the second century b.c. Its famed university was founded as a law school in a.d.425. Population,455, 853.
  • 6.发自内心、大胆、没有掩饰的愿望(让他觉得你想他想得连自己的字都忘了)对男人来说是最具性感魅力的。
    6. Honest,open,undisguised desire(read:making him feel as though you want him so badly that you can hardly remem-ber your name)is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
  • 皮格梅隆塞浦路斯国王,他雕刻了一个妇女的塑像然后陷入对她的爱恋中,阿芙罗荻特赋予了她生命,叫加勒提阿
    A king of Cyprus who carved and then fell in love with a statue of a woman, which Aphrodite brought to life as Galatea.
  • 她的声越来越大,一段时间以后,人们开始传说她的美不可能是人间所有的,她一定是一位女神。于是人们渐渐地不再去美与爱之神阿芙洛狄特的神庙,转而膜拜波西卡。
    Her popularity and her fame grew and after a while,people came to say her beauty was too great for that of a mere mortal. She must in fact be a goddess,and they began to desert the temple of Aphrodite,Goddess of Beauty and Love. They actually began to worship Psyche.